view .elisp/textmate.el @ 307:e37b00236907

zshrc: work around my shell function that turns on utf8 in screen The zsh built in which was getting confused by the function, and always claimed screen was installed. I'm finally running into machines with tmux but not screen, so I noticed.
author Augie Fackler <>
date Sat, 19 Jan 2013 19:29:58 -0600
parents 2f865a7f84e6
children c35b58b40fcb
line wrap: on
line source

;; textmate.el --- TextMate minor mode for Emacs

;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Chris Wanstrath <> and others

;; Licensed under the same terms as Emacs.

;; Keywords: textmate osx mac
;; Created: 22 Nov 2008
;; Author: Chris Wanstrath <> and others

;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.

;;; Commentary:

;; This minor mode exists to mimick TextMate's awesome
;; features.

;;    ⌘T - Go to File
;;  ⇧⌘T - Go to Symbol
;;    ⌘L - Go to Line
;;    ⌘/ - Comment Line (or Selection/Region)
;;    ⌘] - Shift Right
;;    ⌘[ - Shift Left
;;  ⌥⌘] - Align Assignments
;;  ⌥⌘[ - Indent Line
;;  ⌘RET - Insert Newline at Line's End
;;  ⌥⌘T - Reset File Cache (for Go to File, cache unused if using git/hg root,
;;                           but resets cached root location, useful if roots
;;                           are nested)

;; A "project" in textmate-mode is determined by the presence of
;; a .git directory, an .hg directory, a Rakefile, or a Makefile.

;; You can configure what makes a project root by appending a file
;; or directory name onto the `*textmate-project-roots*' list.

;; If no project root indicator is found in your current directory,
;; textmate-mode will traverse upwards until one (or none) is found.
;; The directory housing the project root indicator (e.g. a .git or .hg
;; directory) is presumed to be the project's root.

;; In other words, calling Go to File from
;; ~/Projects/fieldrunners/app/views/towers/show.html.erb will use
;; ~/Projects/fieldrunners/ as the root if ~/Projects/fieldrunners/.git
;; exists.

;; In the event that the project root was defined by either .git or .hg,
;; fast file-listing with no caching is provided by the version control
;; system.

;; Not bound to keys, but available are textmate-find-in-project and
;; textmate-find-in-project-type, which use grep, the file listing,
;; and grep-mode to provide excellent (and blindingly fast with git and
;; hg!) grep integration with emacs and your project.

;; Also available (and unbound) is textmate-compile, which is like
;; compile but prepends a cd to the project root to the command. It is
;; used to build the find-in-project commands, but has other possible
;; uses as well (eg, a test runner or some kind of compile command).

;;; Installation

;; $ cd ~/.emacs.d/vendor
;; $ git clone git://
;; In your emacs config:
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor/textmate.el")
;; (require 'textmate)
;; (textmate-mode)

;;; Depends on imenu
(require 'imenu)

;;; Needed for flet
  (require 'cl))

;;; Minor mode

(defvar *textmate-gf-exclude*
  "Regexp of files to exclude from `textmate-goto-file'.")

(defvar *textmate-project-roots*
  '(".git" ".hg" "Rakefile" "Makefile" "README" "build.xml")
  "The presence of any file/directory in this list indicates a project root.")

(defvar textmate-use-file-cache t
  "Should `textmate-goto-file' keep a local cache of files?")

(defvar textmate-completing-library 'ido
  "The library `textmade-goto-symbol' and `textmate-goto-file' should use for
completing filenames and symbols (`ido' by default)")

(defvar *textmate-completing-function-alist* '((ido ido-completing-read)
                                               (icicles  icicle-completing-read)
                                               (none completing-read))
  "The function to call to read file names and symbols from the user")

(defvar *textmate-completing-minor-mode-alist*
  `((ido ,(lambda (a) (progn (ido-mode a) (setq ido-enable-flex-matching t))))
    (icicles ,(lambda (a) (icy-mode a)))
    (none ,(lambda (a) ())))
  "The list of functions to enable and disable completing minor modes")

(defvar *textmate-mode-map*
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (cond ((featurep 'aquamacs)
           (define-key map [A-return] 'textmate-next-line)
           (define-key map (kbd "A-M-t") 'textmate-clear-cache)
           (define-key map (kbd "A-M-]") 'align)
           (define-key map (kbd "A-M-[") 'indent-according-to-mode)
           (define-key map (kbd "A-]")  'textmate-shift-right)
           (define-key map (kbd "A-[") 'textmate-shift-left)
           (define-key map (kbd "A-/") 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
           (define-key map (kbd "A-t") 'textmate-goto-file)
           (define-key map (kbd "A-T") 'textmate-goto-symbol))
          ((and (featurep 'mac-carbon) (eq window-system 'mac) mac-key-mode)
           (define-key map [(alt meta return)] 'textmate-next-line)
           (define-key map [(alt meta t)] 'textmate-clear-cache)
           (define-key map [(alt meta \])] 'align)
           (define-key map [(alt meta \[)] 'indent-according-to-mode)
           (define-key map [(alt \])]  'textmate-shift-right)
           (define-key map [(alt \[)] 'textmate-shift-left)
           (define-key map [(meta /)] 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
           (define-key map [(alt t)] 'textmate-goto-file)
           (define-key map [(alt shift t)] 'textmate-goto-symbol))
          ((featurep 'ns)  ;;
           (define-key map [(super meta return)] 'textmate-next-line)
           (define-key map [(super meta t)] 'textmate-clear-cache)
           (define-key map [(super meta \])] 'align)
           (define-key map [(super meta \[)] 'indent-according-to-mode)
           (define-key map [(super \])]  'textmate-shift-right)
           (define-key map [(super \[)] 'textmate-shift-left)
           (define-key map [(super /)] 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
           (define-key map [(super t)] 'textmate-goto-file)
           (define-key map [(super shift t)] 'textmate-goto-symbol))
          (t ;; Any other version
           (define-key map [(meta return)] 'textmate-next-line)
           (define-key map [(control c)(control t)] 'textmate-clear-cache)
           (define-key map [(control c)(control a)] 'align)
           (define-key map [(control tab)] 'textmate-shift-right)
           (define-key map [(control shift tab)] 'textmate-shift-left)
           (define-key map [(control c)(control k)] 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
           (define-key map [(meta t)] 'textmate-goto-file)
           (define-key map [(meta shift t)] 'textmate-goto-symbol)))

(defvar *textmate-project-root* nil
  "Used internally to cache the project root.")
(defvar *textmate-project-files* '()
  "Used internally to cache the files in a project.")

(defvar *textmate-vcs-exclude* nil
  "string to give to grep -V to exclude some VCS paths from being grepped."

(defvar *textmate-find-in-project-default* nil)

(defvar *textmate-find-in-project-type-default* nil)

(defvar *textmate-compile-default* nil)

;;; Bindings

(defun textmate-ido-fix ()
  "Add up/down keybindings for ido."
  (define-key ido-completion-map [up] 'ido-prev-match)
  (define-key ido-completion-map [down] 'ido-next-match))

(defun textmate-completing-read (&rest args)
  "Uses `*textmate-completing-function-alist*' to call the appropriate completing
  (let ((reading-fn
         (cadr (assoc textmate-completing-library
  (apply (symbol-function reading-fn) args)))

;;; allow-line-as-region-for-function adds an "-or-line" version of
;;; the given comment function which (un)comments the current line is
;;; the mark is not active.  This code comes from Aquamac's osxkeys.el
;;; and is licensed under the GPL

(defmacro allow-line-as-region-for-function (orig-function)
`(defun ,(intern (concat (symbol-name orig-function) "-or-line"))
   ,(format "Like `%s', but acts on the current line if mark is not active." orig-function)
   (if mark-active
       (call-interactively (function ,orig-function))
       ;; define a region (temporarily) -- so any C-u prefixes etc. are preserved.
       (set-mark (point))
       (call-interactively (function ,orig-function))))))

(defun textmate-define-comment-line ()
  "Add or-line (un)comment function if not already defined"
  (unless (fboundp 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
    (allow-line-as-region-for-function comment-or-uncomment-region)))

;;; Commands

(defun textmate-next-line ()
  "Inserts an indented newline after the current line and moves the point to it."

(defun textmate-goto-symbol ()
  "Update the imenu index and then use ido to select a symbol to navigate to.
Symbols matching the text at point are put first in the completion list."
  (let ((name-and-pos '())
        (symbol-names '()))
    (flet ((addsymbols (symbol-list)
                       (when (listp symbol-list)
                         (dolist (symbol symbol-list)
                           (let ((name nil) (position nil))
                              ((and (listp symbol) (imenu--subalist-p symbol))
                               (addsymbols symbol))

                              ((listp symbol)
                               (setq name (car symbol))
                               (setq position (cdr symbol)))

                              ((stringp symbol)
                               (setq name symbol)
                               (setq position (get-text-property 1 'org-imenu-marker symbol))))

                             (unless (or (null position) (null name))
                               (add-to-list 'symbol-names name)
                               (add-to-list 'name-and-pos (cons name position))))))))
      (addsymbols imenu--index-alist))
    ;; If there are matching symbols at point, put them at the beginning of `symbol-names'.
    (let ((symbol-at-point (thing-at-point 'symbol)))
      (when symbol-at-point
        (let* ((regexp (concat (regexp-quote symbol-at-point) "$"))
               (matching-symbols (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (symbol)
                                                     (if (string-match regexp symbol) symbol))
          (when matching-symbols
            (sort matching-symbols (lambda (a b) (> (length a) (length b))))
            (mapc (lambda (symbol) (setq symbol-names (cons symbol (delete symbol symbol-names))))
    (let* ((selected-symbol (ido-completing-read "Symbol? " symbol-names))
           (position (cdr (assoc selected-symbol name-and-pos))))
      (goto-char position))))

(defun textmate-goto-file ()
  "Uses your completing read to quickly jump to a file in a project."
  (let ((root (textmate-project-root)))
    (when (null root)
        "Can't find a suitable project root ("
        (string-join " " *textmate-project-roots* )
      (expand-file-name root) "/"
       "Find file: "
       (textmate-project-files root))))))

(defun textmate-find-in-project-type ()
  "Run grep over project files of a specific type and put the results
in a grep-mode buffer."
  (let ((pat (read-string (concat "Suffix"
                                  (if *textmate-find-in-project-type-default*
                                      (format " [\"%s\"]" *textmate-find-in-project-type-default*)
                                  ": "
                                  ) nil nil *textmate-find-in-project-type-default*)))
    (setq *textmate-find-in-project-type-default* pat)
    (textmate-find-in-project (concat "*." pat))))

(defun textmate-start-compile-in-root (command &optional mode
  "Idential to compilation-start, except it automatically changes to the
project root directory before starting the command."
  (let ((root (textmate-project-root)))
    (when (null root)
      (error "Not in a project area."))
    (let ((realcommand (concat "cd " root " ; " command)))
      (compilation-start realcommand mode name-function highlight-regexp))))

(defun textmate-compile ()
  "Run a command in compilation-mode rooted at the project root."
  (let* ((default *textmate-compile-default*)
         (command (read-string
                   (concat "Command"
                           (if default (format " [\"%s\"]" default) "")
                           ": ") nil 'textmate-compile-history default)))
    (setq *textmate-compile-default* command)
    (textmate-start-compile-in-root command)))

(defun textmate-find-in-project (&optional pattern)
  "Run grep over project files with results in grep-mode.

Takes an optional argument (see also textmate-find-in-project-type)
of a file extension to limit the search. Useful for finding results in only a
specific type of file."
    (let* ((default *textmate-find-in-project-default*)
           (re (read-string (concat "Search for "
                         (if (and default (> (length default) 0))
                             (format "[\"%s\"]" default)) ": ")
                 nil 'textmate-find-in-project-history default))
          (incpat (if pattern pattern "*"))
          (type (textmate-project-root-type (textmate-project-root)))
           (cond ((not (string= type "unknown"))
                   (concat (cond ((string= type "git") "git ls-files")
                                 ((string= type "hg") "hg manifest"))
                           (if *textmate-vcs-exclude*
                               (concat " | grep -v "
                                       (shell-quote-argument *textmate-vcs-exclude*))
                           " | xargs egrep -nR "
                           (if pattern (concat " --include='" pattern "' ") "")
                           " -- "
                           (shell-quote-argument re)))
                  (t (concat "egrep -nR --exclude='"
                            "' --include='"
                            "' -- "
                            (shell-quote-argument re)
                            " . | grep -vE '"
                            "' | sed s:./::"
          (setq *textmate-find-in-project-default* re)
          (textmate-start-compile-in-root command 'grep-mode)))

(defun textmate-clear-cache ()
  "Clears the project root and project files cache. Use after adding files."
  (setq *textmate-project-root* nil)
  (setq *textmate-project-files* nil)
  (message "textmate-mode cache cleared."))

(defun textmate-toggle-camel-case ()
  "Toggle current sexp between camelCase and snake_case, like TextMate C-_."
  (if (thing-at-point 'word)
        (unless (looking-at "\\<") (backward-sexp))
        (let ((case-fold-search nil)
              (start (point))
              (end (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (point))))
          (if (and (looking-at "[a-z0-9_]+") (= end (match-end 0))) ; snake-case
                (goto-char start)
                (while (re-search-forward "_[a-z]" end t)
                  (goto-char (1- (point)))
                  (delete-char -1)
                  (upcase-region (point) (1+ (point)))
                  (setq end (1- end))))
            (downcase-region (point) (1+ (point)))
            (while (re-search-forward "[A-Z][a-z]" end t)
              (forward-char -2)
              (insert "_")
              (downcase-region (point) (1+ (point)))
              (forward-char 1)
              (setq end (1+ end)))
            (downcase-region start end)

;;; Utilities

(defun textmate-project-root-type (root)
  (cond ((member ".git" (directory-files root)) "git")
        ((member ".hg" (directory-files root)) "hg")
        (t "unknown")

(defun textmate-project-files (root)
  "Finds all files in a given project using either hg, git, or find."
  (let ((type (textmate-project-root-type root)))
    (cond ((string= type "git") (split-string
                            (concat "cd " root " && git ls-files")) "\n" t))
          ((string= type "hg") (split-string
                           (concat "cd " root " && hg manifest")) "\n" t))
          ((string= type "unknown") (textmate-cached-project-files-find root))

(defun textmate-project-files-find (root)
  "Finds all files in a given project using find."
      "find "
      " -type f  | grep -vE '"
      "' | sed 's:"
      "/::'")) "\n" t))

(defun textmate-cached-project-files-find (&optional root)
  "Finds and caches all files in a given project using find."
   ((null textmate-use-file-cache) (textmate-project-files root))
   ((equal (textmate-project-root) (car *textmate-project-files*))
    (cdr *textmate-project-files*))
   (t (cdr (setq *textmate-project-files*
                 `(,root . ,(textmate-project-files-find root)))))))

(defun textmate-project-root ()
  "Returns the current project root."
  (when (or
         (null *textmate-project-root*)
         (not (string-match *textmate-project-root* default-directory))
         (not (string-match *textmate-project-root* (getenv "HOME"))))
    (let ((root (textmate-find-project-root)))
      (if root
          (setq *textmate-project-root* (expand-file-name (concat root "/")))
        (setq *textmate-project-root* nil))))

(defun root-match(root names)
        (member (car names) (directory-files root)))

(defun root-matches(root names)
        (if (root-match root names)
                        (root-match root names)
                        (if (eq (length (cdr names)) 0)
                                        (root-matches root (cdr names))

(defun textmate-find-project-root (&optional root)
  "Determines the current project root by recursively searching for an indicator."
  (when (null root) (setq root default-directory))
   ((root-matches root *textmate-project-roots*)
                (expand-file-name root))
   ((equal (expand-file-name root) "/") nil)
   (t (textmate-find-project-root (concat (file-name-as-directory root) "..")))))

(defun textmate-shift-right (&optional arg)
  "Shift the line or region to the ARG places to the right.

A place is considered `tab-width' character columns."
  (let ((deactivate-mark nil)
        (beg (or (and mark-active (region-beginning))
        (end (or (and mark-active (region-end)) (line-end-position))))
    (indent-rigidly beg end (* (or arg 1) tab-width))))

(defun textmate-shift-left (&optional arg)
  "Shift the line or region to the ARG places to the left."
  (textmate-shift-right (* -1 (or arg 1))))

(define-minor-mode textmate-mode "TextMate Emulation Minor Mode"
  :lighter " mate" :global t :keymap *textmate-mode-map*
  (add-hook 'ido-setup-hook 'textmate-ido-fix)
  ; activate preferred completion library
  (dolist (mode *textmate-completing-minor-mode-alist*)
    (if (eq (car mode) textmate-completing-library)
        (funcall (cadr mode) t)
      (when (fboundp
             (cadr (assoc (car mode) *textmate-completing-function-alist*)))
        (funcall (cadr mode) -1)))))

(provide 'textmate)
;;; textmate.el ends here