Help: sign

hg sign [OPTION]... [REV]...

add a signature for the current or given revision

If no revision is given, the parent of the working directory is used, or tip if no revision is checked out.

The "gpg.cmd" config setting can be used to specify the command to run. A default key can be specified with "gpg.key".

See 'hg help dates' for a list of formats valid for -d/--date.


-l --local make the signature local
-f --force sign even if the sigfile is modified
--no-commit do not commit the sigfile after signing
-k --key ID the key id to sign with
-m --message TEXT use text as commit message
-e --edit invoke editor on commit messages
-d --date DATE record the specified date as commit date
-u --user USER record the specified user as committer
--mq operate on patch repository

global options ([+] can be repeated):

-R --repository REPO repository root directory or name of overlay bundle file
--cwd DIR change working directory
-y --noninteractive do not prompt, automatically pick the first choice for all prompts
-q --quiet suppress output
-v --verbose enable additional output
--color TYPE when to colorize (boolean, always, auto, never, or debug)
--config CONFIG [+] set/override config option (use '')
--debug enable debugging output
--debugger start debugger
--encoding ENCODE set the charset encoding (default: UTF-8)
--encodingmode MODE set the charset encoding mode (default: strict)
--traceback always print a traceback on exception
--time time how long the command takes
--profile print command execution profile
--version output version information and exit
-h --help display help and exit
--hidden consider hidden changesets
--pager TYPE when to paginate (boolean, always, auto, or never) (default: auto)