diff .emacs @ 0:c30d68fbd368

Initial import from svn.
author Augie Fackler <durin42@gmail.com>
date Wed, 26 Nov 2008 10:56:09 -0600
children 9541f7e47514
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+;; Augie Fackler's .emacs file
+; Places I've stolen from:
+;  Karl Fogel: http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/kfogel/trunk
+;  Dave Anderson:
+(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "~/.elisp") load-path))
+; Better buffer switching and file loading (load first in case we need the
+; * Messages * buffer)
+(require 'ido)
+(ido-mode t)
+(require 'show-wspace)
+(require 'doctest-mode)
+; Start the server so that emacsclient will work
+; TODO: is there a way to *not* start a server if one was already running?
+; All lines should end in a newline
+(setq require-final-newline t)
+; disable tabs
+(setq tab-width 4)
+(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
+(defun af-python-mode-hook ()
+  ; highlight tabs in Python
+  (make-variable-buffer-local 'font-lock-mode-hook)
+  (add-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'show-ws-highlight-tabs)
+  (make-variable-buffer-local 'python-indent)
+  (if (string-match "melange" buffer-file-name)
+      (set-variable 'python-indent 2))
+(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'af-python-mode-hook)
+(setenv "PYTHONPATH" (concat (getenv "HOME") "/unixSoft/lib/python"))
+(autoload 'pymacs-apply "pymacs")
+(autoload 'pymacs-call "pymacs")
+(autoload 'pymacs-eval "pymacs" nil t)
+(autoload 'pymacs-exec "pymacs" nil t)
+(autoload 'pymacs-load "pymacs" nil t)
+(eval-after-load "pymacs"
+  '(add-to-list 'pymacs-load-path "~/unixSoft/lib/python"))
+;(pymacs-load "ropemacs" "rope-")
+;(setq ropemacs-enable-autoimport t)
+; text-mode tries to use M-s for something other than my save shortcut.
+; That's evil. Stop it from doing that.
+(add-hook 'text-mode-hook '(lambda ()
+			     (define-key text-mode-map "\M-s"
+			       'save-buffer)))
+; Cleanup whitespace before saves.
+(add-hook 'before-save-hook '(lambda ()
+			       (whitespace-cleanup)))
+; Disable that startup screen
+(setq inhibit-startup-message t)
+; Basically everything I do is in version control, stop saving backup files
+(setq make-backup-files nil)
+; Set some pretty colors that are gentler on my eyes
+(setq default-frame-alist
+      '((width . 80)
+	(cursor-color . "white")
+	(cursor-type . box)
+	(foreground-color . "white")
+	(background-color . "black")
+	)
+      )
+;; Desktop mode to remember buffers
+(load "desktop")
+(setq desktop-enable t)
+;; Automatically revert unedited files that change on the underlying
+;; system.
+;; Key Bindings
+; M-backspace kills the current buffer
+(global-set-key [(meta backspace)] 'kill-this-buffer)
+; Save early and often, with only one keystroke
+(global-set-key [(meta s)] 'save-buffer)
+; Typing tab is for lesser editors, make hitting return do that
+(global-set-key "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent)