comparison .vim/plugin/supertab.vim @ 0:c30d68fbd368

Initial import from svn.
author Augie Fackler <>
date Wed, 26 Nov 2008 10:56:09 -0600
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c30d68fbd368
1 " Author: Gergely Kontra <>
2 " You may direct issues regarding version 0.4+ to
3 " Eric Van Dewoestine (
4 " Version: 0.41
5 " Description:
6 " Use your tab key to do all your completion in insert mode!
7 " The script remembers the last completion type, and applies that.
8 " Eg.: You want to enter /usr/local/lib/povray3/
9 " You type (in insert mode):
10 " /u<C-x><C-f>/l<Tab><Tab><Tab>/p<Tab>/i<Tab>
11 " You can also manipulate the completion type used by changing g:complType
12 " variable.
13 " You can cycle forward and backward with the <Tab> and <S-Tab> keys
14 " (<S-Tab> will not work in the console version)
15 " Note: you must press <Tab> once to be able to cycle back
16 " History:
17 " 0.41 Fixed couple bugs introduced in last version (Eric Van Dewoestine).
18 " 0.4 Added the following functionality (Eric Van Dewoestine)
19 " - support for vim 7 omni, user, and spelling completion modes
20 " (should be backwards compatible with vim 6.x).
21 " - command :SuperTabHelp which opens a window with available
22 " completion types that the user can choose from.
23 " - variable g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType setting for determining if
24 " and for how long to retain completion type.
25 " 0.32 Corrected tab-insertion/completing decidion (thx to: Lorenz Wegener)
26 " 0.31 Added <S-Tab> for backward cycling. (req by: Peter Chun)
27 " 0.3 Back to the roots. Autocompletion is another story...
28 " Now the prompt appears, when showmode is on
30 if !exists('complType') "Integration with other completion functions...
32 " This variable determines if, and for how long, the current completion type
33 " is retained. The possible values include:
34 " 0 - The current completion type is only retained for the current completion.
35 " Once you have chosen a completion result or exited the completion
36 " mode, the default completion type is restored.
37 " 1 - The current completion type is saved for the duration of your vim
38 " session or until you enter a different completion mode.
39 " (SuperTab default).
40 " 2 - The current completion type is saved until you exit insert mode (via
41 " ESC). Once you exit insert mode the default completion type is
42 " restored.
43 if !exists("g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType")
44 let g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType = 1
45 endif
47 " This variable is used to set the default completion type.
48 " There is no need to escape this value as that will be done for you when
49 " the type is set.
50 " Ex. let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<C-X><C-U>"
51 if !exists("g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType")
52 let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<C-P>"
53 endif
55 " construct the help text.
56 let s:tabHelp =
57 \ "Hit <CR> or CTRL-] on the completion type you wish to swith to.\n" .
58 \ "Use :help ins-completion for more information.\n" .
59 \ "\n" .
60 \ "|<C-N>| - Keywords in 'complete' searching down.\n" .
61 \ "|<C-P>| - Keywords in 'complete' searching up (SuperTab default).\n" .
62 \ "|<C-X><C-L>| - Whole lines.\n" .
63 \ "|<C-X><C-N>| - Keywords in current file.\n" .
64 \ "|<C-X><C-K>| - Keywords in 'dictionary'.\n" .
65 \ "|<C-X><C-T>| - Keywords in 'thesaurus', thesaurus-style.\n" .
66 \ "|<C-X><C-I>| - Keywords in the current and included files.\n" .
67 \ "|<C-X><C-]>| - Tags.\n" .
68 \ "|<C-X><C-F>| - File names.\n" .
69 \ "|<C-X><C-D>| - Definitions or macros.\n" .
70 \ "|<C-X><C-V>| - Vim command-line."
71 if v:version >= 700
72 let s:tabHelp = s:tabHelp . "\n" .
73 \ "|<C-X><C-U>| - User defined completion.\n" .
74 \ "|<C-X><C-O>| - Occult completion.\n" .
75 \ "|<C-X>s| - Spelling suggestions."
76 endif
78 " set the available completion types and modes.
79 let s:types =
80 \ "\<C-E>\<C-Y>\<C-L>\<C-N>\<C-K>\<C-T>\<C-I>\<C-]>\<C-F>\<C-D>\<C-V>\<C-N>\<C-P>"
81 let s:modes = '/^E/^Y/^L/^N/^K/^T/^I/^]/^F/^D/^V/^P'
82 if v:version >= 700
83 let s:types = s:types . "\<C-U>\<C-O>\<C-N>\<C-P>s"
84 let s:modes = s:modes . '/^U/^O/s'
85 endif
86 let s:types = s:types . "np"
87 let s:modes = s:modes . '/n/p'
89 " Globally available function that user's can use to create mappings to
90 " quickly switch completion modes. Useful when a user wants to restore the
91 " default or switch to another mode without having to kick off a completion
92 " of that type or use SuperTabHelp.
93 " Example mapping to restore SuperTab default:
94 " nmap <F6> :call SetSuperTabCompletionType("<C-P>")<cr>
95 fu! SuperTabSetCompletionType (type)
96 exec "let g:complType = \"" . escape(a:type, '<') . "\""
97 endf
99 call SuperTabSetCompletionType(g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType)
101 im <C-X> <C-r>=CtrlXPP()<CR>
103 " Setup mechanism to restore orignial completion type upon leaving insert
104 " mode if g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType == 2
105 if g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType == 2
106 " pre vim 7, must map <esc>
107 if v:version < 700
108 im <silent> <ESC>
109 \ <ESC>:call SuperTabSetCompletionType(g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType)<cr>
111 " since vim 7, we can use InsertLeave autocmd.
112 else
113 augroup supertab
114 autocmd InsertLeave *
115 \ call SuperTabSetCompletionType(g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType)
116 augroup END
117 endif
118 endif
120 fu! CtrlXPP()
121 if &smd
122 echo '' | echo '-- ^X++ mode (' . s:modes . ')'
123 endif
124 let complType=nr2char(getchar())
125 if stridx(s:types, complType) != -1
126 if stridx("\<C-E>\<C-Y>",complType)!=-1 " no memory, just scroll...
127 return "\<C-x>".complType
128 elseif stridx('np',complType)!=-1
129 let complType=nr2char(char2nr(complType)-96) " char2nr('n')-char2nr("\<C-n")
130 else
131 let complType="\<C-x>".complType
132 endif
134 if g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType
135 let g:complType = complType
136 endif
138 return complType
139 else
140 echohl "Unknown mode"
141 return complType
142 endif
143 endf
145 " From the doc |insert.txt| improved
146 im <Tab> <C-n>
147 inore <S-Tab> <C-p>
149 " This way after hitting <Tab>, hitting it once more will go to next match
150 " (because in XIM mode <C-n> and <C-p> mappings are ignored)
151 " and wont start a brand new completion
152 " The side effect, that in the beginning of line <C-n> and <C-p> inserts a
153 " <Tab>, but I hope it may not be a problem...
154 ino <C-n> <C-R>=<SID>SuperTab('n')<CR>
155 ino <C-p> <C-R>=<SID>SuperTab('p')<CR>
157 fu! <SID>SuperTab(command)
158 if (strpart(getline('.'),col('.')-2,1)=~'^\s\?$')
159 return "\<Tab>"
160 else
161 " exception: if in <c-p> mode, then <c-n> should move up the list, and
162 " <c-p> down the list.
163 if a:command == 'p' && g:complType == "\<C-P>"
164 return "\<C-N>"
165 endif
166 return g:complType
167 endif
168 endf
170 fu! <SID>SuperTabHelp()
171 if bufwinnr("SuperTabHelp") == -1
172 botright split SuperTabHelp
174 setlocal noswapfile
175 setlocal buftype=nowrite
176 setlocal bufhidden=delete
178 let saved = @"
179 let @" = s:tabHelp
180 silent put
181 call cursor(1,1)
182 silent 1,delete
183 call cursor(4,1)
184 let @" = saved
185 exec "resize " . line('$')
187 syntax match Special "|.\{-}|"
189 setlocal readonly
190 setlocal nomodifiable
192 nmap <silent> <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>SetCompletionType()<cr>
193 nmap <silent> <buffer> <c-]> :call <SID>SetCompletionType()<cr>
194 else
195 exec bufwinnr("SuperTabHelp") . "winc w"
196 endif
197 endf
199 fu! s:SetCompletionType ()
200 let chosen = substitute(getline('.'), '.*|\(.*\)|.*', '\1', '')
201 if chosen != getline('.')
202 call SuperTabSetCompletionType(chosen)
203 close
204 winc p
205 endif
206 endf
208 if !exists(":SuperTabHelp")
209 command SuperTabHelp :call <SID>SuperTabHelp()
210 endif
211 en