changeset 512:ea947b2b04a0

zsh: update mcfly support to 1d1d5892b0c8
author Augie Fackler <>
date Sun, 21 Mar 2021 22:08:09 -0400 (2021-03-22)
parents a6d9af3fdc50
children ad9ca178e094 0cb4d4ef79f4
files .shell.d/99.mcfly.zsh
diffstat 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/.shell.d/99.mcfly.zsh
+++ b/.shell.d/99.mcfly.zsh
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ export MCFLY_SESSION_ID=$(dd if=/dev/ura
 # Find the binary
 MCFLY_PATH=${MCFLY_PATH:-$(which mcfly)}
+if [[ -z "$MCFLY_PATH" || "$MCFLY_PATH" == "mcfly not found" ]]; then
+  echo "Cannot find the mcfly binary, please make sure that mcfly is in your path before sourcing mcfly.bash."
+  return 1
 # Required for commented out mcfly search commands to work.
 setopt interactive_comments   # allow comments in interactive shells (like Bash does)
@@ -52,7 +56,7 @@ function mcfly_prompt_command {
   # Run mcfly with the saved code. It fill find the text of the last command in $MCFLY_HISTORY and save it to the database.
   [ -n "$MCFLY_DEBUG" ] && echo "mcfly.zsh: Run mcfly add --exit ${exit_code}"
-  $MCFLY_PATH add --exit ${exit_code}
+  $MCFLY_PATH --history_format zsh add --exit ${exit_code}
   return ${exit_code} # Restore the original exit code by returning it.
@@ -71,14 +75,19 @@ if [[ $- =~ .*i.* ]]; then
       echoti rmkx
       exec </dev/tty
       local mcfly_output=$(mktemp -t mcfly.output.XXXXXXXX)
-      $MCFLY_PATH search -o "${mcfly_output}" "${LBUFFER}"
-      local mode=$(sed -n 1p $mcfly_output)
-      local selected=$(sed 1d $mcfly_output)
-      rm -f $mcfly_output
+      $MCFLY_PATH --history_format zsh search -o "${mcfly_output}" "${LBUFFER}"
       echoti smkx
-      if [[ -n $selected ]]; then
+      # Interpret commandline/run requests from McFly
+      while read -r key val; do
+        if [[ "$key" = "mode" ]]; then local mode="$val"; fi
+        if [[ "$key" = "commandline" ]]; then local commandline="$val"; fi
+      done < "${mcfly_output}"
+      rm -f $mcfly_output
+      if [[ -n $commandline ]]; then
-        LBUFFER="${selected}"
+        LBUFFER="${commandline}"
       if [[ "${mode}" == "run" ]]; then
         zle accept-line