changeset 141:e30655eb7050

textmate.el: synced with upstream Includes discovering that ido-imenu was a better textmate-goto-symbol and support for excluding files from grepping that are otherwise tracked in VCS. Useful for symlinks to large trees, and other such things.
author Augie Fackler <>
date Tue, 15 Sep 2009 20:28:22 -0400 (2009-09-16)
parents 7fa84e297c84
children a7deb3b738a2
files .elisp/settings/10.require.el .elisp/settings/50.localfuncs.el .elisp/settings/90.keybindings.el .elisp/textmate.el
diffstat 4 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/.elisp/settings/10.require.el
+++ b/.elisp/settings/10.require.el
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 (require 'textmate)
-(textmate-also-ignore "eggs|cover|daisy|.*.pyc")
 (require 'yaml-mode)
 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.yml$" . yaml-mode))
--- a/.elisp/settings/50.localfuncs.el
+++ b/.elisp/settings/50.localfuncs.el
@@ -7,50 +7,6 @@
                      (lambda (mode) "*pyflakes*")))
-(defun ido-imenu ()
-  "Update the imenu index and then use ido to select a symbol to navigate to.
-Symbols matching the text at point are put first in the completion list."
-  (interactive)
-  (imenu--make-index-alist)
-  (let ((name-and-pos '())
-        (symbol-names '()))
-    (flet ((addsymbols (symbol-list)
-                       (when (listp symbol-list)
-                         (dolist (symbol symbol-list)
-                           (let ((name nil) (position nil))
-                             (cond
-                              ((and (listp symbol) (imenu--subalist-p symbol))
-                               (addsymbols symbol))
-                              ((listp symbol)
-                               (setq name (car symbol))
-                               (setq position (cdr symbol)))
-                              ((stringp symbol)
-                               (setq name symbol)
-                               (setq position (get-text-property 1 'org-imenu-marker symbol))))
-                             (unless (or (null position) (null name))
-                               (add-to-list 'symbol-names name)
-                               (add-to-list 'name-and-pos (cons name position))))))))
-      (addsymbols imenu--index-alist))
-    ;; If there are matching symbols at point, put them at the beginning of `symbol-names'.
-    (let ((symbol-at-point (thing-at-point 'symbol)))
-      (when symbol-at-point
-        (let* ((regexp (concat (regexp-quote symbol-at-point) "$"))
-               (matching-symbols (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (symbol)
-                                                     (if (string-match regexp symbol) symbol))
-                                                   symbol-names))))
-          (when matching-symbols
-            (sort matching-symbols (lambda (a b) (> (length a) (length b))))
-            (mapc (lambda (symbol) (setq symbol-names (cons symbol (delete symbol symbol-names))))
-                  matching-symbols)))))
-    (let* ((selected-symbol (ido-completing-read "Symbol? " symbol-names))
-           (position (cdr (assoc selected-symbol name-and-pos))))
-      (goto-char position))))
 (defun fullscreen ()
   (set-frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen
--- a/.elisp/settings/90.keybindings.el
+++ b/.elisp/settings/90.keybindings.el
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 (global-set-key [(control backspace)] 'kill-word)
 ;; M-j for jump to function definition
-(global-set-key [(meta j)] 'ido-imenu)
+(global-set-key [(meta j)] 'textmate-goto-symbol)
 ;; commit emacs heresy?
 (global-set-key [(meta r)] 'execute-extended-command)
--- a/.elisp/textmate.el
+++ b/.elisp/textmate.el
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
 ;; textmate.el --- TextMate minor mode for Emacs
-;; Copyright (C) 2008 Chris Wanstrath <>
+;; Copyright (C) 2008 Chris Wanstrath <> and others
 ;; Licensed under the same terms as Emacs.
 ;; Version: 0.1.0
 ;; Keywords: textmate osx mac
 ;; Created: 22 Nov 2008
-;; Author: Chris Wanstrath <>
+;; Author: Chris Wanstrath <> and others
 ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
-;; Licensed under the same terms as Emacs.
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; This minor mode exists to mimick TextMate's awesome
@@ -22,12 +20,14 @@
 ;;  ⇧⌘T - Go to Symbol
 ;;    ⌘L - Go to Line
 ;;    ⌘/ - Comment Line (or Selection/Region)
-;;    ⌘] - Shift Right (currently indents region)
-;;    ⌘[ - Shift Left  (not yet implemented)
+;;    ⌘] - Shift Right
+;;    ⌘[ - Shift Left
 ;;  ⌥⌘] - Align Assignments
 ;;  ⌥⌘[ - Indent Line
 ;;  ⌘RET - Insert Newline at Line's End
-;;  ⌥⌘T - Reset File Cache (for Go to File, cache unused if using git/hg root)
+;;  ⌥⌘T - Reset File Cache (for Go to File, cache unused if using git/hg root,
+;;                           but resets cached root location, useful if roots
+;;                           are nested)
 ;; A "project" in textmate-mode is determined by the presence of
 ;; a .git directory. If no .git directory is found in your current
@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@
 ;;; Depends on imenu
 (require 'imenu)
+;;; Needed for flet
+  (require 'cl))
 ;;; Minor mode
 (defvar textmate-use-file-cache t
@@ -73,39 +77,65 @@
     (none ,(lambda (a) ())))
   "The list of functions to enable and disable completing minor modes")
-(defvar *textmate-mode-map* (make-sparse-keymap))
+(defvar *textmate-mode-map*
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (cond ((featurep 'aquamacs)
+           (define-key map [A-return] 'textmate-next-line)
+           (define-key map (kbd "A-M-t") 'textmate-clear-cache)
+           (define-key map (kbd "A-M-]") 'align)
+           (define-key map (kbd "A-M-[") 'indent-according-to-mode)
+           (define-key map (kbd "A-]")  'textmate-shift-right)
+           (define-key map (kbd "A-[") 'textmate-shift-left)
+           (define-key map (kbd "A-/") 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
+           (define-key map (kbd "A-t") 'textmate-goto-file)
+           (define-key map (kbd "A-T") 'textmate-goto-symbol))
+          ((and (featurep 'mac-carbon) (eq window-system 'mac) mac-key-mode)
+           (define-key map [(alt meta return)] 'textmate-next-line)
+           (define-key map [(alt meta t)] 'textmate-clear-cache)
+           (define-key map [(alt meta \])] 'align)
+           (define-key map [(alt meta \[)] 'indent-according-to-mode)
+           (define-key map [(alt \])]  'textmate-shift-right)
+           (define-key map [(alt \[)] 'textmate-shift-left)
+           (define-key map [(meta /)] 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
+           (define-key map [(alt t)] 'textmate-goto-file)
+           (define-key map [(alt shift t)] 'textmate-goto-symbol))
+          ((featurep 'ns)  ;;
+           (define-key map [(super meta return)] 'textmate-next-line)
+           (define-key map [(super meta t)] 'textmate-clear-cache)
+           (define-key map [(super meta \])] 'align)
+           (define-key map [(super meta \[)] 'indent-according-to-mode)
+           (define-key map [(super \])]  'textmate-shift-right)
+           (define-key map [(super \[)] 'textmate-shift-left)
+           (define-key map [(super /)] 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
+           (define-key map [(super t)] 'textmate-goto-file)
+           (define-key map [(super shift t)] 'textmate-goto-symbol))
+          (t ;; Any other version
+           (define-key map [(meta return)] 'textmate-next-line)
+           (define-key map [(control c)(control t)] 'textmate-clear-cache)
+           (define-key map [(control c)(control a)] 'align)
+           (define-key map [(control tab)] 'textmate-shift-right)
+           (define-key map [(control shift tab)] 'textmate-shift-left)
+           (define-key map [(control c)(control k)] 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
+           (define-key map [(meta t)] 'textmate-goto-file)
+           (define-key map [(meta shift t)] 'textmate-goto-symbol)))
+          map))
 (defvar *textmate-project-root* nil)
 (defvar *textmate-project-files* '())
 (defvar *textmate-gf-exclude*
-  "/\\.|vendor|fixtures|tmp|log|build|\\.xcodeproj|\\.nib|\\.framework|\\.app|\\.pbproj|\\.pbxproj|\\.xcode|\\.xcodeproj|\\.bundle")
-(defvar *textmate-keybindings-list* `((textmate-next-line
-                                     [A-return]    [M-return])
-                                     (textmate-clear-cache
-                                      ,(kbd "A-M-t") [(control c)(control t)])
-                                     (align
-                                      ,(kbd "A-M-]") [(control c)(control a)])
-                                     (indent-according-to-mode
-                                      ,(kbd "A-M-[") nil)
-                                     (indent-region
-                                      ,(kbd "A-]")   [(control tab)])
-                                     (comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line
-                                      ,(kbd "A-/")   [(control c)(control k)])
-                                     (textmate-goto-file
-                                      ,(kbd "A-t")   [(meta t)])
-                                     (textmate-goto-symbol
-                                      ,(kbd "A-T")   [(meta T)])
-                                     (textmate-toggle-camel-case
-                                      ,(kbd "C-_")   [(control _)])))
-(defvar *textmate-project-root-p*
-  #'(lambda (coll) (or (member ".git" coll)
-                       (member ".hg" coll)
-                       ))
-  "*Lambda that, given a collection of directory entries, returns
-  non-nil if it represents the project root.")
+  "/\\.|vendor|fixtures|tmp|log|build|\\.xcodeproj|\\.nib|\\.framework|\\.app|\\.pbproj|\\.pbxproj|\\.xcode|\\.xcodeproj|\\.bundle|\\.pyc")
+(defvar *textmate-project-roots*
+  '(".git" ".hg" "Rakefile" "Makefile" "README" "build.xml"))
+(defvar *textmate-vcs-exclude* nil
+  "string to give to grep -V to exclude some VCS paths from being grepped."
+  )
 (defvar *textmate-find-in-project-default* nil)
 (defvar *textmate-find-in-project-type-default* nil)
 ;;; Bindings
@@ -115,26 +145,34 @@
   (define-key ido-completion-map [up] 'ido-prev-match)
   (define-key ido-completion-map [down] 'ido-next-match))
-(defun textmate-bind-keys ()
-  (add-hook 'ido-setup-hook 'textmate-ido-fix)
-  ; weakness until i figure out how to do this right
-  (when (boundp 'osx-key-mode-map)
-    (define-key osx-key-mode-map (kbd "A-t") 'textmate-goto-file)
-    (define-key osx-key-mode-map (kbd "A-T") 'textmate-goto-symbol))
-  (let ((member) (i 0) (access (if (boundp 'aquamacs-version) 'cadr 'caddr)))
-    (setq member (nth i *textmate-keybindings-list*))
-    (while member
-      (if (funcall access member)
-       (define-key *textmate-mode-map* (funcall access member) (car member)))
-      (setq member (nth i *textmate-keybindings-list*))
-      (setq i (+ i 1)))))
 (defun textmate-completing-read (&rest args)
   (let ((reading-fn (cadr (assoc textmate-completing-library *textmate-completing-function-alist*))))
   (apply (symbol-function reading-fn) args)))
+;;; allow-line-as-region-for-function adds an "-or-line" version of
+;;; the given comment function which (un)comments the current line is
+;;; the mark is not active.  This code comes from Aquamac's osxkeys.el
+;;; and is licensed under the GPL
+(defmacro allow-line-as-region-for-function (orig-function)
+`(defun ,(intern (concat (symbol-name orig-function) "-or-line"))
+   ()
+   ,(format "Like `%s', but acts on the current line if mark is not active." orig-function)
+   (interactive)
+   (if mark-active
+       (call-interactively (function ,orig-function))
+     (save-excursion
+       ;; define a region (temporarily) -- so any C-u prefixes etc. are preserved.
+       (beginning-of-line)
+       (set-mark (point))
+       (end-of-line)
+       (call-interactively (function ,orig-function))))))
+(defun textmate-define-comment-line ()
+  "Add or-line (un)comment function if not already defined"
+  (unless (fboundp 'comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
+    (allow-line-as-region-for-function comment-or-uncomment-region)))
 ;;; Commands
 (defun textmate-next-line ()
@@ -144,7 +182,8 @@
 (defun textmate-goto-symbol ()
-  "Will update the imenu index and then use ido to select a symbol to navigate to"
+  "Update the imenu index and then use ido to select a symbol to navigate to.
+Symbols matching the text at point are put first in the completion list."
   (let ((name-and-pos '())
@@ -169,7 +208,18 @@
                                (add-to-list 'symbol-names name)
                                (add-to-list 'name-and-pos (cons name position))))))))
       (addsymbols imenu--index-alist))
-    (let* ((selected-symbol (textmate-completing-read "Symbol: " symbol-names))
+    ;; If there are matching symbols at point, put them at the beginning of `symbol-names'.
+    (let ((symbol-at-point (thing-at-point 'symbol)))
+      (when symbol-at-point
+        (let* ((regexp (concat (regexp-quote symbol-at-point) "$"))
+               (matching-symbols (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (symbol)
+                                                     (if (string-match regexp symbol) symbol))
+                                                   symbol-names))))
+          (when matching-symbols
+            (sort matching-symbols (lambda (a b) (> (length a) (length b))))
+            (mapc (lambda (symbol) (setq symbol-names (cons symbol (delete symbol symbol-names))))
+                  matching-symbols)))))
+    (let* ((selected-symbol (ido-completing-read "Symbol? " symbol-names))
            (position (cdr (assoc selected-symbol name-and-pos))))
       (goto-char position))))
@@ -177,7 +227,11 @@
   (let ((root (textmate-project-root)))
     (when (null root)
-      (error "Can't find any .git directory"))
+      (error
+       (concat
+        "Can't find a sutiable project root ("
+        (string-join " " *textmate-project-roots* )
+        ")")))
       (expand-file-name root) "/"
@@ -219,6 +273,9 @@
                            " ; "
                            (cond ((string= type "git") "git ls-files")
                                  ((string= type "hg") "hg manifest"))
+                           (if *textmate-vcs-exclude*
+                               (concat " | grep -v " (shell-quote-argument *textmate-vcs-exclude*))
+                             "")
                            " | xargs grep -nR "
                            (if pattern (concat " --include='" pattern "' ") "")
                            " -- "
@@ -271,11 +328,6 @@
 ;;; Utilities
-(defun textmate-also-ignore (pattern)
-  "Also ignore PATTERN in project files."
-  (setq *textmate-gf-exclude*
-    (concat *textmate-gf-exclude* "|" pattern)))
 (defun textmate-project-root-type (root)
   (cond ((member ".git" (directory-files root)) "git")
         ((member ".hg" (directory-files root)) "hg")
@@ -323,18 +375,46 @@
         (setq *textmate-project-root* nil))))
+(defun root-match(root names)
+        (member (car names) (directory-files root)))
+(defun root-matches(root names)
+        (if (root-match root names)
+                        (root-match root names)
+                        (if (eq (length (cdr names)) 0)
+                                        'nil
+                                        (root-matches root (cdr names))
+                                        )))
 (defun textmate-find-project-root (&optional root)
   (when (null root) (setq root default-directory))
-   ((funcall *textmate-project-root-p* (directory-files root))
-    (expand-file-name root))
+   ((root-matches root *textmate-project-roots*)
+                (expand-file-name root))
    ((equal (expand-file-name root) "/") nil)
    (t (textmate-find-project-root (concat (file-name-as-directory root) "..")))))
+(defun textmate-shift-right (&optional arg)
+  "Shift the line or region to the ARG places to the right.
+A place is considered `tab-width' character columns."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((deactivate-mark nil)
+        (beg (or (and mark-active (region-beginning))
+                 (line-beginning-position)))
+        (end (or (and mark-active (region-end)) (line-end-position))))
+    (indent-rigidly beg end (* (or arg 1) tab-width))))
+(defun textmate-shift-left (&optional arg)
+  "Shift the line or region to the ARG places to the left."
+  (interactive)
+  (textmate-shift-right (* -1 (or arg 1))))
 (define-minor-mode textmate-mode "TextMate Emulation Minor Mode"
   :lighter " mate" :global t :keymap *textmate-mode-map*
-  (textmate-bind-keys)
+  (add-hook 'ido-setup-hook 'textmate-ido-fix)
+  (textmate-define-comment-line)
   ; activate preferred completion library
   (dolist (mode *textmate-completing-minor-mode-alist*)
     (if (eq (car mode) textmate-completing-library)