view unixSoft/bin/ @ 378:20e47bc8eea9

hgrc: disable hg-git and hgsubversion It hasn't been common for me to use either of these extensions for some time, so just drop both of them from the main hgrc. Instead I'll enable them as-needed in individual repositories.
author Augie Fackler <>
date Thu, 09 Jun 2011 20:20:04 -0500
parents c30d68fbd368
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Change the format of a Subversion working copy.
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 CollabNet.  All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
# are also available at
# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
# newer version instead, at your option.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# ====================================================================

import sys
import os
import getopt
  my_getopt = getopt.gnu_getopt
except AttributeError:
  my_getopt = getopt.getopt

# Pretend we have true booleans on older python versions
  True = 1
  False = 0

### The entries file parser in subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/
### handles the XML-based WC entries file format used by Subversion
### 1.3 and lower.  It could be rolled into this script.

LATEST_FORMATS = { "1.4" : 8,
                   "1.5" : 9,
                   "1.6" : 10,

def usage_and_exit(error_msg=None):
  """Write usage information and exit.  If ERROR_MSG is provide, that
  error message is printed first (to stderr), the usage info goes to
  stderr, and the script exits with a non-zero status.  Otherwise,
  usage info goes to stdout and the script exits with a zero status."""
  progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

  stream = error_msg and sys.stderr or sys.stdout
  if error_msg:
    print >> stream, "ERROR: %s\n" % error_msg
  print >> stream, """\
usage: %s WC_PATH SVN_VERSION [--verbose] [--force] [--skip-unknown-format]
       %s --help

Change the format of a Subversion working copy to that of SVN_VERSION.

  --skip-unknown-format    : skip directories with unknown working copy
                             format and continue the update
""" % (progname, progname)
  sys.exit(error_msg and 1 or 0)

def get_adm_dir():
  """Return the name of Subversion's administrative directory,
  adjusted for the SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK environment variable.  See
  for details."""
  return "SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK" in os.environ and "_svn" or ".svn"

class WCFormatConverter:
  "Performs WC format conversions."
  root_path = None
  error_on_unrecognized = True
  force = False
  verbosity = 0

  def write_dir_format(self, format_nbr, dirname, paths):
    """Attempt to write the WC format FORMAT_NBR to the entries file
    for DIRNAME.  Throws LossyConversionException when not in --force
    mode, and unconvertable WC data is encountered."""

    # Avoid iterating in unversioned directories.
    if not (get_adm_dir() in paths):
      del paths[:]

    # Process the entries file for this versioned directory.
    if self.verbosity:
      print "Processing directory '%s'" % dirname
    entries = Entries(os.path.join(dirname, get_adm_dir(), "entries"))

    if self.verbosity:
      print "Parsing file '%s'" % entries.path
    except UnrecognizedWCFormatException, e:
      if self.error_on_unrecognized:
      print >>sys.stderr, "%s, skipping" % (e,)

    if self.verbosity:
      print "Checking whether WC format can be converted"
      entries.assert_valid_format(format_nbr, self.verbosity)
    except LossyConversionException, e:
      # In --force mode, ignore complaints about lossy conversion.
      if self.force:
        print "WARNING: WC format conversion will be lossy. Dropping "\
              "field(s) %s " % ", ".join(e.lossy_fields)

    if self.verbosity:
      print "Writing WC format"

  def change_wc_format(self, format_nbr):
    """Walk all paths in a WC tree, and change their format to
    FORMAT_NBR.  Throw LossyConversionException or NotImplementedError
    if the WC format should not be converted, or is unrecognized."""
    os.path.walk(self.root_path, self.write_dir_format, format_nbr)

class Entries:
  """Represents a .svn/entries file.

  'The entries file' section in subversion/libsvn_wc/README is a
  useful reference."""

  # The name and index of each field composing an entry's record.
  entry_fields = (

  # The format number.
  format_nbr = -1

  # How many bytes the format number takes in the file.  (The format number
  # may have leading zeroes after using this script to convert format 10 to
  # format 9 -- which would write the format number as '09'.)
  format_nbr_bytes = -1

  def __init__(self, path):
    self.path = path
    self.entries = []

  def parse(self, verbosity=0):
    """Parse the entries file.  Throw NotImplementedError if the WC
    format is unrecognized."""

    input = open(self.path, "r")

    # Read WC format number from INPUT.  Validate that it
    # is a supported format for conversion.
    format_line = input.readline()
      self.format_nbr = int(format_line)
      self.format_nbr_bytes = len(format_line.rstrip()) # remove '\n'
    except ValueError:
      self.format_nbr = -1
      self.format_nbr_bytes = -1
    if not self.format_nbr in LATEST_FORMATS.values():
      raise UnrecognizedWCFormatException(self.format_nbr, self.path)

    # Parse file into individual entries, to later inspect for
    # non-convertable data.
    entry = None
    while True:
      entry = self.parse_entry(input, verbosity)
      if entry is None:


  def assert_valid_format(self, format_nbr, verbosity=0):
    if verbosity >= 2:
      print "Validating format for entries file '%s'" % self.path
    for entry in self.entries:
      if verbosity >= 3:
        print "Validating format for entry '%s'" % entry.get_name()
      except LossyConversionException:
        if verbosity >= 3:
          print >> sys.stderr, "Offending entry:"
          print >> sys.stderr, str(entry)

  def parse_entry(self, input, verbosity=0):
    "Read an individual entry from INPUT stream."
    entry = None

    while True:
      line = input.readline()
      if line in ("", "\x0c\n"):
        # EOF or end of entry terminator encountered.

      if entry is None:
        entry = Entry()

      # Retain the field value, ditching its field terminator ("\x0a").

    if entry is not None and verbosity >= 3:
      print "-" * 76
    return entry

  def write_format(self, format_nbr):
    # Overwrite all bytes of the format number (which are the first bytes in
    # the file).  Overwrite format '10' by format '09', which will be converted
    # to '9' by Subversion when it rewrites the file.  (Subversion 1.4 and later
    # ignore leading zeroes in the format number.)
    assert len(str(format_nbr)) <= self.format_nbr_bytes
    format_string = '%0' + str(self.format_nbr_bytes) + 'd'

    os.chmod(self.path, 0600)
    output = open(self.path, "r+", 0)
    output.write(format_string % format_nbr)
    os.chmod(self.path, 0400)

class Entry:
  "Describes an entry in a WC."

  # Maps format numbers to indices of fields within an entry's record that must
  # be retained when downgrading to that format.
  must_retain_fields = {
      # Not in 1.4: changelist, keep-local, depth, tree-conflicts, file-externals
      8  : (30, 31, 33, 34, 35),
      # Not in 1.5: tree-conflicts, file-externals
      9  : (34, 35),

  def __init__(self):
    self.fields = []

  def assert_valid_format(self, format_nbr):
    "Assure that conversion will be non-lossy by examining fields."

    # Check whether lossy conversion is being attempted.
    lossy_fields = []
    for field_index in self.must_retain_fields[format_nbr]:
      if len(self.fields) - 1 >= field_index and self.fields[field_index]:
    if lossy_fields:
      raise LossyConversionException(lossy_fields,
        "Lossy WC format conversion requested for entry '%s'\n"
        "Data for the following field(s) is unsupported by older versions "
        "of\nSubversion, and is likely to be subsequently discarded, and/or "
        "have\nunexpected side-effects: %s\n\n"
        "WC format conversion was cancelled, use the --force option to "
        "override\nthe default behavior."
        % (self.get_name(), ", ".join(lossy_fields)))

  def get_name(self):
    "Return the name of this entry."
    return len(self.fields) > 0 and self.fields[0] or ""

  def __str__(self):
    "Return all fields from this entry as a multi-line string."
    rep = ""
    for i in range(0, len(self.fields)):
      rep += "[%s] %s\n" % (Entries.entry_fields[i], self.fields[i])
    return rep

class LocalException(Exception):
  """Root of local exception class hierarchy."""

class LossyConversionException(LocalException):
  "Exception thrown when a lossy WC format conversion is requested."
  def __init__(self, lossy_fields, str):
    self.lossy_fields = lossy_fields
    self.str = str
  def __str__(self):
    return self.str

class UnrecognizedWCFormatException(LocalException):
  def __init__(self, format, path):
    self.format = format
    self.path = path
  def __str__(self):
    return "Unrecognized WC format %d in '%s'" % (self.format, self.path)

def main():
    opts, args = my_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vh?",
                           ["debug", "force", "skip-unknown-format",
                            "verbose", "help"])
    usage_and_exit("Unable to process arguments/options")

  converter = WCFormatConverter()

  # Process arguments.
  if len(args) == 2:
    converter.root_path = args[0]
    svn_version = args[1]

  # Process options.
  debug = False
  for opt, value in opts:
    if opt in ("--help", "-h", "-?"):
    elif opt == "--force":
      converter.force = True
    elif opt == "--skip-unknown-format":
      converter.error_on_unrecognized = False
    elif opt in ("--verbose", "-v"):
      converter.verbosity += 1
    elif opt == "--debug":
      debug = True
      usage_and_exit("Unknown option '%s'" % opt)

    new_format_nbr = LATEST_FORMATS[svn_version]
  except KeyError:
    usage_and_exit("Unsupported version number '%s'" % svn_version)

  except LocalException, e:
    if debug:
    print >> sys.stderr, str(e)

  print "Converted WC at '%s' into format %d for Subversion %s" % \
        (converter.root_path, new_format_nbr, svn_version)

if __name__ == "__main__":