view .vim/plugin/supertab.vim @ 336:ea73ef5dc38c

emacs: avoid weird package.el breakage with newish packages I've been toting around this package.el from 2009 or so, and something in the package format seems to have changed that broke me. Thanks to some related diagnostics by Lucas, I've grabbed the last package.el that worked with emacs 23 and stashed it here. This seems to work, modulo some things (notably js2-mode and smex) now seem to require emacs 24 if you install them using package.el, so this will end up being brittle on my last couple of emacs23 machines.
author Augie Fackler <>
date Thu, 29 May 2014 14:30:42 -0400
parents c30d68fbd368
line wrap: on
line source

" Author: Gergely Kontra <>
"   You may direct issues regarding version 0.4+ to
"   Eric Van Dewoestine (
" Version: 0.41
" Description:
"   Use your tab key to do all your completion in insert mode!
"   The script remembers the last completion type, and applies that.
"   Eg.: You want to enter /usr/local/lib/povray3/
"   You type (in insert mode):
"   /u<C-x><C-f>/l<Tab><Tab><Tab>/p<Tab>/i<Tab>
"   You can also manipulate the completion type used by changing g:complType
"   variable.
"   You can cycle forward and backward with the <Tab> and <S-Tab> keys
"   (<S-Tab> will not work in the console version)
"   Note: you must press <Tab> once to be able to cycle back
" History:
"   0.41 Fixed couple bugs introduced in last version (Eric Van Dewoestine).
"   0.4  Added the following functionality (Eric Van Dewoestine)
"        - support for vim 7 omni, user, and spelling completion modes
"          (should be backwards compatible with vim 6.x).
"        - command :SuperTabHelp which opens a window with available
"          completion types that the user can choose from.
"        - variable g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType setting for determining if
"          and for how long to retain completion type.
"   0.32 Corrected tab-insertion/completing decidion (thx to: Lorenz Wegener)
"   0.31 Added <S-Tab> for backward cycling. (req by: Peter Chun)
"   0.3  Back to the roots. Autocompletion is another story...
"        Now the prompt appears, when showmode is on

if !exists('complType') "Integration with other completion functions...

  " This variable determines if, and for how long, the current completion type
  " is retained.  The possible values include:
  " 0 - The current completion type is only retained for the current completion.
  "     Once you have chosen a completion result or exited the completion
  "     mode, the default completion type is restored.
  " 1 - The current completion type is saved for the duration of your vim
  "     session or until you enter a different completion mode.
  "     (SuperTab default).
  " 2 - The current completion type is saved until you exit insert mode (via
  "     ESC).  Once you exit insert mode the default completion type is
  "     restored.
  if !exists("g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType")
    let g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType = 1

  " This variable is used to set the default completion type.
  " There is no need to escape this value as that will be done for you when
  " the type is set.
  " Ex.  let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<C-X><C-U>"
  if !exists("g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType")
    let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<C-P>"

  " construct the help text.
  let s:tabHelp =
    \ "Hit <CR> or CTRL-] on the completion type you wish to swith to.\n" .
    \ "Use :help ins-completion for more information.\n" .
    \ "\n" .
    \ "|<C-N>|      - Keywords in 'complete' searching down.\n" .
    \ "|<C-P>|      - Keywords in 'complete' searching up (SuperTab default).\n" .
    \ "|<C-X><C-L>| - Whole lines.\n" .
    \ "|<C-X><C-N>| - Keywords in current file.\n" .
    \ "|<C-X><C-K>| - Keywords in 'dictionary'.\n" .
    \ "|<C-X><C-T>| - Keywords in 'thesaurus', thesaurus-style.\n" .
    \ "|<C-X><C-I>| - Keywords in the current and included files.\n" .
    \ "|<C-X><C-]>| - Tags.\n" .
    \ "|<C-X><C-F>| - File names.\n" .
    \ "|<C-X><C-D>| - Definitions or macros.\n" .
    \ "|<C-X><C-V>| - Vim command-line."
  if v:version >= 700
    let s:tabHelp = s:tabHelp . "\n" .
      \ "|<C-X><C-U>| - User defined completion.\n" .
      \ "|<C-X><C-O>| - Occult completion.\n" .
      \ "|<C-X>s|     - Spelling suggestions."

  " set the available completion types and modes.
  let s:types =
    \ "\<C-E>\<C-Y>\<C-L>\<C-N>\<C-K>\<C-T>\<C-I>\<C-]>\<C-F>\<C-D>\<C-V>\<C-N>\<C-P>"
  let s:modes = '/^E/^Y/^L/^N/^K/^T/^I/^]/^F/^D/^V/^P'
  if v:version >= 700
    let s:types = s:types . "\<C-U>\<C-O>\<C-N>\<C-P>s"
    let s:modes = s:modes . '/^U/^O/s'
  let s:types = s:types . "np"
  let s:modes = s:modes . '/n/p'

  " Globally available function that user's can use to create mappings to
  " quickly switch completion modes.  Useful when a user wants to restore the
  " default or switch to another mode without having to kick off a completion
  " of that type or use SuperTabHelp.
  " Example mapping to restore SuperTab default:
  "   nmap <F6> :call SetSuperTabCompletionType("<C-P>")<cr>
  fu! SuperTabSetCompletionType (type)
    exec "let g:complType = \"" . escape(a:type, '<') . "\""

  call SuperTabSetCompletionType(g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType)

  im <C-X> <C-r>=CtrlXPP()<CR>

  " Setup mechanism to restore orignial completion type upon leaving insert
  " mode if g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType == 2
  if g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType == 2
    " pre vim 7, must map <esc>
    if v:version < 700
      im <silent> <ESC>
        \ <ESC>:call SuperTabSetCompletionType(g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType)<cr>

    " since vim 7, we can use InsertLeave autocmd.
      augroup supertab
        autocmd InsertLeave *
          \ call SuperTabSetCompletionType(g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType)
      augroup END

  fu! CtrlXPP()
    if &smd
      echo '' | echo '-- ^X++ mode (' . s:modes . ')'
    let complType=nr2char(getchar())
    if stridx(s:types, complType) != -1
      if stridx("\<C-E>\<C-Y>",complType)!=-1 " no memory, just scroll...
        return "\<C-x>".complType
      elseif stridx('np',complType)!=-1
        let complType=nr2char(char2nr(complType)-96)  " char2nr('n')-char2nr("\<C-n")
        let complType="\<C-x>".complType

      if g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType
        let g:complType = complType

      return complType
      echohl "Unknown mode"
      return complType

  " From the doc |insert.txt| improved
  im <Tab> <C-n>
  inore <S-Tab> <C-p>

  " This way after hitting <Tab>, hitting it once more will go to next match
  " (because in XIM mode <C-n> and <C-p> mappings are ignored)
  " and wont start a brand new completion
  " The side effect, that in the beginning of line <C-n> and <C-p> inserts a
  " <Tab>, but I hope it may not be a problem...
  ino <C-n> <C-R>=<SID>SuperTab('n')<CR>
  ino <C-p> <C-R>=<SID>SuperTab('p')<CR>

  fu! <SID>SuperTab(command)
    if (strpart(getline('.'),col('.')-2,1)=~'^\s\?$')
      return "\<Tab>"
      " exception: if in <c-p> mode, then <c-n> should move up the list, and
      " <c-p> down the list.
      if a:command == 'p' && g:complType == "\<C-P>"
        return "\<C-N>"
      return g:complType

  fu! <SID>SuperTabHelp()
    if bufwinnr("SuperTabHelp") == -1
      botright split SuperTabHelp

      setlocal noswapfile
      setlocal buftype=nowrite
      setlocal bufhidden=delete

      let saved = @"
      let @" = s:tabHelp
      silent put
      call cursor(1,1)
      silent 1,delete
      call cursor(4,1)
      let @" = saved
      exec "resize " . line('$')

      syntax match Special "|.\{-}|"

      setlocal readonly
      setlocal nomodifiable

      nmap <silent> <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>SetCompletionType()<cr>
      nmap <silent> <buffer> <c-]> :call <SID>SetCompletionType()<cr>
      exec bufwinnr("SuperTabHelp") . "winc w"

  fu! s:SetCompletionType ()
    let chosen = substitute(getline('.'), '.*|\(.*\)|.*', '\1', '')
    if chosen != getline('.')
      call SuperTabSetCompletionType(chosen)
      winc p

  if !exists(":SuperTabHelp")
    command SuperTabHelp :call <SID>SuperTabHelp()