diff .zshenv @ 39:62bfb554ab85

Reorganize zsh files so that bash can work as well.
author Augie Fackler <durin42@gmail.com>
date Mon, 26 Jan 2009 13:21:00 -0600
parents c30d68fbd368
children 6a781c14cdfd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/.zshenv
+++ b/.zshenv
@@ -17,47 +17,25 @@ setopt extended_history
 setopt hist_save_no_dups # don't save duplicates in history
 setopt inc_append_history # append to history file so multiple processes DTRT
-# Get me colors in ls
-export CLICOLOR="yes"
-export LSCOLORS="exgxcxDxCxEGEDcbcgExEx"
-# Generic environment variables
-export PAGER='less -M -X'
-export EDITOR='vim'
-export SVN_MERGE='svn-hgmerge.py'
-export CVS_RSH='ssh'
-export LESS="-R"
-source $HOME/.zsh/00.path_manipulation.zsh
-insert_path_element ~/unixSoft/bin
-unset MANPATH # smart man(1)s autodetect that from PATH.
-# Python stuff
-export PYTHONSTARTUP="$HOME/.python/startup.py"
-local MYPYTHONPATH="$HOME/unixSoft/lib/python:/opt/durin/lib/svn-python"
-if [[ "$PYTHONPATH" == "" ]] ; then
+source $HOME/.shell.d/00.path_manipulation.sh
+source $HOME/.shell.d/50.common_env.sh
 # prep to parse the zshenv-machine
 if [[ "x$TZ" == "x" ]] ; then
-	export MACHINE_TZ="xNoTimeZone"
-	local DEFAULT_TZ="America/Detroit"
+        export MACHINE_TZ="xNoTimeZone"
+        local DEFAULT_TZ="America/Detroit"
 # Do this right before the timezone stuff
 if [[ -a ~/.zshenv-machine ]]; then
-	source ~/.zshenv-machine
+        source ~/.zshenv-machine
 # do this last so that we can tell if .zshenv-machine set the timezone
 if [[ "x$TZ" == "x" ]] ; then
-	if [ "$MACHINE_TZ" = "xNoTimeZone" ]; then
-	  export TZ="$DEFAULT_TZ"
-	else
-		export TZ="$MACHINE_TZ"
-	fi
+        if [ "$MACHINE_TZ" = "xNoTimeZone" ]; then
+          export TZ="$DEFAULT_TZ"
+        else
+                export TZ="$MACHINE_TZ"
+        fi