diff .elisp/paredit.el @ 7:9541f7e47514

Some edits to .emacs after my playing with Clojure, also added Clojure support files.
author Augie Fackler <durin42@gmail.com>
date Sun, 30 Nov 2008 20:50:18 -0600
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.elisp/paredit.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1828 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp; outline-regexp: "\n;;;;+" -*-
+;;;;;; Paredit: Parenthesis-Editing Minor Mode
+;;;;;; Version 20
+;;; This code is written by Taylor R. Campbell (except where explicitly
+;;; noted) and placed in the Public Domain.  All warranties are
+;;; disclaimed.
+;;; Add this to your .emacs after adding paredit.el to /path/to/elisp/:
+;;;   (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/elisp/")
+;;;   (autoload 'paredit-mode "paredit"
+;;;     "Minor mode for pseudo-structurally editing Lisp code."
+;;;     t)
+;;;   (add-hook '...-mode-hook (lambda () (paredit-mode +1)))
+;;; Usually the ... will be lisp or scheme or both.  Alternatively, you
+;;; can manually toggle this mode with M-x paredit-mode.  Customization
+;;; of paredit can be accomplished with `eval-after-load':
+;;;   (eval-after-load 'paredit
+;;;     '(progn ...redefine keys, &c....))
+;;; This should run in GNU Emacs 21 or later and XEmacs 21.5 or later.
+;;; It is highly unlikely to work in earlier versions of GNU Emacs, and
+;;; it may have obscure problems in earlier versions of XEmacs due to
+;;; the way its syntax parser reports conditions, as a result of which
+;;; the code that uses the syntax parser must mask *all* error
+;;; conditions, not just those generated by the syntax parser.
+;;; This mode changes the keybindings for a number of simple keys,
+;;; notably (, ), ", \, and ;.  The bracket keys (round or square) are
+;;; defined to insert parenthesis pairs and move past the close,
+;;; respectively; the double-quote key is multiplexed to do both, and
+;;; also insert an escape if within a string; backslashes prompt the
+;;; user for the next character to input, because a lone backslash can
+;;; break structure inadvertently; and semicolons ensure that they do
+;;; not accidentally comment valid structure.  (Use M-; to comment an
+;;; expression.)  These all have their ordinary behaviour when inside
+;;; comments, and, outside comments, if truly necessary, you can insert
+;;; them literally with C-q.
+;;; These keybindings are set up for my preference.  One particular
+;;; preference which I've seen vary greatly from person to person is
+;;; whether the command to move past a closing delimiter ought to
+;;; insert a newline.  Since I find this behaviour to be more common
+;;; than that which inserts no newline, I have ) bound to it, and the
+;;; more involved M-) to perform the less common action.  This bothers
+;;; some users, though, and they prefer the other way around.  This
+;;; code, which you can use `eval-after-load' to put in your .emacs,
+;;; will exchange the bindings:
+;;;   (define-key paredit-mode-map (kbd ")")
+;;;     'paredit-close-parenthesis)
+;;;   (define-key paredit-mode-map (kbd "M-)")
+;;;     'paredit-close-parenthesis-and-newline)
+;;; Paredit also changes the bindings of keys for deleting and killing,
+;;; so that they will not destroy any S-expression structure by killing
+;;; or deleting only one side of a bracket or quote pair.  If the point
+;;; is on a closing bracket, DEL will move left over it; if it is on an
+;;; opening bracket, C-d will move right over it.  Only if the point is
+;;; between a pair of brackets will C-d or DEL delete them, and in that
+;;; case it will delete both simultaneously.  M-d and M-DEL kill words,
+;;; but skip over any S-expression structure.  C-k kills from the start
+;;; of the line, either to the line's end, if it contains only balanced
+;;; expressions; to the first closing bracket, if the point is within a
+;;; form that ends on the line; or up to the end of the last expression
+;;; that starts on the line after the point.
+;;; Automatic reindentation is performed as locally as possible, to
+;;; ensure that Emacs does not interfere with custom indentation used
+;;; elsewhere in some S-expression.  It is performed only by the
+;;; advanced S-expression frobnication commands, and only on the forms
+;;; that were immediately operated upon (& their subforms).
+;;; This code is written for clarity, not efficiency.  S-expressions
+;;; are frequently walked over redundantly.  If you have problems with
+;;; some of the commands taking too long to execute, tell me, but first
+;;; make sure that what you're doing is reasonable: it is stylistically
+;;; bad to have huge, long, hideously nested code anyway.
+;;; Questions, bug reports, comments, feature suggestions, &c., can be
+;;; addressed to the author via mail on the host mumble.net to campbell
+;;; or via IRC on irc.freenode.net in the #paredit channel under the
+;;; nickname Riastradh.
+;;; This assumes Unix-style LF line endings.
+(defconst paredit-version 20)
+  (defun paredit-xemacs-p ()
+    ;; No idea I got this definition from.  Edward O'Connor (hober on
+    ;; IRC) suggested the current definition.
+    ;;   (and (boundp 'running-xemacs)
+    ;;        running-xemacs)
+    (featurep 'xemacs))
+  (defun paredit-gnu-emacs-p ()
+    (not (paredit-xemacs-p)))
+  (defmacro xcond (&rest clauses)
+    "Exhaustive COND.
+Signal an error if no clause matches."
+    `(cond ,@clauses
+           (t (error "XCOND lost."))))
+  (defalias 'paredit-warn (if (fboundp 'warn) 'warn 'message))
+  (defvar paredit-sexp-error-type
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (insert "(")
+      (condition-case condition
+          (backward-sexp)
+        (error (if (eq (car condition) 'error)
+                   (paredit-warn "%s%s%s%s"
+                                 "Paredit is unable to discriminate"
+                                 " S-expression parse errors from"
+                                 " other errors. "
+                                 " This may cause obscure problems. "
+                                 " Please upgrade Emacs."))
+               (car condition)))))
+  (defmacro paredit-handle-sexp-errors (body &rest handler)
+    `(condition-case ()
+         ,body
+       (,paredit-sexp-error-type ,@handler)))
+  (put 'paredit-handle-sexp-errors 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+  (defmacro paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (&rest body)
+    `(paredit-handle-sexp-errors (progn ,@body)
+       nil))
+  (put 'paredit-ignore-sexp-errors 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+  nil)
+;;;; Minor Mode Definition
+(defvar paredit-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
+  "Keymap for the paredit minor mode.")
+(define-minor-mode paredit-mode
+  "Minor mode for pseudo-structurally editing Lisp code.
+  :lighter " Paredit"
+  ;; If we're enabling paredit-mode, the prefix to this code that
+  ;; DEFINE-MINOR-MODE inserts will have already set PAREDIT-MODE to
+  ;; true.  If this is the case, then first check the parentheses, and
+  ;; if there are any imbalanced ones we must inhibit the activation of
+  ;; paredit mode.  We skip the check, though, if the user supplied a
+  ;; prefix argument interactively.
+  (if (and paredit-mode
+           (not current-prefix-arg))
+      (if (not (fboundp 'check-parens))
+          (paredit-warn "`check-parens' is not defined; %s"
+                        "be careful of malformed S-expressions.")
+          (condition-case condition
+              (check-parens)
+            (error (setq paredit-mode nil)
+                   (signal (car condition) (cdr condition)))))))
+;;; Old functions from when there was a different mode for emacs -nw.
+(defun enable-paredit-mode ()
+  "Turn on pseudo-structural editing of Lisp code.
+Deprecated: use `paredit-mode' instead."
+  (interactive)
+  (paredit-mode +1))
+(defun disable-paredit-mode ()
+  "Turn off pseudo-structural editing of Lisp code.
+Deprecated: use `paredit-mode' instead."
+  (interactive)
+  (paredit-mode -1))
+(defvar paredit-backward-delete-key
+  (xcond ((paredit-xemacs-p)    "BS")
+         ((paredit-gnu-emacs-p) "DEL")))
+(defvar paredit-forward-delete-keys
+  (xcond ((paredit-xemacs-p)    '("DEL"))
+         ((paredit-gnu-emacs-p) '("<delete>" "<deletechar>"))))
+;;;; Paredit Keys
+;;; Separating the definition and initialization of this variable
+;;; simplifies the development of paredit, since re-evaluating DEFVAR
+;;; forms doesn't actually do anything.
+(defvar paredit-commands nil
+  "List of paredit commands with their keys and examples.")
+;;; Each specifier is of the form:
+;;;   (key[s] function (example-input example-output) ...)
+;;; where key[s] is either a single string suitable for passing to KBD
+;;; or a list of such strings.  Entries in this list may also just be
+;;; strings, in which case they are headings for the next entries.
+(progn (setq paredit-commands
+ `(
+   "Basic Insertion Commands"
+   ("("         paredit-open-parenthesis
+                ("(a b |c d)"
+                 "(a b (|) c d)")
+                ("(foo \"bar |baz\" quux)"
+                 "(foo \"bar (|baz\" quux)"))
+   (")"         paredit-close-parenthesis-and-newline
+                ("(defun f (x|  ))"
+                 "(defun f (x)\n  |)")
+                ("; (Foo.|"
+                 "; (Foo.)|"))
+   ("M-)"       paredit-close-parenthesis
+                ("(a b |c   )" "(a b c)|")
+                ("; Hello,| world!"
+                 "; Hello,)| world!"))
+   ("["         paredit-open-bracket
+                ("(a b |c d)"
+                 "(a b [|] c d)")
+                ("(foo \"bar |baz\" quux)"
+                 "(foo \"bar [baz\" quux)"))
+   ("]"         paredit-close-bracket
+                ("(define-key keymap [frob|  ] 'frobnicate)"
+                 "(define-key keymap [frob]| 'frobnicate)")
+                ("; [Bar.|"
+                 "; [Bar.]|"))
+   ("\""        paredit-doublequote
+                ("(frob grovel |full lexical)"
+                 "(frob grovel \"|\" full lexical)")
+                ("(foo \"bar |baz\" quux)"
+                 "(foo \"bar \\\"|baz\" quux)"))
+   ("M-\""      paredit-meta-doublequote
+                ("(foo \"bar |baz\" quux)"
+                 "(foo \"bar baz\"\n     |quux)")
+                ("(foo |(bar #\\x \"baz \\\\ quux\") zot)"
+                 ,(concat "(foo \"|(bar #\\\\x \\\"baz \\\\"
+                          "\\\\ quux\\\")\" zot)")))
+   ("\\"        paredit-backslash
+                ("(string #|)\n  ; Escaping character... (x)"
+                 "(string #\\x|)")
+                ("\"foo|bar\"\n  ; Escaping character... (\")"
+                 "\"foo\\\"|bar\""))
+   (";"         paredit-semicolon
+                ("|(frob grovel)"
+                 ";|\n(frob grovel)")
+                ("(frob grovel)    |"
+                 "(frob grovel)    ;|"))
+   ("M-;"       paredit-comment-dwim
+                ("(foo |bar)   ; baz"
+                 "(foo bar)                               ; |baz")
+                ("(frob grovel)|"
+                 "(frob grovel)                           ;|")
+                ("    (foo bar)\n|\n    (baz quux)"
+                 "    (foo bar)\n    ;; |\n    (baz quux)")
+                ("    (foo bar) |(baz quux)"
+                 "    (foo bar)\n    ;; |\n    (baz quux)")
+                ("|(defun hello-world ...)"
+                 ";;; |\n(defun hello-world ...)"))
+   ("C-j"       paredit-newline
+                ("(let ((n (frobbotz))) |(display (+ n 1)\nport))"
+                 ,(concat "(let ((n (frobbotz)))"
+                          "\n  |(display (+ n 1)"
+                          "\n            port))")))
+   "Deleting & Killing"
+   (("C-d" ,@paredit-forward-delete-keys)
+                paredit-forward-delete
+                ("(quu|x \"zot\")" "(quu| \"zot\")")
+                ("(quux |\"zot\")"
+                 "(quux \"|zot\")"
+                 "(quux \"|ot\")")
+                ("(foo (|) bar)" "(foo | bar)")
+                ("|(foo bar)" "(|foo bar)"))
+   (,paredit-backward-delete-key
+                paredit-backward-delete
+                ("(\"zot\" q|uux)" "(\"zot\" |uux)")
+                ("(\"zot\"| quux)"
+                 "(\"zot|\" quux)"
+                 "(\"zo|\" quux)")
+                ("(foo (|) bar)" "(foo | bar)")
+                ("(foo bar)|" "(foo bar|)"))
+   ("C-k"       paredit-kill
+                ("(foo bar)|     ; Useless comment!"
+                 "(foo bar)|")
+                ("(|foo bar)     ; Useful comment!"
+                 "(|)     ; Useful comment!")
+                ("|(foo bar)     ; Useless line!"
+                 "|")
+                ("(foo \"|bar baz\"\n     quux)"
+                 "(foo \"|\"\n     quux)"))
+   ("M-d"       paredit-forward-kill-word
+                ("|(foo bar)    ; baz"
+                 "(| bar)    ; baz"
+                 "(|)    ; baz"
+                 "()    ;|")
+                (";;;| Frobnicate\n(defun frobnicate ...)"
+                 ";;;|\n(defun frobnicate ...)"
+                 ";;;\n(| frobnicate ...)"))
+   (,(concat "M-" paredit-backward-delete-key)
+                paredit-backward-kill-word
+                ("(foo bar)    ; baz\n(quux)|"
+                 "(foo bar)    ; baz\n(|)"
+                 "(foo bar)    ; |\n()"
+                 "(foo |)    ; \n()"
+                 "(|)    ; \n()"))
+   "Movement & Navigation"
+   ("C-M-f"     paredit-forward
+                ("(foo |(bar baz) quux)"
+                 "(foo (bar baz)| quux)")
+                ("(foo (bar)|)"
+                 "(foo (bar))|"))
+   ("C-M-b"     paredit-backward
+                ("(foo (bar baz)| quux)"
+                 "(foo |(bar baz) quux)")
+                ("(|(foo) bar)"
+                 "|((foo) bar)"))
+;;;("C-M-u"     backward-up-list)       ; These two are built-in.
+;;;("C-M-d"     down-list)
+   ("C-M-p"     backward-down-list)     ; Built-in, these are FORWARD-
+   ("C-M-n"     up-list)                ; & BACKWARD-LIST, which have
+                                        ; no need given C-M-f & C-M-b.
+   "Depth-Changing Commands"
+   ("M-("       paredit-wrap-sexp
+                ("(foo |bar baz)"
+                 "(foo (|bar) baz)"))
+   ("M-["       paredit-bracket-wrap-sexp
+                ("(foo |bar baz)"
+                 "(foo [|bar] baz)"))
+   ("M-s"       paredit-splice-sexp
+                ("(foo (bar| baz) quux)"
+                 "(foo bar| baz quux)"))
+   (("M-<up>" "ESC <up>")
+                paredit-splice-sexp-killing-backward
+                ("(foo (let ((x 5)) |(sqrt n)) bar)"
+                 "(foo (sqrt n) bar)"))
+   (("M-<down>" "ESC <down>")
+                paredit-splice-sexp-killing-forward
+                ("(a (b c| d e) f)"
+                 "(a b c f)"))
+   ("M-r"       paredit-raise-sexp
+                ("(dynamic-wind in (lambda () |body) out)"
+                 "(dynamic-wind in |body out)"
+                 "|body"))
+   "Barfage & Slurpage"
+   (("C-)" "C-<right>")
+                paredit-forward-slurp-sexp
+                ("(foo (bar |baz) quux zot)"
+                 "(foo (bar |baz quux) zot)")
+                ("(a b ((c| d)) e f)"
+                 "(a b ((c| d) e) f)"))
+   (("C-}" "C-<left>")
+                paredit-forward-barf-sexp
+                ("(foo (bar |baz quux) zot)"
+                 "(foo (bar |baz) quux zot)"))
+   (("C-(" "C-M-<left>" "ESC C-<left>")
+                paredit-backward-slurp-sexp
+                ("(foo bar (baz| quux) zot)"
+                 "(foo (bar baz| quux) zot)")
+                ("(a b ((c| d)) e f)"
+                 "(a (b (c| d)) e f)"))
+   (("C-{" "C-M-<right>" "ESC C-<right>")
+                paredit-backward-barf-sexp
+                ("(foo (bar baz |quux) zot)"
+                 "(foo bar (baz |quux) zot)"))
+   "Miscellaneous Commands"
+   ("M-S"       paredit-split-sexp
+                ("(hello| world)"
+                 "(hello)| (world)")
+                ("\"Hello, |world!\""
+                 "\"Hello, \"| \"world!\""))
+   ("M-J"       paredit-join-sexps
+                ("(hello)| (world)"
+                 "(hello| world)")
+                ("\"Hello, \"| \"world!\""
+                 "\"Hello, |world!\"")
+                ("hello-\n|  world"
+                 "hello-|world"))
+   ("C-c C-M-l" paredit-recentre-on-sexp)
+   ))
+       nil)                             ; end of PROGN
+;;;;; Command Examples
+  (defmacro paredit-do-commands (vars string-case &rest body)
+    (let ((spec     (nth 0 vars))
+          (keys     (nth 1 vars))
+          (fn       (nth 2 vars))
+          (examples (nth 3 vars)))
+      `(dolist (,spec paredit-commands)
+         (if (stringp ,spec)
+             ,string-case
+           (let ((,keys (let ((k (car ,spec)))
+                          (cond ((stringp k) (list k))
+                                ((listp k) k)
+                                (t (error "Invalid paredit command %s."
+                                          ,spec)))))
+                 (,fn (cadr ,spec))
+                 (,examples (cddr ,spec)))
+             ,@body)))))
+  (put 'paredit-do-commands 'lisp-indent-function 2))
+(defun paredit-define-keys ()
+  (paredit-do-commands (spec keys fn examples)
+      nil       ; string case
+    (dolist (key keys)
+      (define-key paredit-mode-map (read-kbd-macro key) fn))))
+(defun paredit-function-documentation (fn)
+  (let ((original-doc (get fn 'paredit-original-documentation))
+        (doc (documentation fn 'function-documentation)))
+    (or original-doc
+        (progn (put fn 'paredit-original-documentation doc)
+               doc))))
+(defun paredit-annotate-mode-with-examples ()
+  (let ((contents
+         (list (paredit-function-documentation 'paredit-mode))))
+    (paredit-do-commands (spec keys fn examples)
+        (push (concat "\n\n" spec "\n")
+              contents)
+      (let ((name (symbol-name fn)))
+        (if (string-match (symbol-name 'paredit-) name)
+            (push (concat "\n\n\\[" name "]\t" name
+                          (if examples
+                              (mapconcat (lambda (example)
+                                           (concat
+                                            "\n"
+                                            (mapconcat 'identity
+                                                       example
+                                                       "\n  --->\n")
+                                            "\n"))
+                                         examples
+                                         "")
+                              "\n  (no examples)\n"))
+                  contents))))
+    (put 'paredit-mode 'function-documentation
+         (apply 'concat (reverse contents))))
+  ;; PUT returns the huge string we just constructed, which we don't
+  ;; want it to return.
+  nil)
+(defun paredit-annotate-functions-with-examples ()
+  (paredit-do-commands (spec keys fn examples)
+      nil       ; string case
+    (put fn 'function-documentation
+         (concat (paredit-function-documentation fn)
+                 "\n\n\\<paredit-mode-map>\\[" (symbol-name fn) "]\n"
+                 (mapconcat (lambda (example)
+                              (concat "\n"
+                                      (mapconcat 'identity
+                                                 example
+                                                 "\n  ->\n")
+                                      "\n"))
+                            examples
+                            "")))))
+;;;;; HTML Examples
+(defun paredit-insert-html-examples ()
+  "Insert HTML for a paredit quick reference table."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((insert-lines (lambda (&rest lines)
+                        (mapc (lambda (line) (insert line) (newline))
+                              lines)))
+        (html-keys (lambda (keys)
+                     (mapconcat 'paredit-html-quote keys ", ")))
+        (html-example
+         (lambda (example)
+           (concat "<table><tr><td><pre>"
+                   (mapconcat 'paredit-html-quote
+                              example
+                              (concat "</pre></td></tr><tr><td>"
+                                      "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;---&gt;"
+                                      "</td></tr><tr><td><pre>"))
+                   "</pre></td></tr></table>")))
+        (firstp t))
+    (paredit-do-commands (spec keys fn examples)
+        (progn (if (not firstp)
+                   (insert "</table>\n")
+                   (setq firstp nil))
+               (funcall insert-lines
+                        (concat "<h3>" spec "</h3>")
+                        "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\">"
+                        "  <tr>"
+                        "    <th>Command</th>"
+                        "    <th>Keys</th>"
+                        "    <th>Examples</th>"
+                        "  </tr>"))
+      (let ((name (symbol-name fn)))
+        (if (string-match (symbol-name 'paredit-) name)
+            (funcall insert-lines
+                     "  <tr>"
+                     (concat "    <td><tt>" name "</tt></td>")
+                     (concat "    <td align=\"center\">"
+                             (funcall html-keys keys)
+                             "</td>")
+                     (concat "    <td>"
+                             (if examples
+                                 (mapconcat html-example examples
+                                            "<hr>")
+                                 "(no examples)")
+                             "</td>")
+                     "  </tr>")))))
+  (insert "</table>\n"))
+(defun paredit-html-quote (string)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (dotimes (i (length string))
+      (insert (let ((c (elt string i)))
+                (cond ((eq c ?\<) "&lt;")
+                      ((eq c ?\>) "&gt;")
+                      ((eq c ?\&) "&amp;")
+                      ((eq c ?\') "&apos;")
+                      ((eq c ?\") "&quot;")
+                      (t c)))))
+    (buffer-string)))
+;;;; Delimiter Insertion
+  (defun paredit-conc-name (&rest strings)
+    (intern (apply 'concat strings)))
+  (defmacro define-paredit-pair (open close name)
+    `(progn
+       (defun ,(paredit-conc-name "paredit-open-" name) (&optional n)
+         ,(concat "Insert a balanced " name " pair.
+With a prefix argument N, put the closing " name " after N
+  S-expressions forward.
+If the region is active, `transient-mark-mode' is enabled, and the
+  region's start and end fall in the same parenthesis depth, insert a
+  " name " pair around the region.
+If in a string or a comment, insert a single " name ".
+If in a character literal, do nothing.  This prevents changing what was
+  in the character literal to a meaningful delimiter unintentionally.")
+         (interactive "P")
+         (cond ((or (paredit-in-string-p)
+                    (paredit-in-comment-p))
+                (insert ,open))
+               ((not (paredit-in-char-p))
+                (paredit-insert-pair n ,open ,close 'goto-char))))
+       (defun ,(paredit-conc-name "paredit-close-" name) ()
+         ,(concat "Move past one closing delimiter and reindent.
+\(Agnostic to the specific closing delimiter.)
+If in a string or comment, insert a single closing " name ".
+If in a character literal, do nothing.  This prevents changing what was
+  in the character literal to a meaningful delimiter unintentionally.")
+         (interactive)
+         (paredit-move-past-close ,close))
+       (defun ,(paredit-conc-name "paredit-close-" name "-and-newline") ()
+         ,(concat "Move past one closing delimiter, add a newline,"
+                  " and reindent.
+If there was a margin comment after the closing delimiter, preserve it
+  on the same line.")
+         (interactive)
+         (paredit-move-past-close-and-newline ,close))
+       (defun ,(paredit-conc-name "paredit-" name "-wrap-sexp") (&optional n)
+         ,(concat "Wrap a pair of " name " around a sexp")
+         (interactive "P")
+         (paredit-wrap-sexp n ,open ,close)))))
+(define-paredit-pair ?\( ?\) "parenthesis")
+(define-paredit-pair ?\[ ?\] "bracket")
+(define-paredit-pair ?\{ ?\} "brace")
+(define-paredit-pair ?\< ?\> "brocket")
+(defun paredit-move-past-close (close)
+  (cond ((or (paredit-in-string-p)
+             (paredit-in-comment-p))
+         (insert close))
+        ((not (paredit-in-char-p))
+         (paredit-move-past-close-and-reindent)
+         (paredit-blink-paren-match nil))))
+(defun paredit-move-past-close-and-newline (close)
+  (cond ((or (paredit-in-string-p)
+             (paredit-in-comment-p))
+         (insert close))
+        (t (if (paredit-in-char-p) (forward-char))
+           (paredit-move-past-close-and-reindent)
+           (let ((comment.point (paredit-find-comment-on-line)))
+             (newline)
+             (if comment.point
+                 (save-excursion
+                   (forward-line -1)
+                   (end-of-line)
+                   (indent-to (cdr comment.point))
+                   (insert (car comment.point)))))
+           (lisp-indent-line)
+           (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (indent-sexp))
+           (paredit-blink-paren-match t))))
+(defun paredit-find-comment-on-line ()
+  "Find a margin comment on the current line.
+If such a comment exists, delete the comment (including all leading
+  whitespace) and return a cons whose car is the comment as a string
+  and whose cdr is the point of the comment's initial semicolon,
+  relative to the start of the line."
+  (save-excursion
+    (catch 'return
+      (while t
+        (if (search-forward ";" (point-at-eol) t)
+            (if (not (or (paredit-in-string-p)
+                         (paredit-in-char-p)))
+                (let* ((start (progn (backward-char)  ;before semicolon
+                                     (point)))
+                       (comment (buffer-substring start
+                                                  (point-at-eol))))
+                  (paredit-skip-whitespace nil (point-at-bol))
+                  (delete-region (point) (point-at-eol))
+                  (throw 'return
+                         (cons comment (- start (point-at-bol))))))
+            (throw 'return nil))))))
+(defun paredit-insert-pair (n open close forward)
+  (let* ((regionp (and (paredit-region-active-p)
+                       (paredit-region-safe-for-insert-p)))
+         (end (and regionp
+                   (not n)
+                   (prog1 (region-end)
+                     (goto-char (region-beginning))))))
+    (let ((spacep (paredit-space-for-delimiter-p nil open)))
+      (if spacep (insert " "))
+      (insert open)
+      (save-excursion
+        ;; Move past the desired region.
+        (cond (n (funcall forward
+                          (save-excursion
+                            (forward-sexp (prefix-numeric-value n))
+                            (point))))
+              (regionp (funcall forward (+ end (if spacep 2 1)))))
+        (insert close)
+        (if (paredit-space-for-delimiter-p t close)
+            (insert " "))))))
+(defun paredit-region-safe-for-insert-p ()
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((beginning (region-beginning))
+          (end (region-end)))
+      (goto-char beginning)
+      (let* ((beginning-state (paredit-current-parse-state))
+             (end-state (parse-partial-sexp beginning end
+                                            nil nil beginning-state)))
+        (and (=  (nth 0 beginning-state)   ; 0. depth in parens
+                 (nth 0 end-state))
+             (eq (nth 3 beginning-state)   ; 3. non-nil if inside a
+                 (nth 3 end-state))        ;    string
+             (eq (nth 4 beginning-state)   ; 4. comment status, yada
+                 (nth 4 end-state))
+             (eq (nth 5 beginning-state)   ; 5. t if following char
+                 (nth 5 end-state)))))))   ;    quote
+(defun paredit-space-for-delimiter-p (endp delimiter)
+  ;; If at the buffer limit, don't insert a space.  If there is a word,
+  ;; symbol, other quote, or non-matching parenthesis delimiter (i.e. a
+  ;; close when want an open the string or an open when we want to
+  ;; close the string), do insert a space.
+  (and (not (if endp (eobp) (bobp)))
+       (memq (char-syntax (if endp
+                              (char-after)
+                              (char-before)))
+             (list ?w ?_ ?\"
+                   (let ((matching (matching-paren delimiter)))
+                     (and matching (char-syntax matching)))))))
+(defun paredit-move-past-close-and-reindent ()
+  (let ((orig (point)))
+    (up-list)
+    (if (catch 'return                  ; This CATCH returns T if it
+          (while t                      ; should delete leading spaces
+            (save-excursion             ; and NIL if not.
+              (let ((before-paren (1- (point))))
+                (back-to-indentation)
+                (cond ((not (eq (point) before-paren))
+                       ;; Can't call PAREDIT-DELETE-LEADING-WHITESPACE
+                       ;; here -- we must return from SAVE-EXCURSION
+                       ;; first.
+                       (throw 'return t))
+                      ((save-excursion (forward-line -1)
+                                       (end-of-line)
+                                       (paredit-in-comment-p))
+                       ;; Moving the closing parenthesis any further
+                       ;; would put it into a comment, so we just
+                       ;; indent the closing parenthesis where it is
+                       ;; and abort the loop, telling its continuation
+                       ;; that no leading whitespace should be deleted.
+                       (lisp-indent-line)
+                       (throw 'return nil))
+                      (t (delete-indentation)))))))
+        (paredit-delete-leading-whitespace))))
+(defun paredit-delete-leading-whitespace ()
+  ;; This assumes that we're on the closing parenthesis already.
+  (save-excursion
+    (backward-char)
+    (while (let ((syn (char-syntax (char-before))))
+             (and (or (eq syn ?\ ) (eq syn ?-))     ; whitespace syntax
+                  ;; The above line is a perfect example of why the
+                  ;; following test is necessary.
+                  (not (paredit-in-char-p (1- (point))))))
+      (backward-delete-char 1))))
+(defun paredit-blink-paren-match (another-line-p)
+  (if (and blink-matching-paren
+           (or (not show-paren-mode) another-line-p))
+      (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
+        (save-excursion
+          (backward-sexp)
+          (forward-sexp)
+          ;; SHOW-PAREN-MODE inhibits any blinking, so we disable it
+          ;; locally here.
+          (let ((show-paren-mode nil))
+            (blink-matching-open))))))
+(defun paredit-doublequote (&optional n)
+  "Insert a pair of double-quotes.
+With a prefix argument N, wrap the following N S-expressions in
+  double-quotes, escaping intermediate characters if necessary.
+If the region is active, `transient-mark-mode' is enabled, and the
+  region's start and end fall in the same parenthesis depth, insert a
+  pair of double-quotes around the region, again escaping intermediate
+  characters if necessary.
+Inside a comment, insert a literal double-quote.
+At the end of a string, move past the closing double-quote.
+In the middle of a string, insert a backslash-escaped double-quote.
+If in a character literal, do nothing.  This prevents accidentally
+  changing a what was in the character literal to become a meaningful
+  delimiter unintentionally."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (cond ((paredit-in-string-p)
+         (if (eq (cdr (paredit-string-start+end-points))
+                 (point))
+             (forward-char)             ; We're on the closing quote.
+             (insert ?\\ ?\" )))
+        ((paredit-in-comment-p)
+         (insert ?\" ))
+        ((not (paredit-in-char-p))
+         (paredit-insert-pair n ?\" ?\" 'paredit-forward-for-quote))))
+(defun paredit-meta-doublequote (&optional n)
+  "Move to the end of the string, insert a newline, and indent.
+If not in a string, act as `paredit-doublequote'; if no prefix argument
+  is specified and the region is not active or `transient-mark-mode' is
+  disabled, the default is to wrap one S-expression, however, not
+  zero."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if (not (paredit-in-string-p))
+      (paredit-doublequote (or n
+                               (and (not (paredit-region-active-p))
+                                    1)))
+    (let ((start+end (paredit-string-start+end-points)))
+      (goto-char (1+ (cdr start+end)))
+      (newline)
+      (lisp-indent-line)
+      (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (indent-sexp)))))
+(defun paredit-forward-for-quote (end)
+  (let ((state (paredit-current-parse-state)))
+    (while (< (point) end)
+      (let ((new-state (parse-partial-sexp (point) (1+ (point))
+                                           nil nil state)))
+        (if (paredit-in-string-p new-state)
+            (if (not (paredit-in-string-escape-p))
+                (setq state new-state)
+              ;; Escape character: turn it into an escaped escape
+              ;; character by appending another backslash.
+              (insert ?\\ )
+              ;; Now the point is after both escapes, and we want to
+              ;; rescan from before the first one to after the second
+              ;; one.
+              (setq state
+                    (parse-partial-sexp (- (point) 2) (point)
+                                        nil nil state))
+              ;; Advance the end point, since we just inserted a new
+              ;; character.
+              (setq end (1+ end)))
+          ;; String: escape by inserting a backslash before the quote.
+          (backward-char)
+          (insert ?\\ )
+          ;; The point is now between the escape and the quote, and we
+          ;; want to rescan from before the escape to after the quote.
+          (setq state
+                (parse-partial-sexp (1- (point)) (1+ (point))
+                                    nil nil state))
+          ;; Advance the end point for the same reason as above.
+          (setq end (1+ end)))))))
+;;;; Escape Insertion
+(defun paredit-backslash ()
+  "Insert a backslash followed by a character to escape."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert ?\\ )
+  ;; This funny conditional is necessary because PAREDIT-IN-COMMENT-P
+  ;; assumes that PAREDIT-IN-STRING-P already returned false; otherwise
+  ;; it may give erroneous answers.
+  (if (or (paredit-in-string-p)
+          (not (paredit-in-comment-p)))
+      (let ((delp t))
+        (unwind-protect (setq delp
+                              (call-interactively 'paredit-escape))
+          ;; We need this in an UNWIND-PROTECT so that the backlash is
+          ;; left in there *only* if PAREDIT-ESCAPE return NIL normally
+          ;; -- in any other case, such as the user hitting C-g or an
+          ;; error occurring, we must delete the backslash to avoid
+          ;; leaving a dangling escape.  (This control structure is a
+          ;; crock.)
+          (if delp (backward-delete-char 1))))))
+;;; This auxiliary interactive function returns true if the backslash
+;;; should be deleted and false if not.
+(defun paredit-escape (char)
+  ;; I'm too lazy to figure out how to do this without a separate
+  ;; interactive function.
+  (interactive "cEscaping character...")
+  (if (eq char 127)                     ; The backslash was a typo, so
+      t                                 ; the luser wants to delete it.
+    (insert char)                       ; (Is there a better way to
+    nil))                               ; express the rubout char?
+                                        ; ?\^? works, but ugh...)
+;;; The placement of this function in this file is totally random.
+(defun paredit-newline ()
+  "Insert a newline and indent it.
+This is like `newline-and-indent', but it not only indents the line
+  that the point is on but also the S-expression following the point,
+  if there is one.
+Move forward one character first if on an escaped character.
+If in a string, just insert a literal newline."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (paredit-in-string-p)
+      (newline)
+    (if (and (not (paredit-in-comment-p)) (paredit-in-char-p))
+        (forward-char))
+    (newline-and-indent)
+    ;; Indent the following S-expression, but don't signal an error if
+    ;; there's only a closing parenthesis after the point.
+    (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (indent-sexp))))
+;;;; Comment Insertion
+(defun paredit-semicolon (&optional n)
+  "Insert a semicolon, moving any code after the point to a new line.
+If in a string, comment, or character literal, insert just a literal
+  semicolon, and do not move anything to the next line.
+With a prefix argument N, insert N semicolons."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if (not (or (paredit-in-string-p)
+               (paredit-in-comment-p)
+               (paredit-in-char-p)
+               ;; No more code on the line after the point.
+               (save-excursion
+                 (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
+                 (or (eolp)
+                     ;; Let the user prefix semicolons to existing
+                     ;; comments.
+                     (eq (char-after) ?\;)))))
+      ;; Don't use NEWLINE-AND-INDENT, because that will delete all of
+      ;; the horizontal whitespace first, but we just want to move the
+      ;; code following the point onto the next line while preserving
+      ;; the point on this line.
+      ;++ Why indent only the line?
+      (save-excursion (newline) (lisp-indent-line)))
+  (insert (make-string (if n (prefix-numeric-value n) 1)
+                       ?\; )))
+(defun paredit-comment-dwim (&optional arg)
+  "Call the Lisp comment command you want (Do What I Mean).
+This is like `comment-dwim', but it is specialized for Lisp editing.
+If transient mark mode is enabled and the mark is active, comment or
+  uncomment the selected region, depending on whether it was entirely
+  commented not not already.
+If there is already a comment on the current line, with no prefix
+  argument, indent to that comment; with a prefix argument, kill that
+  comment.
+Otherwise, insert a comment appropriate for the context and ensure that
+  any code following the comment is moved to the next line.
+At the top level, where indentation is calculated to be at column 0,
+  insert a triple-semicolon comment; within code, where the indentation
+  is calculated to be non-zero, and on the line there is either no code
+  at all or code after the point, insert a double-semicolon comment;
+  and if the point is after all code on the line, insert a single-
+  semicolon margin comment at `comment-column'."
+  (interactive "*P")
+  (require 'newcomment)
+  (comment-normalize-vars)
+  (cond ((paredit-region-active-p)
+         (comment-or-uncomment-region (region-beginning)
+                                      (region-end)
+                                      arg))
+        ((paredit-comment-on-line-p)
+         (if arg
+             (comment-kill (if (integerp arg) arg nil))
+             (comment-indent)))
+        (t (paredit-insert-comment))))
+(defun paredit-comment-on-line-p ()
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (let ((comment-p nil))
+      ;; Search forward for a comment beginning.  If there is one, set
+      ;; COMMENT-P to true; if not, it will be nil.
+      (while (progn (setq comment-p
+                          (search-forward ";" (point-at-eol)
+                                          ;; t -> no error
+                                          t))
+                    (and comment-p
+                         (or (paredit-in-string-p)
+                             (paredit-in-char-p (1- (point))))))
+        (forward-char))
+      comment-p)))
+(defun paredit-insert-comment ()
+  (let ((code-after-p
+         (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
+                         (not (eolp))))
+        (code-before-p
+         (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace nil (point-at-bol))
+                         (not (bolp)))))
+    (if (and (bolp)
+             ;; We have to use EQ 0 here and not ZEROP because ZEROP
+             ;; signals an error if its argument is non-numeric, but
+             ;; CALCULATE-LISP-INDENT may return nil.
+             (eq (let ((indent (calculate-lisp-indent)))
+                   (if (consp indent)
+                       (car indent)
+                     indent))
+                 0))
+        ;; Top-level comment
+        (progn (if code-after-p (save-excursion (newline)))
+               (insert ";;; "))
+      (if code-after-p
+          ;; Code comment
+          (progn (if code-before-p
+                     ;++ Why NEWLINE-AND-INDENT here and not just
+                     ;++ NEWLINE, or PAREDIT-NEWLINE?
+                     (newline-and-indent))
+                 (lisp-indent-line)
+                 (insert ";; ")
+                 ;; Move the following code.  (NEWLINE-AND-INDENT will
+                 ;; delete whitespace after the comment, though, so use
+                 ;; NEWLINE & LISP-INDENT-LINE manually here.)
+                 (save-excursion (newline)
+                                 (lisp-indent-line)))
+          ;; Margin comment
+          (progn (indent-to comment-column
+                            1)          ; 1 -> force one leading space
+                 (insert ?\; ))))))
+;;;; Character Deletion
+(defun paredit-forward-delete (&optional arg)
+  "Delete a character forward or move forward over a delimiter.
+If on an opening S-expression delimiter, move forward into the
+  S-expression.
+If on a closing S-expression delimiter, refuse to delete unless the
+  S-expression is empty, in which case delete the whole S-expression.
+With a prefix argument, simply delete a character forward, without
+  regard for delimiter balancing."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (cond ((or arg (eobp))
+         (delete-char 1))
+        ((paredit-in-string-p)
+         (paredit-forward-delete-in-string))
+        ((paredit-in-comment-p)
+         ;++ What to do here?  This could move a partial S-expression
+         ;++ into a comment and thereby invalidate the file's form,
+         ;++ or move random text out of a comment.
+         (delete-char 1))
+        ((paredit-in-char-p)            ; Escape -- delete both chars.
+         (backward-delete-char 1)
+         (delete-char 1))
+        ((eq (char-after) ?\\ )         ; ditto
+         (delete-char 2))
+        ((let ((syn (char-syntax (char-after))))
+           (or (eq syn ?\( )
+               (eq syn ?\" )))
+         (forward-char))
+        ((and (not (paredit-in-char-p (1- (point))))
+              (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?\) )
+              (eq (char-before) (matching-paren (char-after))))
+         (backward-delete-char 1)       ; Empty list -- delete both
+         (delete-char 1))               ;   delimiters.
+        ;; Just delete a single character, if it's not a closing
+        ;; parenthesis.  (The character literal case is already
+        ;; handled by now.)
+        ((not (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?\) ))
+         (delete-char 1))))
+(defun paredit-forward-delete-in-string ()
+  (let ((start+end (paredit-string-start+end-points)))
+    (cond ((not (eq (point) (cdr start+end)))
+           ;; If it's not the close-quote, it's safe to delete.  But
+           ;; first handle the case that we're in a string escape.
+           (cond ((paredit-in-string-escape-p)
+                  ;; We're right after the backslash, so backward
+                  ;; delete it before deleting the escaped character.
+                  (backward-delete-char 1))
+                 ((eq (char-after) ?\\ )
+                  ;; If we're not in a string escape, but we are on a
+                  ;; backslash, it must start the escape for the next
+                  ;; character, so delete the backslash before deleting
+                  ;; the next character.
+                  (delete-char 1)))
+           (delete-char 1))
+          ((eq (1- (point)) (car start+end))
+           ;; If it is the close-quote, delete only if we're also right
+           ;; past the open-quote (i.e. it's empty), and then delete
+           ;; both quotes.  Otherwise we refuse to delete it.
+           (backward-delete-char 1)
+           (delete-char 1)))))
+(defun paredit-backward-delete (&optional arg)
+  "Delete a character backward or move backward over a delimiter.
+If on a closing S-expression delimiter, move backward into the
+  S-expression.
+If on an opening S-expression delimiter, refuse to delete unless the
+  S-expression is empty, in which case delete the whole S-expression.
+With a prefix argument, simply delete a character backward, without
+  regard for delimiter balancing."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (cond ((or arg (bobp))
+         (backward-delete-char 1))      ;++ should this untabify?
+        ((paredit-in-string-p)
+         (paredit-backward-delete-in-string))
+        ((paredit-in-comment-p)
+         (backward-delete-char 1))
+        ((paredit-in-char-p)            ; Escape -- delete both chars.
+         (backward-delete-char 1)
+         (delete-char 1))
+        ((paredit-in-char-p (1- (point)))
+         (backward-delete-char 2))      ; ditto
+        ((let ((syn (char-syntax (char-before))))
+           (or (eq syn ?\) )
+               (eq syn ?\" )))
+         (backward-char))
+        ((and (eq (char-syntax (char-before)) ?\( )
+              (eq (char-after) (matching-paren (char-before))))
+         (backward-delete-char 1)       ; Empty list -- delete both
+         (delete-char 1))               ;   delimiters.
+        ;; Delete it, unless it's an opening parenthesis.  The case
+        ;; of character literals is already handled by now.
+        ((not (eq (char-syntax (char-before)) ?\( ))
+         (backward-delete-char-untabify 1))))
+(defun paredit-backward-delete-in-string ()
+  (let ((start+end (paredit-string-start+end-points)))
+    (cond ((not (eq (1- (point)) (car start+end)))
+           ;; If it's not the open-quote, it's safe to delete.
+           (if (paredit-in-string-escape-p)
+               ;; If we're on a string escape, since we're about to
+               ;; delete the backslash, we must first delete the
+               ;; escaped char.
+               (delete-char 1))
+           (backward-delete-char 1)
+           (if (paredit-in-string-escape-p)
+               ;; If, after deleting a character, we find ourselves in
+               ;; a string escape, we must have deleted the escaped
+               ;; character, and the backslash is behind the point, so
+               ;; backward delete it.
+               (backward-delete-char 1)))
+          ((eq (point) (cdr start+end))
+           ;; If it is the open-quote, delete only if we're also right
+           ;; past the close-quote (i.e. it's empty), and then delete
+           ;; both quotes.  Otherwise we refuse to delete it.
+           (backward-delete-char 1)
+           (delete-char 1)))))
+;;;; Killing
+(defun paredit-kill (&optional arg)
+  "Kill a line as if with `kill-line', but respecting delimiters.
+In a string, act exactly as `kill-line' but do not kill past the
+  closing string delimiter.
+On a line with no S-expressions on it starting after the point or
+  within a comment, act exactly as `kill-line'.
+Otherwise, kill all S-expressions that start after the point."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (cond (arg (kill-line))
+        ((paredit-in-string-p)
+         (paredit-kill-line-in-string))
+        ((or (paredit-in-comment-p)
+             (save-excursion
+               (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
+               (or (eq (char-after) ?\; )
+                   (eolp))))
+         ;** Be careful about trailing backslashes.
+         (kill-line))
+        (t (paredit-kill-sexps-on-line))))
+(defun paredit-kill-line-in-string ()
+  (if (save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace t (point-at-eol))
+                      (eolp))
+      (kill-line)
+    (save-excursion
+      ;; Be careful not to split an escape sequence.
+      (if (paredit-in-string-escape-p)
+          (backward-char))
+      (let ((beginning (point)))
+        (while (not (or (eolp)
+                        (eq (char-after) ?\" )))
+          (forward-char)
+          ;; Skip past escaped characters.
+          (if (eq (char-before) ?\\ )
+              (forward-char)))
+        (kill-region beginning (point))))))
+(defun paredit-kill-sexps-on-line ()
+  (if (paredit-in-char-p)               ; Move past the \ and prefix.
+      (backward-char 2))                ; (# in Scheme/CL, ? in elisp)
+  (let ((beginning (point))
+        (eol (point-at-eol)))
+    (let ((end-of-list-p (paredit-forward-sexps-to-kill beginning eol)))
+      ;; If we got to the end of the list and it's on the same line,
+      ;; move backward past the closing delimiter before killing.  (This
+      ;; allows something like killing the whitespace in (    ).)
+      (if end-of-list-p (progn (up-list) (backward-char)))
+      (if kill-whole-line
+          (paredit-kill-sexps-on-whole-line beginning)
+        (kill-region beginning
+                     ;; If all of the S-expressions were on one line,
+                     ;; i.e. we're still on that line after moving past
+                     ;; the last one, kill the whole line, including
+                     ;; any comments; otherwise just kill to the end of
+                     ;; the last S-expression we found.  Be sure,
+                     ;; though, not to kill any closing parentheses.
+                     (if (and (not end-of-list-p)
+                              (eq (point-at-eol) eol))
+                         eol
+                         (point)))))))
+;;; Please do not try to understand this code unless you have a VERY
+;;; good reason to do so.  I gave up trying to figure it out well
+;;; enough to explain it, long ago.
+(defun paredit-forward-sexps-to-kill (beginning eol)
+  (let ((end-of-list-p nil)
+        (firstp t))
+    ;; Move to the end of the last S-expression that started on this
+    ;; line, or to the closing delimiter if the last S-expression in
+    ;; this list is on the line.
+    (catch 'return
+      (while t
+        ;; This and the `kill-whole-line' business below fix a bug that
+        ;; inhibited any S-expression at the very end of the buffer
+        ;; (with no trailing newline) from being deleted.  It's a
+        ;; bizarre fix that I ought to document at some point, but I am
+        ;; too busy at the moment to do so.
+        (if (and kill-whole-line (eobp)) (throw 'return nil))
+        (save-excursion
+          (paredit-handle-sexp-errors (forward-sexp)
+            (up-list)
+            (setq end-of-list-p (eq (point-at-eol) eol))
+            (throw 'return nil))
+          (if (or (and (not firstp)
+                       (not kill-whole-line)
+                       (eobp))
+                  (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
+                      (progn (backward-sexp) nil)
+                    t)
+                  (not (eq (point-at-eol) eol)))
+              (throw 'return nil)))
+        (forward-sexp)
+        (if (and firstp
+                 (not kill-whole-line)
+                 (eobp))
+            (throw 'return nil))
+        (setq firstp nil)))
+    end-of-list-p))
+(defun paredit-kill-sexps-on-whole-line (beginning)
+  (kill-region beginning
+               (or (save-excursion     ; Delete trailing indentation...
+                     (paredit-skip-whitespace t)
+                     (and (not (eq (char-after) ?\; ))
+                          (point)))
+                   ;; ...or just use the point past the newline, if
+                   ;; we encounter a comment.
+                   (point-at-eol)))
+  (cond ((save-excursion (paredit-skip-whitespace nil (point-at-bol))
+                         (bolp))
+         ;; Nothing but indentation before the point, so indent it.
+         (lisp-indent-line))
+        ((eobp) nil)       ; Protect the CHAR-SYNTAX below against NIL.
+        ;; Insert a space to avoid invalid joining if necessary.
+        ((let ((syn-before (char-syntax (char-before)))
+               (syn-after  (char-syntax (char-after))))
+           (or (and (eq syn-before ?\) )            ; Separate opposing
+                    (eq syn-after  ?\( ))           ;   parentheses,
+               (and (eq syn-before ?\" )            ; string delimiter
+                    (eq syn-after  ?\" ))           ;   pairs,
+               (and (memq syn-before '(?_ ?w))      ; or word or symbol
+                    (memq syn-after  '(?_ ?w)))))   ;   constituents.
+         (insert " "))))
+;;;;; Killing Words
+;;; This is tricky and asymmetrical because backward parsing is
+;;; extraordinarily difficult or impossible, so we have to implement
+;;; killing in both directions by parsing forward.
+(defun paredit-forward-kill-word ()
+  "Kill a word forward, skipping over intervening delimiters."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((beginning (point)))
+    (skip-syntax-forward " -")
+    (let* ((parse-state (paredit-current-parse-state))
+           (state (paredit-kill-word-state parse-state 'char-after)))
+      (while (not (or (eobp)
+                      (eq ?w (char-syntax (char-after)))))
+        (setq parse-state
+              (progn (forward-char 1) (paredit-current-parse-state))
+;;               (parse-partial-sexp (point) (1+ (point))
+;;                                   nil nil parse-state)
+              )
+        (let* ((old-state state)
+               (new-state
+                (paredit-kill-word-state parse-state 'char-after)))
+          (cond ((not (eq old-state new-state))
+                 (setq parse-state
+                       (paredit-kill-word-hack old-state
+                                               new-state
+                                               parse-state))
+                 (setq state
+                       (paredit-kill-word-state parse-state
+                                                'char-after))
+                 (setq beginning (point)))))))
+    (goto-char beginning)
+    (kill-word 1)))
+(defun paredit-backward-kill-word ()
+  "Kill a word backward, skipping over any intervening delimiters."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not (or (bobp)
+               (eq (char-syntax (char-before)) ?w)))
+      (let ((end (point)))
+        (backward-word 1)
+        (forward-word 1)
+        (goto-char (min end (point)))
+        (let* ((parse-state (paredit-current-parse-state))
+               (state
+                (paredit-kill-word-state parse-state 'char-before)))
+          (while (and (< (point) end)
+                      (progn
+                        (setq parse-state
+                              (parse-partial-sexp (point) (1+ (point))
+                                                  nil nil parse-state))
+                        (or (eq state
+                                (paredit-kill-word-state parse-state
+                                                         'char-before))
+                            (progn (backward-char 1) nil)))))
+          (if (and (eq state 'comment)
+                   (eq ?\# (char-after (point)))
+                   (eq ?\| (char-before (point))))
+              (backward-char 1)))))
+  (backward-kill-word 1))
+;;; Word-Killing Auxiliaries
+(defun paredit-kill-word-state (parse-state adjacent-char-fn)
+  (cond ((paredit-in-comment-p parse-state) 'comment)
+        ((paredit-in-string-p  parse-state) 'string)
+        ((memq (char-syntax (funcall adjacent-char-fn))
+               '(?\( ?\) ))
+         'delimiter)
+        (t 'other)))
+;;; This optionally advances the point past any comment delimiters that
+;;; should probably not be touched, based on the last state change and
+;;; the characters around the point.  It returns a new parse state,
+;;; starting from the PARSE-STATE parameter.
+(defun paredit-kill-word-hack (old-state new-state parse-state)
+  (cond ((and (not (eq old-state 'comment))
+              (not (eq new-state 'comment))
+              (not (paredit-in-string-escape-p))
+              (eq ?\# (char-before))
+              (eq ?\| (char-after)))
+         (forward-char 1)
+         (paredit-current-parse-state)
+;;          (parse-partial-sexp (point) (1+ (point))
+;;                              nil nil parse-state)
+         )
+        ((and (not (eq old-state 'comment))
+              (eq new-state 'comment)
+              (eq ?\; (char-before)))
+         (skip-chars-forward ";")
+         (paredit-current-parse-state)
+;;          (parse-partial-sexp (point) (save-excursion
+;;                                        (skip-chars-forward ";"))
+;;                              nil nil parse-state)
+         )
+        (t parse-state)))
+;;;; Cursor and Screen Movement
+  (defmacro defun-saving-mark (name bvl doc &rest body)
+    `(defun ,name ,bvl
+       ,doc
+       ,(xcond ((paredit-xemacs-p)
+                '(interactive "_"))
+               ((paredit-gnu-emacs-p)
+                '(interactive)))
+       ,@body)))
+(defun-saving-mark paredit-forward ()
+  "Move forward an S-expression, or up an S-expression forward.
+If there are no more S-expressions in this one before the closing
+  delimiter, move past that closing delimiter; otherwise, move forward
+  past the S-expression following the point."
+  (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
+      (forward-sexp)
+    ;++ Is it necessary to use UP-LIST and not just FORWARD-CHAR?
+    (if (paredit-in-string-p) (forward-char) (up-list))))
+(defun-saving-mark paredit-backward ()
+  "Move backward an S-expression, or up an S-expression backward.
+If there are no more S-expressions in this one before the opening
+  delimiter, move past that opening delimiter backward; otherwise, move
+  move backward past the S-expression preceding the point."
+  (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
+      (backward-sexp)
+    (if (paredit-in-string-p) (backward-char) (backward-up-list))))
+;;; Why is this not in lisp.el?
+(defun backward-down-list (&optional arg)
+  "Move backward and descend into one level of parentheses.
+With ARG, do this that many times.
+A negative argument means move forward but still descend a level."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (down-list (- (or arg 1))))
+;;; Thanks to Marco Baringer for suggesting & writing this function.
+(defun paredit-recentre-on-sexp (&optional n)
+  "Recentre the screen on the S-expression following the point.
+With a prefix argument N, encompass all N S-expressions forward."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (save-excursion
+    (forward-sexp n)
+    (let ((end-point (point)))
+      (backward-sexp n)
+      (let* ((start-point (point))
+             (start-line (count-lines (point-min) (point)))
+             (lines-on-sexps (count-lines start-point end-point)))
+        (goto-line (+ start-line (/ lines-on-sexps 2)))
+        (recenter)))))
+;;;; Depth-Changing Commands:  Wrapping, Splicing, & Raising
+(defun paredit-wrap-sexp (&optional n open close)
+  "Wrap the following S-expression in a list.
+If a prefix argument N is given, wrap N S-expressions.
+Automatically indent the newly wrapped S-expression.
+As a special case, if the point is at the end of a list, simply insert
+  a pair of parentheses, rather than insert a lone opening parenthesis
+  and then signal an error, in the interest of preserving structure."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((open (or open ?\())
+        (close (or close ?\))))
+   (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
+       (paredit-insert-pair (or n
+                                (and (not (paredit-region-active-p))
+                                     1))
+                            open close
+                            'goto-char)
+     (insert close)
+     (backward-char))
+   (save-excursion (backward-up-list) (indent-sexp))))
+;;; Thanks to Marco Baringer for the suggestion of a prefix argument
+;;; for PAREDIT-SPLICE-SEXP.  (I, Taylor R. Campbell, however, still
+;;; implemented it, in case any of you lawyer-folk get confused by the
+;;; remark in the top of the file about explicitly noting code written
+;;; by other people.)
+(defun paredit-splice-sexp (&optional arg)
+  "Splice the list that the point is on by removing its delimiters.
+With a prefix argument as in `C-u', kill all S-expressions backward in
+  the current list before splicing all S-expressions forward into the
+  enclosing list.
+With two prefix arguments as in `C-u C-u', kill all S-expressions
+  forward in the current list before splicing all S-expressions
+  backward into the enclosing list.
+With a numerical prefix argument N, kill N S-expressions backward in
+  the current list before splicing the remaining S-expressions into the
+  enclosing list.  If N is negative, kill forward.
+This always creates a new entry on the kill ring."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (save-excursion
+    (paredit-kill-surrounding-sexps-for-splice arg)
+    (backward-up-list)                  ; Go up to the beginning...
+    (save-excursion
+      (forward-sexp)                    ; Go forward an expression, to
+      (backward-delete-char 1))         ;   delete the end delimiter.
+    (delete-char 1)                     ; ...to delete the open char.
+    (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
+      (backward-up-list)                ; Reindent, now that the
+      (indent-sexp))))                  ;   structure has changed.
+(defun paredit-kill-surrounding-sexps-for-splice (arg)
+  (cond ((paredit-in-string-p) (error "Splicing illegal in strings."))
+        ((or (not arg) (eq arg 0)) nil)
+        ((or (numberp arg) (eq arg '-))
+         ;; Kill ARG S-expressions before/after the point by saving
+         ;; the point, moving across them, and killing the region.
+         (let* ((arg (if (eq arg '-) -1 arg))
+                (saved (paredit-point-at-sexp-boundary (- arg))))
+           (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors (backward-sexp arg))
+           (kill-region-new saved (point))))
+        ((consp arg)
+         (let ((v (car arg)))
+           (if (= v 4)                  ; one prefix argument
+               ;; Move backward until we hit the open paren; then
+               ;; kill that selected region.
+               (let ((end (paredit-point-at-sexp-start)))
+                 (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
+                   (while (not (bobp))
+                     (backward-sexp)))
+                 (kill-region-new (point) end))
+               ;; Move forward until we hit the close paren; then
+               ;; kill that selected region.
+               (let ((beginning (paredit-point-at-sexp-end)))
+                 (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
+                   (while (not (eobp))
+                     (forward-sexp)))
+                 (kill-region-new beginning (point))))))
+        (t (error "Bizarre prefix argument: %s" arg))))
+(defun paredit-splice-sexp-killing-backward (&optional n)
+  "Splice the list the point is on by removing its delimiters, and
+  also kill all S-expressions before the point in the current list.
+With a prefix argument N, kill only the preceding N S-expressions."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (paredit-splice-sexp (if n
+                           (prefix-numeric-value n)
+                           '(4))))
+(defun paredit-splice-sexp-killing-forward (&optional n)
+  "Splice the list the point is on by removing its delimiters, and
+  also kill all S-expressions after the point in the current list.
+With a prefix argument N, kill only the following N S-expressions."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (paredit-splice-sexp (if n
+                           (- (prefix-numeric-value n))
+                           '(16))))
+(defun paredit-raise-sexp (&optional n)
+  "Raise the following S-expression in a tree, deleting its siblings.
+With a prefix argument N, raise the following N S-expressions.  If N
+  is negative, raise the preceding N S-expressions."
+  (interactive "p")
+  ;; Select the S-expressions we want to raise in a buffer substring.
+  (let* ((bound (save-excursion (forward-sexp n) (point)))
+         (sexps (save-excursion         ;++ Is this necessary?
+                  (if (and n (< n 0))
+                      (buffer-substring bound
+                                        (paredit-point-at-sexp-end))
+                      (buffer-substring (paredit-point-at-sexp-start)
+                                        bound)))))
+    ;; Move up to the list we're raising those S-expressions out of and
+    ;; delete it.
+    (backward-up-list)
+    (delete-region (point) (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (point)))
+    (save-excursion (insert sexps))     ; Insert & reindent the sexps.
+    (save-excursion (let ((n (abs (or n 1))))
+                      (while (> n 0)
+                        (paredit-forward-and-indent)
+                        (setq n (1- n)))))))
+;;;; Slurpage & Barfage
+(defun paredit-forward-slurp-sexp ()
+  "Add the S-expression following the current list into that list
+  by moving the closing delimiter.
+Automatically reindent the newly slurped S-expression with respect to
+  its new enclosing form.
+If in a string, move the opening double-quote forward by one
+  S-expression and escape any intervening characters as necessary,
+  without altering any indentation or formatting."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (cond ((or (paredit-in-comment-p)
+               (paredit-in-char-p))
+           (error "Invalid context for slurpage"))
+          ((paredit-in-string-p)
+           (paredit-forward-slurp-into-string))
+          (t
+           (paredit-forward-slurp-into-list)))))
+(defun paredit-forward-slurp-into-list ()
+  (up-list)                             ; Up to the end of the list to
+  (let ((close (char-before)))          ;   save and delete the closing
+    (backward-delete-char 1)            ;   delimiter.
+    (catch 'return                      ; Go to the end of the desired
+      (while t                          ;   S-expression, going up a
+        (paredit-handle-sexp-errors     ;   list if it's not in this,
+            (progn (paredit-forward-and-indent)
+                   (throw 'return nil))
+          (insert close)
+          (up-list)
+          (setq close (char-before))
+          (backward-delete-char 1))))
+    (insert close)))                    ; to insert that delimiter.
+(defun paredit-forward-slurp-into-string ()
+  (goto-char (1+ (cdr (paredit-string-start+end-points))))
+  ;; Signal any errors that we might get first, before mucking with the
+  ;; buffer's contents.
+  (save-excursion (forward-sexp))
+  (let ((close (char-before)))
+    (backward-delete-char 1)
+    (paredit-forward-for-quote (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (point)))
+    (insert close)))
+(defun paredit-forward-barf-sexp ()
+  "Remove the last S-expression in the current list from that list
+  by moving the closing delimiter.
+Automatically reindent the newly barfed S-expression with respect to
+  its new enclosing form."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (up-list)                           ; Up to the end of the list to
+    (let ((close (char-before)))        ;   save and delete the closing
+      (backward-delete-char 1)          ;   delimiter.
+      (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors       ; Go back to where we want to
+        (backward-sexp))                ;   insert the delimiter.
+      (paredit-skip-whitespace nil)     ; Skip leading whitespace.
+      (cond ((bobp)
+             (error "Barfing all subexpressions with no open-paren?"))
+            ((paredit-in-comment-p)     ; Don't put the close-paren in
+             (newline-and-indent)))     ;   a comment.
+      (insert close))
+    ;; Reindent all of the newly barfed S-expressions.
+    (paredit-forward-and-indent)))
+(defun paredit-backward-slurp-sexp ()
+  "Add the S-expression preceding the current list into that list
+  by moving the closing delimiter.
+Automatically reindent the whole form into which new S-expression was
+  slurped.
+If in a string, move the opening double-quote backward by one
+  S-expression and escape any intervening characters as necessary,
+  without altering any indentation or formatting."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (cond ((or (paredit-in-comment-p)
+               (paredit-in-char-p))
+           (error "Invalid context for slurpage"))
+          ((paredit-in-string-p)
+           (paredit-backward-slurp-into-string))
+          (t
+           (paredit-backward-slurp-into-list)))))
+(defun paredit-backward-slurp-into-list ()
+  (backward-up-list)
+  (let ((open (char-after)))
+    (delete-char 1)
+    (catch 'return
+      (while t
+        (paredit-handle-sexp-errors
+            (progn (backward-sexp)
+                   (throw 'return nil))
+          (insert open)
+          (backward-char 1)
+          (backward-up-list)
+          (setq open (char-after))
+          (delete-char 1))))
+    (insert open))
+  ;; Reindent the line at the beginning of wherever we inserted the
+  ;; opening parenthesis, and then indent the whole S-expression.
+  (backward-up-list)
+  (lisp-indent-line)
+  (indent-sexp))
+(defun paredit-backward-slurp-into-string ()
+  (goto-char (car (paredit-string-start+end-points)))
+  ;; Signal any errors that we might get first, before mucking with the
+  ;; buffer's contents.
+  (save-excursion (backward-sexp))
+  (let ((open (char-after))
+        (target (point)))
+    (message "open = %S" open)
+    (delete-char 1)
+    (backward-sexp)
+    (insert open)
+    (paredit-forward-for-quote target)))
+(defun paredit-backward-barf-sexp ()
+  "Remove the first S-expression in the current list from that list
+  by moving the closing delimiter.
+Automatically reindent the barfed S-expression and the form from which
+  it was barfed."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (backward-up-list)
+    (let ((open (char-after)))
+      (delete-char 1)
+      (paredit-ignore-sexp-errors
+        (paredit-forward-and-indent))
+      (while (progn (paredit-skip-whitespace t)
+                    (eq (char-after) ?\; ))
+        (forward-line 1))
+      (if (eobp)
+          (error
+           "Barfing all subexpressions with no close-paren?"))
+      ;** Don't use `insert' here.  Consider, e.g., barfing from
+      ;**   (foo|)
+      ;** and how `save-excursion' works.
+      (insert-before-markers open))
+    (backward-up-list)
+    (lisp-indent-line)
+    (indent-sexp)))
+;;;; Splitting & Joining
+(defun paredit-split-sexp ()
+  "Split the list or string the point is on into two."
+  (interactive)
+  (cond ((paredit-in-string-p)
+         (insert "\"")
+         (save-excursion (insert " \"")))
+        ((or (paredit-in-comment-p)
+             (paredit-in-char-p))
+         (error "Invalid context for `paredit-split-sexp'"))
+        (t (let ((open  (save-excursion (backward-up-list)
+                                        (char-after)))
+                 (close (save-excursion (up-list)
+                                        (char-before))))
+             (delete-horizontal-space)
+             (insert close)
+             (save-excursion (insert ?\ )
+                             (insert open)
+                             (backward-char)
+                             (indent-sexp))))))
+(defun paredit-join-sexps ()
+  "Join the S-expressions adjacent on either side of the point.
+Both must be lists, strings, or atoms; error if there is a mismatch."
+  (interactive)
+  ;++ How ought this to handle comments intervening symbols or strings?
+  (save-excursion
+    (if (or (paredit-in-comment-p)
+            (paredit-in-string-p)
+            (paredit-in-char-p))
+        (error "Invalid context in which to join S-expressions.")
+      (let ((left-point  (save-excursion (paredit-point-at-sexp-end)))
+            (right-point (save-excursion
+                           (paredit-point-at-sexp-start))))
+        (let ((left-char (char-before left-point))
+              (right-char (char-after right-point)))
+          (let ((left-syntax (char-syntax left-char))
+                (right-syntax (char-syntax right-char)))
+            (cond ((>= left-point right-point)
+                   (error "Can't join a datum with itself."))
+                  ((and (eq left-syntax  ?\) )
+                        (eq right-syntax ?\( )
+                        (eq left-char (matching-paren right-char))
+                        (eq right-char (matching-paren left-char)))
+                   ;; Leave intermediate formatting alone.
+                   (goto-char right-point)
+                   (delete-char 1)
+                   (goto-char left-point)
+                   (backward-delete-char 1)
+                   (backward-up-list)
+                   (indent-sexp))
+                  ((and (eq left-syntax  ?\" )
+                        (eq right-syntax ?\" ))
+                   ;; Delete any intermediate formatting.
+                   (delete-region (1- left-point)
+                                  (1+ right-point)))
+                  ((and (memq left-syntax  '(?w ?_)) ; Word or symbol
+                        (memq right-syntax '(?w ?_)))
+                   (delete-region left-point right-point))
+                  (t
+                   (error "Mismatched S-expressions to join.")))))))))
+;;;; Utilities
+(defun paredit-in-string-escape-p ()
+  "True if the point is on a character escape of a string.
+This is true only if the character is preceded by an odd number of
+  backslashes.
+This assumes that `paredit-in-string-p' has already returned true."
+  (let ((oddp nil))
+    (save-excursion
+      (while (eq (char-before) ?\\ )
+        (setq oddp (not oddp))
+        (backward-char)))
+    oddp))
+(defun paredit-in-char-p (&optional arg)
+  "True if the point is immediately after a character literal.
+A preceding escape character, not preceded by another escape character,
+  is considered a character literal prefix.  (This works for elisp,
+  Common Lisp, and Scheme.)
+Assumes that `paredit-in-string-p' is false, so that it need not handle
+  long sequences of preceding backslashes in string escapes.  (This
+  assumes some other leading character token -- ? in elisp, # in Scheme
+  and Common Lisp.)"
+  (let ((arg (or arg (point))))
+    (and (eq (char-before arg) ?\\ )
+         (not (eq (char-before (1- arg)) ?\\ )))))
+(defun paredit-forward-and-indent ()
+  "Move forward an S-expression, indenting it fully.
+Indent with `lisp-indent-line' and then `indent-sexp'."
+  (forward-sexp)                        ; Go forward, and then find the
+  (save-excursion                       ;   beginning of this next
+    (backward-sexp)                     ;   S-expression.
+    (lisp-indent-line)                  ; Indent its opening line, and
+    (indent-sexp)))                     ;   the rest of it.
+(defun paredit-skip-whitespace (trailing-p &optional limit)
+  "Skip past any whitespace, or until the point LIMIT is reached.
+If TRAILING-P is nil, skip leading whitespace; otherwise, skip trailing
+  whitespace."
+  (funcall (if trailing-p 'skip-chars-forward 'skip-chars-backward)
+           " \t\n"  ; This should skip using the syntax table, but LF
+           limit))    ; is a comment end, not newline, in Lisp mode.
+(defalias 'paredit-region-active-p
+  (xcond ((paredit-xemacs-p) 'region-active-p)
+         ((paredit-gnu-emacs-p)
+          (lambda ()
+            (and mark-active transient-mark-mode)))))
+(defun kill-region-new (start end)
+  "Kill the region between START and END.
+Do not append to any current kill, and
+ do not let the next kill append to this one."
+  (interactive "r")                     ;Eh, why not?
+  ;; KILL-REGION sets THIS-COMMAND to tell the next kill that the last
+  ;; command was a kill.  It also checks LAST-COMMAND to see whether it
+  ;; should append.  If we bind these locally, any modifications to
+  ;; THIS-COMMAND will be masked, and it will not see LAST-COMMAND to
+  ;; indicate that it should append.
+  (let ((this-command nil)
+        (last-command nil))
+    (kill-region start end)))
+;;;;; S-expression Parsing Utilities
+;++ These routines redundantly traverse S-expressions a great deal.
+;++ If performance issues arise, this whole section will probably have
+;++ to be refactored to preserve the state longer, like paredit.scm
+;++ does, rather than to traverse the definition N times for every key
+;++ stroke as it presently does.
+(defun paredit-current-parse-state ()
+  "Return parse state of point from beginning of defun."
+  (let ((point (point)))
+    (beginning-of-defun)
+    ;; Calling PARSE-PARTIAL-SEXP will advance the point to its second
+    ;; argument (unless parsing stops due to an error, but we assume it
+    ;; won't in paredit-mode).
+    (parse-partial-sexp (point) point)))
+(defun paredit-in-string-p (&optional state)
+  "True if the parse state is within a double-quote-delimited string.
+If no parse state is supplied, compute one from the beginning of the
+  defun to the point."
+  ;; 3. non-nil if inside a string (the terminator character, really)
+  (and (nth 3 (or state (paredit-current-parse-state)))
+       t))
+(defun paredit-string-start+end-points (&optional state)
+  "Return a cons of the points of open and close quotes of the string.
+The string is determined from the parse state STATE, or the parse state
+  from the beginning of the defun to the point.
+This assumes that `paredit-in-string-p' has already returned true, i.e.
+  that the point is already within a string."
+  (save-excursion
+    ;; 8. character address of start of comment or string; nil if not
+    ;;    in one
+    (let ((start (nth 8 (or state (paredit-current-parse-state)))))
+      (goto-char start)
+      (forward-sexp 1)
+      (cons start (1- (point))))))
+(defun paredit-in-comment-p (&optional state)
+  "True if parse state STATE is within a comment.
+If no parse state is supplied, compute one from the beginning of the
+  defun to the point."
+  ;; 4. nil if outside a comment, t if inside a non-nestable comment,
+  ;;    else an integer (the current comment nesting)
+  (and (nth 4 (or state (paredit-current-parse-state)))
+       t))
+(defun paredit-point-at-sexp-boundary (n)
+  (cond ((< n 0) (paredit-point-at-sexp-start))
+        ((= n 0) (point))
+        ((> n 0) (paredit-point-at-sexp-end))))
+(defun paredit-point-at-sexp-start ()
+  (forward-sexp)
+  (backward-sexp)
+  (point))
+(defun paredit-point-at-sexp-end ()
+  (backward-sexp)
+  (forward-sexp)
+  (point))
+;;;; Initialization
+(provide 'paredit)