view hgsubversion/ @ 464:0f7095f53ca3

Extend svnrepos with SubversionRepo and SVNMeta SubversionRepo and SVNMeta are now hidden behind svnremoterepo and svnlocalrepo. It unifies the way svn credentials are read from the command line and configuration file, at the cost of import cycle between svnrepo and wrappers. It is currently not a big deal thanks to demandimport.
author Patrick Mezard <>
date Sat, 18 Jul 2009 20:44:33 -0500
parents c82d5a9acecf
children 63cb630d667d
line wrap: on
line source

import os
import cPickle as pickle

from mercurial import hg
from mercurial import node
from mercurial import util as hgutil

import maps
import svnwrap
import svnrepo
import util
import utility_commands
import svnexternals

def verify(ui, repo, *args, **opts):
    '''verify current revision against Subversion repository
    ctx = repo[opts.get('rev', '.')]
    if 'close' in ctx.extra():
        ui.write('cannot verify closed branch')
        return 0
    srev = ctx.extra().get('convert_revision')
    if srev is None:
        raise hgutil.Abort('revision %s not from SVN' % ctx)

    srev = int(srev.split('@')[1])
    ui.write('verifying %s against r%i\n' % (ctx, srev))

    url = repo.ui.expandpath('default')
    if args:
        url = args[0]
    svn = svnrepo.svnremoterepo(ui, url).svn

    btypes = {'default': 'trunk'}
    branchpath = btypes.get(ctx.branch(), 'branches/%s' % ctx.branch())
    svnfiles = set()
    result = 0
    for fn, type in svn.list_files(branchpath, srev):
        if type != 'f':
        data, mode = svn.get_file(branchpath + '/'  + fn, srev)
        fctx = ctx[fn]
        dmatch = == data
        mmatch = fctx.flags() == mode
        if not (dmatch and mmatch):
            ui.write('difference in file %s' % fn)
            result = 1

    hgfiles = set(ctx)
    if hgfiles != svnfiles:
        missing = set(hgfiles).symmetric_difference(svnfiles)
        ui.write('missing files: %s' % (', '.join(missing)))
        result = 1

    return result

def rebuildmeta(ui, repo, hg_repo_path, args, **opts):
    """rebuild hgsubversion metadata using values stored in revisions
    dest = None
    if len(args) == 1:
        dest = args[0]
    elif len(args) > 1:
        raise hgutil.Abort('rebuildmeta takes 1 or no arguments')
    uuid = None
    url = repo.ui.expandpath(dest or 'default-push', dest or 'default')
    svn = svnrepo.svnremoterepo(ui, url).svn
    subdir = svn.subdir
    svnmetadir = os.path.join(repo.path, 'svn')
    if not os.path.exists(svnmetadir):

    revmap = open(os.path.join(svnmetadir, 'rev_map'), 'w')
    last_rev = -1
    branchinfo = {}
    noderevnums = {}
    tagfile = os.path.join(svnmetadir, 'tagmap')
    if os.path.exists(maps.TagMap.filepath(repo)):
    tags = maps.TagMap(repo)

    skipped = set()

    for rev in repo:

        ctx = repo[rev]
        convinfo = ctx.extra().get('convert_revision', None)
        if not convinfo:
        if '.hgtags' in ctx.files():
            parent = ctx.parents()[0]
            parentdata = ''
            if '.hgtags' in parent:
                parentdata = parent.filectx('.hgtags').data()
            newdata = ctx.filectx('.hgtags').data()
            for newtag in newdata[len(parentdata):-1].split('\n'):
                ha, tag = newtag.split(' ', 1)
                tagged = repo[ha].extra().get('convert_revision', None)
                if tagged is None:
                    tagged = -1
                    tagged = int(tagged[40:].split('@')[1])
                # This is max(tagged rev, tagging rev) because if it is a normal
                # tag, the tagging revision has the right rev number. However, if it
                # was an edited tag, then the tagged revision has the correct revision
                # number.
                tagging = int(convinfo[40:].split('@')[1])
                tagrev = max(tagged, tagging)
                tags[tag] = node.bin(ha), tagrev

        # check that the conversion metadata matches expectations
        assert convinfo.startswith('svn:')
        revpath, revision = convinfo[40:].split('@')
        if subdir and subdir[0] != '/':
            subdir = '/' + subdir
        if subdir and subdir[-1] == '/':
            subdir = subdir[:-1]
        assert revpath.startswith(subdir), ('That does not look like the '
                                            'right location in the repo.')

        # write repository uuid if required
        if uuid is None:
            uuid = convinfo[4:40]
            assert uuid == svn.uuid, 'UUIDs did not match!'
            uuidfile = open(os.path.join(svnmetadir, 'uuid'), 'w')

        # don't reflect closed branches
        if (ctx.extra().get('close') and not ctx.files() or
            ctx.parents()[0].node() in skipped):

        # find commitpath, write to revmap
        commitpath = revpath[len(subdir)+1:]
        if commitpath.startswith('branches'):
            commitpath = commitpath[len('branches/'):]
        elif commitpath == 'trunk':
            commitpath = ''
        elif commitpath.startswith('tags'):
            if ctx.extra().get('close'):
            commitpath = '../' + commitpath
            assert False, 'Unhandled case in rebuildmeta'
        revmap.write('%s %s %s\n' % (revision, ctx.hex(), commitpath))

        revision = int(revision)
        noderevnums[ctx.node()] = revision
        if revision > last_rev:
            last_rev = revision

        # deal with branches
        if ctx.extra().get('close'):
        branch = ctx.branch()
        if branch == 'default':
            branch = None
        if branch not in branchinfo:
            parent = ctx.parents()[0]
            if (parent.node() in noderevnums
                and parent.branch() != ctx.branch()):
                parentbranch = parent.branch()
                if parentbranch == 'default':
                    parentbranch = None
                parentbranch = None
            branchinfo[branch] = (parentbranch,
                                  noderevnums.get(parent.node(), 0),

        for cctx in ctx.children():
            if cctx.extra().get('close'):
                branchinfo.pop(branch, None)

    # save off branch info
    branchinfofile = open(os.path.join(svnmetadir, 'branch_info'), 'w')
    pickle.dump(branchinfo, branchinfofile)

def help(ui, args=None, **opts):
    """show help for a given subcommands or a help overview
    if args:
        subcommand = args[0]
        if subcommand not in table:
            candidates = []
            for c in table:
                if c.startswith(subcommand):
            if len(candidates) == 1:
                subcommand = candidates[0]
            elif len(candidates) > 1:
                ui.status('Ambiguous command. Could have been:\n%s\n' %
                          ' '.join(candidates))
        doc = table[subcommand].__doc__
        if doc is None:
            doc = "No documentation available for %s." % subcommand
        ui.status(doc.strip(), '\n')

def update(ui, args, repo, clean=False, **opts):
    """update to a specified Subversion revision number

    assert len(args) == 1
    rev = int(args[0])
    meta = repo.svnmeta()

    answers = []
    for k, v in meta.revmap.iteritems():
        if k[0] == rev:
            answers.append((v, k[1]))

    if len(answers) == 1:
        if clean:
            return hg.clean(repo, answers[0][0])
        return hg.update(repo, answers[0][0])
    elif len(answers) == 0:
        ui.status('revision %s did not produce an hg revision\n' % rev)
        return 1
        ui.status('ambiguous revision!\n')
        revs = ['%s on %s' % (node.hex(a[0]), a[1]) for a in answers] + ['']
    return 1

table = {
    'update': update,
    'help': help,
    'rebuildmeta': rebuildmeta,
    'updateexternals': svnexternals.updateexternals,
    'verify': verify,


def _helpgen():
    ret = ['hg svn ...', '',
           'subcommands for Subversion integration', '',
           'list of subcommands:', '']
    for name, func in sorted(table.items()):
        short_description = (func.__doc__ or '').splitlines()[0]
        ret.append(" %-10s  %s" % (name, short_description))
    return '\n'.join(ret) + '\n'