3ThisisanextensiontoTakeshiNISHIDA's excellent Fuzzyfinder VIM script[1]. It adds a TextMate mode, for completing file names in a similar fashion to how TextMate[2] does file completion in its cmd-T window.
5This extension is partially written in Ruby[3], and it depends on a separate Ruby module (fuzzy_file_finder[4]), so you'llneedVimtobecompiledwithRubysupport.
19* g:fuzzy_ceiling - this defaults to 10,000, and is the maximum number of files that the finder will scan before it raises an error. To use the finder on larger trees, set this variable to a value larger than the number of files you expect to scan.
21* g:fuzzy_matching_limit - this is the maximum number of items that will be matched, and defaults to 200. If the finder feels sluggish to you, you can reduce this to something smaller (100, or 50).
38Most of this script and its supporting documentation is made available in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. It may be used, modified, and redistributed, almost without exception. The only exceptions are those parts of the code that were copied from NISHIDA'soriginalscript;thosepartsaredistributedundertheMITlicense,asindicatedbyNISHIDA'scode.Thepartsthatwerecopiedareindicatedthusbycomments.