view .vim/colors/gothic.vim @ 377:117e3c11d953

zprofile: introduce zprofile use El Capitan (OS X 10.11) introduces a system-level /etc/zprofile which uses a path_helper thing to mangle $PATH. Unfortunately, the way path_helper works, it forces /usr/local/bin and /usr/bin to the *start* of the PATH variable, which means that any PATH mutations I want have to run after /etc/zprofile calls path_helper. As such, move my path insertions into .zprofile{,-machine} rather than .zshenv{,-machine} so that I can still ensure my path entries are at the start of PATH rather than the end. This works because: > Commands are then read from $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv. If the shell is a > login shell, commands are read from /etc/zprofile and then > $ZDOTDIR/.zprofile. Then, if the shell is interactive, commands > are read from /etc/zshrc and then $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc. Finally, if the > shell is a login shell, /etc/zlogin and $ZDOTDIR/.zlogin are read. This means that non-login shells no longer pick up my custom PATH entries, but as I only use OS X as a desktop OS that seems like a workable tradeoff for now.
author Augie Fackler <>
date Sun, 31 Jan 2016 20:46:29 -0500
parents c30d68fbd368
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim color file
" Maintainer:	Stefano deFlorian - \Goth\ <>
" Last Change:	2003 Dec 9
" Light - Dark :-)
" optimized for TFT panels

set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
  syntax reset
"colorscheme default
let g:colors_name = "gothic"

" hardcoded colors :

highlight Normal     guifg=#efefef	guibg=#000000
highlight Cursor     guifg=#000000	guibg=#efefef	gui=NONE
highlight Search     guifg=#ffff60	guibg=#0000ff	gui=NONE
highlight Visual     guifg=Grey25			gui=NONE
highlight Special    guifg=Orange
highlight Comment    guifg=#3030ff
highlight StatusLine guifg=blue		guibg=white
highlight Statement  guifg=#ffff60			gui=NONE
highlight PreProc    guifg=#a0e0a0
highlight Identifier guifg=#00ffff
highlight Constant   guifg=#a0a0a0
highlight Type       guifg=#a0a0ff			gui=NONE

" Console
highlight Normal     ctermfg=LightGrey	ctermbg=Black
highlight Cursor     ctermfg=Black	ctermbg=LightGrey	cterm=NONE
highlight Search     ctermfg=Yellow	ctermbg=Blue		cterm=NONE
highlight Visual						cterm=reverse
highlight Special    ctermfg=Brown
highlight Comment    ctermfg=Blue
highlight StatusLine ctermfg=blue	ctermbg=white
highlight Identifier ctermfg=Cyan
highlight Statement  ctermfg=Yellow				cterm=NONE
highlight Constant   ctermfg=Grey				cterm=NONE
highlight Type       ctermfg=LightBlue				cterm=NONE