diff fetch_command.py @ 0:f2636cfed115

Initial import of hgsubversion into a public repository.
author Augie Fackler <durin42@gmail.com>
date Tue, 30 Sep 2008 11:42:52 -0500
children 1a5bb173170b
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fetch_command.py
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+import cStringIO
+import re
+import operator
+import os
+import shutil
+import stat
+import tempfile
+from mercurial import patch
+from mercurial import node
+from mercurial import context
+from mercurial import revlog
+from svn import core
+from svn import delta
+import hg_delta_editor
+import svnwrap
+import util
+def print_your_svn_is_old_message(ui):
+    ui.status("In light of that, I'll fall back and do diffs, but it won't do "
+              "as good a job. You should really upgrade your server.")
+def fetch_revisions(ui, svn_url, hg_repo_path, skipto_rev=0, stupid=None,
+                    tag_locations='tags',
+                    **opts):
+    """Pull new revisions from Subversion.
+    """
+    skipto_rev=int(skipto_rev)
+    have_replay = not stupid
+    if have_replay and not callable(delta.svn_txdelta_apply(None, None,
+                                                            None)[0]):
+        ui.status('You are using old Subversion SWIG bindings. Replay will not'
+                  ' work until you upgrade to 1.5.0 or newer. Falling back to'
+                  ' a slower method that may be buggier. Please upgrade, or'
+                  ' contribute a patch to use the ctypes bindings instead'
+                  ' of SWIG.')
+        have_replay = False
+    initializing_repo = False
+    svn = svnwrap.SubversionRepo(svn_url)
+    author_host = "@%s" % svn.uuid
+    tag_locations = tag_locations.split(',')
+    hg_editor = hg_delta_editor.HgChangeReceiver(hg_repo_path,
+                                                 ui_=ui,
+                                                 subdir=svn.subdir,
+                                                 author_host=author_host,
+                                                 tag_locations=tag_locations)
+    if os.path.exists(hg_editor.uuid_file):
+        uuid = open(hg_editor.uuid_file).read()
+        assert uuid == svn.uuid
+        start = int(open(hg_editor.last_revision_handled_file, 'r').read())
+    else:
+        open(hg_editor.uuid_file, 'w').write(svn.uuid)
+        open(hg_editor.svn_url_file, 'w').write(svn_url)
+        open(hg_editor.last_revision_handled_file, 'w').write(str(0))
+        initializing_repo = True
+        start = skipto_rev
+    # start converting revisions
+    for r in svn.revisions(start=start):
+        valid = False
+        hg_editor.update_branch_tag_map_for_rev(r)
+        for p in r.paths:
+            if hg_editor._is_path_valid(p):
+                valid = True
+                continue
+        if initializing_repo and start > 0:
+            assert False, 'This feature not ready yet.'
+        if valid:
+            # got a 502? Try more than once!
+            tries = 0
+            converted = False
+            while not converted and tries < 3:
+                try:
+                    ui.status('converting %s\n' % r)
+                    if have_replay:
+                        try:
+                            replay_convert_rev(hg_editor, svn, r)
+                        except svnwrap.SubversionRepoCanNotReplay, e:
+                            ui.status('%s\n' % e.message)
+                            print_your_svn_is_old_message(ui)
+                            have_replay = False
+                            stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r)
+                    else:
+                        stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r)
+                    converted = True
+                    open(hg_editor.last_revision_handled_file,
+                         'w').write(str(r.revnum))
+                except core.SubversionException, e:
+                    if hasattr(e, 'message') and (
+                        'Server sent unexpected return value (502 Bad Gateway)'
+                        ' in response to PROPFIND') in e.message:
+                        tries += 1
+                        ui.status('Got a 502, retrying (%s)\n' % tries)
+                    else:
+                        raise
+def replay_convert_rev(hg_editor, svn, r):
+    hg_editor.set_current_rev(r)
+    svn.get_replay(r.revnum, hg_editor)
+    if hg_editor.missing_plaintexts:
+        files_to_grab = set()
+        dirs_to_list = []
+        props = {}
+        for p in hg_editor.missing_plaintexts:
+            p2 = p
+            if svn.subdir:
+                p2 = p2[len(svn.subdir)-1:]
+            # this *sometimes* raises on me, and I have
+            # no idea why. TODO(augie) figure out the why.
+            try:
+                pl = svn.proplist(p2, r.revnum, recurse=True)
+            except core.SubversionException, e:
+                pass
+            props.update(pl)
+            if p[-1] == '/':
+                dirs_to_list.append(p)
+            else:
+                files_to_grab.add(p)
+        while dirs_to_list:
+            p = dirs_to_list.pop(0)
+            l = svn.list_dir(p[:-1], r.revnum)
+            for f in l:
+                if l[f].kind == core.svn_node_dir:
+                    dirs_to_list.append(p+f+'/')
+                elif l[f].kind == core.svn_node_file:
+                    files_to_grab.add(p+f)
+        for p in files_to_grab:
+            p2 = p
+            if svn.subdir:
+                p2 = p2[len(svn.subdir)-1:]
+            hg_editor.current_files[p] = svn.get_file(p2, r.revnum)
+            hg_editor.current_files_exec[p] = False
+            if p in props:
+                if 'svn:executable' in props[p]:
+                    hg_editor.current_files_exec[p] = True
+                if 'svn:special' in props[p]:
+                    hg_editor.current_files_symlink[p] = True
+        hg_editor.missing_plaintexts = set()
+    hg_editor.commit_current_delta()
+binary_file_re = re.compile(r'''Index: ([^\n]*)
+Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.''')
+property_exec_set_re = re.compile(r'''Property changes on: ([^\n]*)
+Added: svn:executable
+   \+ \*
+property_exec_removed_re = re.compile(r'''Property changes on: ([^\n]*)
+Deleted: svn:executable
+   - \*
+empty_file_patch_wont_make_re = re.compile(r'''Index: ([^\n]*)\n=*\n(?=Index:)''')
+any_file_re = re.compile(r'''^Index: ([^\n]*)\n=*\n''', re.MULTILINE)
+property_special_set_re = re.compile(r'''Property changes on: ([^\n]*)
+Added: svn:special
+   \+ \*
+property_special_removed_re = re.compile(r'''Property changes on: ([^\n]*)
+Added: svn:special
+   \- \*
+def make_diff_path(b):
+    if b == None:
+        return 'trunk'
+    return 'branches/' + b
+def stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r):
+    used_diff = True
+    delete_all_files = False
+    # this server fails at replay
+    branches = hg_editor.branches_in_paths(r.paths)
+    temp_location = os.path.join(hg_editor.path, '.hg', 'svn', 'temp')
+    if not os.path.exists(temp_location):
+        os.makedirs(temp_location)
+    for b in branches:
+        our_tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('svn_fetch_temp', dir=temp_location)
+        diff_path = make_diff_path(b)
+        parent_rev, br_p = hg_editor.get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev(r.revnum, b)
+        parent_ha = hg_editor.get_parent_revision(r.revnum, b)
+        files_touched = set()
+        link_files = {}
+        exec_files = {}
+        try:
+            if br_p == b:
+                d = svn.get_unified_diff(diff_path, r.revnum, deleted=False,
+                                         # letting patch handle binaries sounded
+                                         # cool, but it breaks patch in sad ways
+                                         ignore_type=False)
+            else:
+                d = svn.get_unified_diff(diff_path, r.revnum,
+                                         other_path=make_diff_path(br_p),
+                                         other_rev=parent_rev,
+                                         deleted=True, ignore_type=True)
+                if d:
+                    ui.status('Branch creation with mods, pulling full rev.\n')
+                    raise BadPatchApply()
+            for m in binary_file_re.findall(d):
+                # we have to pull each binary file by hand as a fulltext,
+                # which sucks but we've got no choice
+                file_path = os.path.join(our_tempdir, m)
+                files_touched.add(m)
+                try:
+                    try:
+                        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path))
+                    except OSError, e:
+                        pass
+                    f = open(file_path, 'w')
+                    f.write(svn.get_file(diff_path+'/'+m, r.revnum))
+                    f.close()
+                except core.SubversionException, e:
+                    if (e.message.endswith("' path not found")
+                        or e.message.startswith("File not found: revision")):
+                        pass
+                    else:
+                        raise
+            d2 = empty_file_patch_wont_make_re.sub('', d)
+            d2 = property_exec_set_re.sub('', d2)
+            d2 = property_exec_removed_re.sub('', d2)
+            old_cwd = os.getcwd()
+            os.chdir(our_tempdir)
+            for f in any_file_re.findall(d):
+                files_touched.add(f)
+                # this check is here because modified binary files will get
+                # created before here.
+                if os.path.exists(f):
+                    continue
+                dn = os.path.dirname(f)
+                if dn and not os.path.exists(dn):
+                    os.makedirs(dn)
+                if f in hg_editor.repo[parent_ha].manifest():
+                    data = hg_editor.repo[parent_ha].filectx(f).data()
+                    fi = open(f, 'w')
+                    fi.write(data)
+                    fi.close()
+                else:
+                    open(f, 'w').close()
+                if f.startswith(our_tempdir):
+                    f = f[len(our_tempdir)+1:]
+            os.chdir(old_cwd)
+            if d2.strip() and len(re.findall('\n[-+]', d2.strip())) > 0:
+                old_cwd = os.getcwd()
+                os.chdir(our_tempdir)
+                changed = {}
+                try:
+                    patch_st = patch.applydiff(ui, cStringIO.StringIO(d2),
+                                               changed, strip=0)
+                except patch.PatchError:
+                    # TODO: this happens if the svn server has the wrong mime
+                    # type stored and doesn't know a file is binary. It would
+                    # be better to do one file at a time and only do a
+                    # full fetch on files that had problems.
+                    os.chdir(old_cwd)
+                    raise BadPatchApply()
+                for x in changed.iterkeys():
+                    ui.status('M  %s\n' % x)
+                    files_touched.add(x)
+                os.chdir(old_cwd)
+                # if this patch didn't apply right, fall back to exporting the
+                # entire rev.
+                if patch_st == -1:
+                    parent_ctx = hg_editor.repo[parent_ha]
+                    parent_manifest = parent_ctx.manifest()
+                    for fn in files_touched:
+                        if (fn in parent_manifest and
+                            'l' in parent_ctx.filectx(fn).flags()):
+                            # I think this might be an underlying bug in svn -
+                            # I get diffs of deleted symlinks even though I
+                            # specifically said no deletes above.
+                            ui.status('Pulling whole rev because of a deleted'
+                                      'symlink')
+                            raise BadPatchApply()
+                    assert False, ('This should only happen on case-insensitive'
+                                   ' volumes.')
+                elif patch_st == 1:
+                    # When converting Django, I saw fuzz on .po files that was
+                    # causing revisions to end up failing verification. If that
+                    # can be fixed, maybe this won't ever be reached.
+                    ui.status('There was some fuzz, not using diff after all.')
+                    raise BadPatchApply()
+            else:
+                ui.status('Not using patch for %s, diff had no hunks.\n' %
+                          r.revnum)
+            # we create the files if they don't exist here because we know
+            # that we'll never have diff info for a deleted file, so if the
+            # property is set, we should force the file to exist no matter what.
+            for m in property_exec_removed_re.findall(d):
+                f = os.path.join(our_tempdir, m)
+                if not os.path.exists(f):
+                    d = os.path.dirname(f)
+                    if not os.path.exists(d):
+                        os.makedirs(d)
+                    if not m in hg_editor.repo[parent_ha].manifest():
+                        open(f, 'w').close()
+                    else:
+                        data = hg_editor.repo[parent_ha].filectx(m).data()
+                        fp = open(f, 'w')
+                        fp.write(data)
+                        fp.close()
+                exec_files[m] = False
+                files_touched.add(m)
+            for m in property_exec_set_re.findall(d):
+                f = os.path.join(our_tempdir, m)
+                if not os.path.exists(f):
+                    d = os.path.dirname(f)
+                    if not os.path.exists(d):
+                        os.makedirs(d)
+                    if m not in hg_editor.repo[parent_ha].manifest():
+                        open(f, 'w').close()
+                    else:
+                        data = hg_editor.repo[parent_ha].filectx(m).data()
+                        fp = open(f, 'w')
+                        fp.write(data)
+                        fp.close()
+                exec_files[m] = True
+                files_touched.add(m)
+            for m in property_special_set_re.findall(d):
+                # TODO(augie) when a symlink is removed, patching will fail.
+                # We're seeing that above - there's gotta be a better
+                # workaround than just bailing like that.
+                path = os.path.join(our_tempdir, m)
+                assert os.path.exists(path)
+                link_path = open(path).read()
+                link_path = link_path[len('link '):]
+                os.remove(path)
+                link_files[m] = link_path
+                files_touched.add(m)
+        except core.SubversionException, e:
+            if (e.apr_err == 160013 or (hasattr(e, 'message') and
+                  'was not found in the repository at revision ' in e.message)):
+                # Either this revision or the previous one does not exist.
+                try:
+                    ui.status("fetching entire rev previous rev does not exist.\n")
+                    used_diff = False
+                    svn.fetch_all_files_to_dir(diff_path, r.revnum, our_tempdir)
+                except core.SubversionException, e:
+                    if e.apr_err == 170000 or (e.message.startswith("URL '")
+                         and e.message.endswith("' doesn't exist")):
+                        delete_all_files = True
+                    else:
+                        raise
+        except BadPatchApply, e:
+            # previous rev didn't exist, so this is most likely the first
+            # revision. We'll have to pull all files by hand.
+            try:
+                ui.status("fetching entire rev because raised.\n")
+                used_diff = False
+                shutil.rmtree(our_tempdir)
+                os.makedirs(our_tempdir)
+                svn.fetch_all_files_to_dir(diff_path, r.revnum, our_tempdir)
+            except core.SubversionException, e:
+                if e.apr_err == 170000 or (e.message.startswith("URL '")
+                     and e.message.endswith("' doesn't exist")):
+                    delete_all_files = True
+                else:
+                    raise
+        for p in r.paths:
+            if p.startswith(diff_path) and r.paths[p].action == 'D':
+                p2 =  p[len(diff_path)+1:]
+                files_touched.add(p2)
+                p3 = os.path.join(our_tempdir, p2)
+                if os.path.exists(p3) and not os.path.isdir(p3):
+                    os.unlink(p3)
+                if p2 and p2[0] == '/':
+                    p2 = p2[1:]
+                # If this isn't in the parent ctx, it must've been a dir
+                if not p2 in hg_editor.repo[parent_ha]:
+                    d_files = [f for f in hg_editor.repo[parent_ha].manifest().iterkeys()
+                               if f.startswith(p2 + '/')]
+                    for d in d_files:
+                        files_touched.add(d)
+        if delete_all_files:
+            for p in hg_editor.repo[parent_ha].manifest().iterkeys():
+                files_touched.add(p)
+        if not used_diff:
+            for p in reduce(operator.add, [[os.path.join(x[0], y) for y in x[2]]
+                                           for x in
+                                           list(os.walk(our_tempdir))]):
+                p_real = p[len(our_tempdir)+1:]
+                if os.path.islink(p):
+                    link_files[p_real] = os.readlink(p)
+                exec_files[p_real] = (os.lstat(p).st_mode & 0100 != 0)
+                files_touched.add(p_real)
+            for p in hg_editor.repo[parent_ha].manifest().iterkeys():
+                # TODO this might not be a required step.
+                files_touched.add(p)
+        date = r.date.replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', '').split('.')[0]
+        date += ' -0000'
+        def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
+            disk_path = os.path.join(our_tempdir, path)
+            if path in link_files:
+                return context.memfilectx(path=path, data=link_files[path],
+                                          islink=True, isexec=False,
+                                          copied=False)
+            fp = open(disk_path)
+            exe = exec_files.get(path, None)
+            if exe is None and path in hg_editor.repo[parent_ha]:
+                exe = 'x' in hg_editor.repo[parent_ha].filectx(path).flags()
+            return context.memfilectx(path=path, data=fp.read(), islink=False,
+                                      isexec=exe, copied=False)
+        extra = {}
+        if b:
+            extra['branch'] = b
+        if parent_ha != node.nullid or files_touched:
+            # TODO(augie) remove this debug code? Or maybe it's sane to have it.
+            for f in files_touched:
+                if f:
+                    assert f[0] != '/'
+            current_ctx = context.memctx(hg_editor.repo,
+                                         [parent_ha, revlog.nullid],
+                                         r.message or '...',
+                                         files_touched,
+                                         filectxfn,
+                                         '%s%s' % (r.author,
+                                                   hg_editor.author_host),
+                                         date,
+                                         extra)
+            ha = hg_editor.repo.commitctx(current_ctx)
+            hg_editor.revmap[r.revnum, b] = ha
+            hg_editor._save_metadata()
+            ui.status('committed as %s on branch %s\n' %
+                      (node.hex(ha),  b or 'default'))
+        shutil.rmtree(our_tempdir)
+class BadPatchApply(Exception):
+    pass