diff hgsubversion/hg_delta_editor.py @ 414:343da842dbe6

split parts of HgChangeReceiver out into an SVNMeta class Less obvious things: - my reordering in the previous was incomplete - _branch_for_path() was unused, so I removed it - _svnpath() was removed in favor of identical _remotename() - I've checked "no cover" bits manually
author Dirkjan Ochtman <dirkjan@ochtman.nl>
date Thu, 11 Jun 2009 18:56:35 +0200
parents ac0cc3c9ea63
children b17b2969861c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/hgsubversion/hg_delta_editor.py
+++ b/hgsubversion/hg_delta_editor.py
@@ -1,23 +1,17 @@
 import cStringIO
-import cPickle as pickle
-import os
 import sys
-import tempfile
 import traceback
 from mercurial import context
-from mercurial import hg
-from mercurial import ui
 from mercurial import util as hgutil
 from mercurial import revlog
 from mercurial import node
-from mercurial import error
 from svn import delta
 from svn import core
+import svnmeta
 import svnexternals
 import util
-import maps
 class MissingPlainTextError(Exception):
     """Exception raised when the repo lacks a source file required for replaying
@@ -29,22 +23,6 @@ class ReplayException(Exception):
-def pickle_atomic(data, file_path, dir=None):
-    """pickle some data to a path atomically.
-    This is present because I kept corrupting my revmap by managing to hit ^C
-    during the pickle of that file.
-    """
-    try:
-        f, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='pickling', dir=dir)
-        f = os.fdopen(f, 'w')
-        pickle.dump(data, f)
-        f.close()
-    except: #pragma: no cover
-        raise
-    else:
-        hgutil.rename(path, file_path)
 def ieditor(fn):
     """Helps identify methods used by the SVN editor interface.
@@ -69,8 +47,7 @@ class RevisionData(object):
     __slots__ = [
         'file', 'files', 'deleted', 'rev', 'execfiles', 'symlinks', 'batons',
-        'copies', 'missing', 'emptybranches', 'base', 'closebranches',
-        'externals',
+        'copies', 'missing', 'emptybranches', 'base', 'externals',
     def __init__(self):
@@ -89,431 +66,16 @@ class RevisionData(object):
         self.missing = set()
         self.emptybranches = {}
         self.base = None
-        self.closebranches = set()
         self.externals = {}
 class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
     def __init__(self, repo, uuid=None, subdir=''):
-        """path is the path to the target hg repo.
-        subdir is the subdirectory of the edits *on the svn server*.
-        It is needed for stripping paths off in certain cases.
-        """
         self.ui = repo.ui
         self.repo = repo
-        self.path = os.path.normpath(repo.join('..'))
-        if not os.path.isdir(self.meta_data_dir):
-            os.makedirs(self.meta_data_dir)
-        self._set_uuid(uuid)
-        # TODO: validate subdir too
-        self.revmap = maps.RevMap(repo)
-        author_host = self.ui.config('hgsubversion', 'defaulthost', uuid)
-        authors = self.ui.config('hgsubversion', 'authormap')
-        tag_locations = self.ui.configlist('hgsubversion', 'tagpaths', ['tags'])
-        self.usebranchnames = self.ui.configbool('hgsubversion',
-                                                  'usebranchnames', True)
-        # FIXME: test that this hasn't changed! defer & compare?
-        self.subdir = subdir
-        if self.subdir and self.subdir[0] == '/':
-            self.subdir = self.subdir[1:]
-        self.branches = {}
-        if os.path.exists(self.branch_info_file):
-            f = open(self.branch_info_file)
-            self.branches = pickle.load(f)
-            f.close()
-        self.tags = {}
-        if os.path.exists(self.tag_locations_file):
-            f = open(self.tag_locations_file)
-            self.tag_locations = pickle.load(f)
-            f.close()
-        else:
-            self.tag_locations = tag_locations
-        pickle_atomic(self.tag_locations, self.tag_locations_file,
-                      self.meta_data_dir)
-        # ensure nested paths are handled properly
-        self.tag_locations.sort()
-        self.tag_locations.reverse()
+        self.meta = svnmeta.SVNMeta(repo, uuid, subdir)
         self.current = RevisionData()
-        self.authors = maps.AuthorMap(self.ui, self.authors_file,
-                                 defaulthost=author_host)
-        if authors: self.authors.load(authors)
-        self.lastdate = '1970-01-01 00:00:00 -0000'
-        self.filemap = maps.FileMap(repo)
-    def _get_uuid(self):
-        return open(os.path.join(self.meta_data_dir, 'uuid')).read()
-    def _set_uuid(self, uuid):
-        if not uuid:
-            return
-        elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.meta_data_dir, 'uuid')):
-            stored_uuid = self._get_uuid()
-            assert stored_uuid
-            if uuid != stored_uuid:
-                raise hgutil.Abort('unable to operate on unrelated repository')
-        else:
-            if uuid:
-                f = open(os.path.join(self.meta_data_dir, 'uuid'), 'w')
-                f.write(uuid)
-                f.flush()
-                f.close()
-            else:
-                raise hgutil.Abort('unable to operate on unrelated repository')
-    uuid = property(_get_uuid, _set_uuid, None,
-                    'Error-checked UUID of source Subversion repository.')
-    @property
-    def meta_data_dir(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.path, '.hg', 'svn')
-    @property
-    def branch_info_file(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.meta_data_dir, 'branch_info')
-    @property
-    def tag_locations_file(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.meta_data_dir, 'tag_locations')
-    @property
-    def authors_file(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.meta_data_dir, 'authors')
-    def hashes(self):
-        return dict((v, k) for (k, v) in self.revmap.iteritems())
-    def branchedits(self, branch, rev):
-        check = lambda x: x[0][1] == branch and x[0][0] < rev.revnum
-        return sorted(filter(check, self.revmap.iteritems()), reverse=True)
-    def last_known_revision(self):
-        """Obtain the highest numbered -- i.e. latest -- revision known.
-        Currently, this function just iterates over the entire revision map
-        using the max() builtin. This may be slow for extremely large
-        repositories, but for now, it's fast enough.
-        """
-        try:
-            return max(k[0] for k in self.revmap.iterkeys())
-        except ValueError:
-            return 0
-    def fixdate(self, date):
-        if date is not None:
-            date = date.replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', '').split('.')[0]
-            date += ' -0000'
-            self.lastdate = date
-        else:
-            date = self.lastdate
-        return date
-    def _save_metadata(self):
-        '''Save the Subversion metadata. This should really be called after
-        every revision is created.
-        '''
-        pickle_atomic(self.branches, self.branch_info_file, self.meta_data_dir)
-    def _localname(self, path):
-        """Compute the local name for a branch located at path.
-        """
-        assert not path.startswith('tags/')
-        if path == 'trunk':
-            return None
-        elif path.startswith('branches/'):
-            return path[len('branches/'):]
-        return  '../%s' % path
-    def _remotename(self, branch):
-        if branch == 'default' or branch is None:
-            return 'trunk'
-        elif branch.startswith('../'):
-            return branch[3:]
-        return 'branches/%s' % branch
-    def _normalize_path(self, path):
-        '''Normalize a path to strip of leading slashes and our subdir if we
-        have one.
-        '''
-        if path and path[0] == '/':
-            path = path[1:]
-        if path and path.startswith(self.subdir):
-            path = path[len(self.subdir):]
-        if path and path[0] == '/':
-            path = path[1:]
-        return path
-    def _is_path_tag(self, path):
-        """If path could represent the path to a tag, returns the potential tag
-        name. Otherwise, returns False.
-        Note that it's only a tag if it was copied from the path '' in a branch
-        (or tag) we have, for our purposes.
-        """
-        path = self._normalize_path(path)
-        for tagspath in self.tag_locations:
-            onpath = path.startswith(tagspath)
-            longer = len(path) > len('%s/' % tagspath)
-            if path and onpath and longer:
-                tag, subpath = path[len(tagspath) + 1:], ''
-                return tag
-        return False
-    def _split_branch_path(self, path, existing=True):
-        """Figure out which branch inside our repo this path represents, and
-        also figure out which path inside that branch it is.
-        Returns a tuple of (path within branch, local branch name, server-side branch path).
-        If existing=True, will return None, None, None if the file isn't on some known
-        branch. If existing=False, then it will guess what the branch would be if it were
-        known.
-        """
-        path = self._normalize_path(path)
-        if path.startswith('tags/'):
-            return None, None, None
-        test = ''
-        path_comps = path.split('/')
-        while self._localname(test) not in self.branches and len(path_comps):
-            if not test:
-                test = path_comps.pop(0)
-            else:
-                test += '/%s' % path_comps.pop(0)
-        if self._localname(test) in self.branches:
-            return path[len(test)+1:], self._localname(test), test
-        if existing:
-            return None, None, None
-        if path == 'trunk' or path.startswith('trunk/'):
-            path = path.split('/')[1:]
-            test = 'trunk'
-        elif path.startswith('branches/'):
-            elts = path.split('/')
-            test = '/'.join(elts[:2])
-            path = '/'.join(elts[2:])
-        else:
-            path = test.split('/')[-1]
-            test = '/'.join(test.split('/')[:-1])
-        ln =  self._localname(test)
-        if ln and ln.startswith('../'):
-            return None, None, None
-        return path, ln, test
-    def _is_path_valid(self, path):
-        if path is None:
-            return False
-        subpath = self._split_branch_path(path)[0]
-        if subpath is None:
-            return False
-        return subpath in self.filemap
-    def get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev(self, number, branch):
-        number -= 1
-        if (number, branch) in self.revmap:
-            return number, branch
-        real_num = 0
-        for num, br in self.revmap.iterkeys():
-            if br != branch:
-                continue
-            if num <= number and num > real_num:
-                real_num = num
-        if branch in self.branches:
-            parent_branch = self.branches[branch][0]
-            parent_branch_rev = self.branches[branch][1]
-            # check to see if this branch already existed and is the same
-            if parent_branch_rev < real_num:
-                return real_num, branch
-            # if that wasn't true, then this is the a new branch with the
-            # same name as some old deleted branch
-            if parent_branch_rev <= 0 and real_num == 0:
-                return None, None
-            branch_created_rev = self.branches[branch][2]
-            if parent_branch == 'trunk':
-                parent_branch = None
-            if branch_created_rev <= number+1 and branch != parent_branch:
-                return self.get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev(
-                                                parent_branch_rev+1,
-                                                parent_branch)
-        if real_num != 0:
-            return real_num, branch
-        return None, None
-    def get_parent_revision(self, number, branch):
-        '''Get the parent revision hash for a commit on a specific branch.
-        '''
-        r, br = self.get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev(number, branch)
-        if r is not None:
-            return self.revmap[r, br]
-        return revlog.nullid
-    def update_branch_tag_map_for_rev(self, revision):
-        paths = revision.paths
-        added_branches = {}
-        added_tags = {}
-        self.current.closebranches = set()
-        tags_to_delete = set()
-        for p in sorted(paths):
-            t_name = self._is_path_tag(p)
-            if t_name != False:
-                src_p, src_rev = paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev
-                # if you commit to a tag, I'm calling you stupid and ignoring
-                # you.
-                if src_p is not None and src_rev is not None:
-                    file, branch = self._path_and_branch_for_path(src_p)
-                    if file is None:
-                        # some crazy people make tags from other tags
-                        file = ''
-                        from_tag = self._is_path_tag(src_p)
-                        if not from_tag:
-                            continue
-                        branch, src_rev = self.tags[from_tag]
-                    if t_name not in added_tags and file is '':
-                        added_tags[t_name] = branch, src_rev
-                    elif file:
-                        t_name = t_name[:-(len(file)+1)]
-                        if src_rev > added_tags[t_name][1]:
-                            added_tags[t_name] = branch, src_rev
-                elif (paths[p].action == 'D' and p.endswith(t_name)
-                      and t_name in self.tags):
-                        tags_to_delete.add(t_name)
-                continue
-            # At this point we know the path is not a tag. In that
-            # case, we only care if it is the root of a new branch (in
-            # this function). This is determined by the following
-            # checks:
-            # 1. Is the file located inside any currently known
-            #    branch?  If yes, then we're done with it, this isn't
-            #    interesting.
-            # 2. Does the file have copyfrom information? If yes, then
-            #    we're done: this is a new branch, and we record the
-            #    copyfrom in added_branches if it comes from the root
-            #    of another branch, or create it from scratch.
-            # 3. Neither of the above. This could be a branch, but it
-            #    might never work out for us. It's only ever a branch
-            #    (as far as we're concerned) if it gets committed to,
-            #    which we have to detect at file-write time anyway. So
-            #    we do nothing here.
-            # 4. It's the root of an already-known branch, with an
-            #    action of 'D'. We mark the branch as deleted.
-            # 5. It's the parent directory of one or more
-            #    already-known branches, so we mark them as deleted.
-            # 6. It's a branch being replaced by another branch - the
-            #    action will be 'R'.
-            fi, br = self._path_and_branch_for_path(p)
-            if fi is not None:
-                if fi == '':
-                    if paths[p].action == 'D':
-                        self.current.closebranches.add(br) # case 4
-                    elif paths[p].action == 'R':
-                        parent = self._determine_parent_branch(
-                            p, paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev,
-                            revision.revnum)
-                        added_branches.update(parent)
-                continue # case 1
-            if paths[p].action == 'D':
-                for known in self.branches:
-                    if self._svnpath(known).startswith(p):
-                        self.current.closebranches.add(known) # case 5
-            parent = self._determine_parent_branch(
-                p, paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev, revision.revnum)
-            if not parent and paths[p].copyfrom_path:
-                bpath, branch = self._path_and_branch_for_path(p, False)
-                if (bpath is not None
-                    and branch not in self.branches
-                    and branch not in added_branches):
-                    parent = {branch: (None, 0, revision.revnum)}
-            added_branches.update(parent)
-        rmtags = dict((t, self.tags[t][0]) for t in tags_to_delete)
-        return {
-            'tags': (added_tags, rmtags),
-            'branches': (added_branches, self.current.closebranches),
-        }
-    def save_tbdelta(self, tbdelta):
-        for t in tbdelta['tags'][1]:
-            del self.tags[t]
-        for br in tbdelta['branches'][1]:
-            del self.branches[br]
-        for t, info in tbdelta['tags'][0].items():
-            self.ui.status('Tagged %s@%s as %s\n' %
-                           (info[0] or 'trunk', info[1], t))
-        self.tags.update(tbdelta['tags'][0])
-        self.branches.update(tbdelta['branches'][0])
-    def committags(self, delta, rev, endbranches):
-        date = self.fixdate(rev.date)
-        # determine additions/deletions per branch
-        branches = {}
-        for tag, source in delta[0].iteritems():
-            b, r = source
-            branches.setdefault(b, []).append(('add', tag, r))
-        for tag, branch in delta[1].iteritems():
-            branches.setdefault(branch, []).append(('rm', tag, None))
-        for b, tags in branches.iteritems():
-            # modify parent's .hgtags source
-            parent = self.repo[self.get_parent_revision(rev.revnum, b)]
-            if '.hgtags' not in parent:
-                src = ''
-            else:
-                src = parent['.hgtags'].data()
-            for op, tag, r in sorted(tags, reverse=True):
-                if op == 'add':
-                    tagged = node.hex(self.revmap[
-                        self.get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev(r+1, b)])
-                elif op == 'rm':
-                    tagged = node.hex(node.nullid)
-                src += '%s %s\n' % (tagged, tag)
-            # add new changeset containing updated .hgtags
-            def fctxfun(repo, memctx, path):
-                return context.memfilectx(path='.hgtags', data=src,
-                                          islink=False, isexec=False,
-                                          copied=None)
-            extra = util.build_extra(rev.revnum, b, self.uuid, self.subdir)
-            if not self.usebranchnames:
-                extra.pop('branch', None)
-            if b in endbranches:
-                extra['close'] = 1
-            ctx = context.memctx(self.repo,
-                                 (parent.node(), node.nullid),
-                                 rev.message or ' ',
-                                 ['.hgtags'],
-                                 fctxfun,
-                                 self.authors[rev.author],
-                                 date,
-                                 extra)
-            new = self.repo.commitctx(ctx)
-            if (rev.revnum, b) not in self.revmap:
-                self.revmap[rev.revnum, b] = new
-            if b in endbranches:
-                endbranches.pop(b)
-                bname = b or 'default'
-                self.ui.status('Marked branch %s as closed.\n' % bname)
-    def delbranch(self, branch, node, rev):
-        pctx = self.repo[node]
-        files = pctx.manifest().keys()
-        extra = {'close': 1}
-        if self.usebranchnames:
-            extra['branch'] = branch or 'default'
-        ctx = context.memctx(self.repo,
-                             (node, revlog.nullid),
-                             rev.message or util.default_commit_msg,
-                             [],
-                             lambda x, y, z: None,
-                             self.authors[rev.author],
-                             self.fixdate(rev.date),
-                             extra)
-        new = self.repo.commitctx(ctx)
-        self.ui.status('Marked branch %s as closed.\n' % (branch or 'default'))
     def set_file(self, path, data, isexec=False, islink=False):
         if islink:
@@ -534,34 +96,6 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
         self.current.symlinks[path] = False
         self.ui.note('D %s\n' % path)
-    def _svnpath(self, branch):
-        """Return the relative path in svn of branch.
-        """
-        if branch == None or branch == 'default':
-            return 'trunk'
-        elif branch.startswith('../'):
-            return branch[3:]
-        return 'branches/%s' % branch
-    def _path_and_branch_for_path(self, path, existing=True):
-        return self._split_branch_path(path, existing=existing)[:2]
-    def _branch_for_path(self, path, existing=True):
-        return self._path_and_branch_for_path(path, existing=existing)[1]
-    def _determine_parent_branch(self, p, src_path, src_rev, revnum):
-        if src_path is not None:
-            src_file, src_branch = self._path_and_branch_for_path(src_path)
-            src_tag = self._is_path_tag(src_path)
-            if src_tag != False:
-                # also case 2
-                src_branch, src_rev = self.tags[src_tag]
-                return {self._localname(p): (src_branch, src_rev, revnum )}
-            if src_file == '':
-                # case 2
-                return {self._localname(p): (src_branch, src_rev, revnum )}
-        return {}
     def _updateexternals(self):
         if not self.current.externals:
@@ -569,13 +103,13 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
         revnum = self.current.rev.revnum
         branches = {}
         for path, entry in self.current.externals.iteritems():
-            if not self._is_path_valid(path):
+            if not self.meta._is_path_valid(path):
                 self.ui.warn('WARNING: Invalid path %s in externals\n' % path)
-            p, b, bp = self._split_branch_path(path)
+            p, b, bp = self.meta._split_branch_path(path)
             if bp not in branches:
                 external = svnexternals.externalsfile()
-                parent = self.get_parent_revision(revnum, b)
+                parent = self.meta.get_parent_revision(revnum, b)
                 pctx = self.repo[parent]
                 if '.hgsvnexternals' in pctx:
@@ -609,20 +143,20 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
         branch_batches = {}
         rev = self.current.rev
-        date = self.fixdate(rev.date)
+        date = self.meta.fixdate(rev.date)
         # build up the branches that have files on them
         for f in files_to_commit:
-            if not  self._is_path_valid(f):
+            if not self.meta._is_path_valid(f):
-            p, b = self._path_and_branch_for_path(f)
+            p, b = self.meta._path_and_branch_for_path(f)
             if b not in branch_batches:
                 branch_batches[b] = []
             branch_batches[b].append((p, f))
         closebranches = {}
         for branch in tbdelta['branches'][1]:
-            branchedits = self.branchedits(branch, rev)
+            branchedits = self.meta.branchedits(branch, rev)
             if len(branchedits) < 1:
                 # can't close a branch that never existed
@@ -636,13 +170,13 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
                 del self.current.emptybranches[branch]
             files = dict(files)
-            parents = (self.get_parent_revision(rev.revnum, branch),
+            parents = (self.meta.get_parent_revision(rev.revnum, branch),
-            if parents[0] in closedrevs and branch in self.current.closebranches:
+            if parents[0] in closedrevs and branch in self.meta.closebranches:
-            extra = util.build_extra(rev.revnum, branch, self.uuid, self.subdir)
+            extra = util.build_extra(rev.revnum, branch, self.meta.uuid, self.meta.subdir)
             if branch is not None:
-                if (branch not in self.branches
+                if (branch not in self.meta.branches
                     and branch not in self.repo.branchtags()):
             parent_ctx = self.repo.changectx(parents[0])
@@ -673,24 +207,24 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
                                           islink=is_link, isexec=is_exec,
-            if not self.usebranchnames:
+            if not self.meta.usebranchnames:
                 extra.pop('branch', None)
             current_ctx = context.memctx(self.repo,
                                          rev.message or '...',
-                                         self.authors[rev.author],
+                                         self.meta.authors[rev.author],
             new_hash = self.repo.commitctx(current_ctx)
             util.describe_commit(self.ui, new_hash, branch)
-            if (rev.revnum, branch) not in self.revmap:
-                self.revmap[rev.revnum, branch] = new_hash
+            if (rev.revnum, branch) not in self.meta.revmap:
+                self.meta.revmap[rev.revnum, branch] = new_hash
         # 2. handle branches that need to be committed without any files
         for branch in self.current.emptybranches:
-            ha = self.get_parent_revision(rev.revnum, branch)
+            ha = self.meta.get_parent_revision(rev.revnum, branch)
             if ha == node.nullid:
             parent_ctx = self.repo.changectx(ha)
@@ -700,44 +234,44 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
             if self.current.emptybranches[branch]: #pragma: no cover
                raise hgutil.Abort('Empty commit to an open branch attempted. '
                                   'Please report this issue.')
-            extra = util.build_extra(rev.revnum, branch, self.uuid, self.subdir)
-            if not self.usebranchnames:
+            extra = util.build_extra(rev.revnum, branch, self.meta.uuid, self.meta.subdir)
+            if not self.meta.usebranchnames:
                 extra.pop('branch', None)
             current_ctx = context.memctx(self.repo,
                                          (ha, node.nullid),
                                          rev.message or ' ',
-                                         self.authors[rev.author],
+                                         self.meta.authors[rev.author],
             new_hash = self.repo.commitctx(current_ctx)
             util.describe_commit(self.ui, new_hash, branch)
-            if (rev.revnum, branch) not in self.revmap:
-                self.revmap[rev.revnum, branch] = new_hash
+            if (rev.revnum, branch) not in self.meta.revmap:
+                self.meta.revmap[rev.revnum, branch] = new_hash
         # 3. handle tags
         if tbdelta['tags'][0] or tbdelta['tags'][1]:
-            self.committags(tbdelta['tags'], rev, closebranches)
+            self.meta.committags(tbdelta['tags'], rev, closebranches)
         # 4. close any branches that need it
         for branch, parent in closebranches.iteritems():
             if parent is None:
-            self.delbranch(branch, parent, rev)
+            self.meta.delbranch(branch, parent, rev)
-        self._save_metadata()
+        self.meta._save_metadata()
     # Here come all the actual editor methods
     def delete_entry(self, path, revision_bogus, parent_baton, pool=None):
-        br_path, branch = self._path_and_branch_for_path(path)
+        br_path, branch = self.meta._path_and_branch_for_path(path)
         if br_path == '':
-            self.current.closebranches.add(branch)
+            self.meta.closebranches.add(branch)
         if br_path is not None:
-            ha = self.get_parent_revision(self.current.rev.revnum, branch)
+            ha = self.meta.get_parent_revision(self.current.rev.revnum, branch)
             if ha == revlog.nullid:
             ctx = self.repo.changectx(ha)
@@ -758,7 +292,7 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
     def open_file(self, path, parent_baton, base_revision, p=None):
         self.current.file = None
-        fpath, branch = self._path_and_branch_for_path(path)
+        fpath, branch = self.meta._path_and_branch_for_path(path)
         if not fpath:
             self.ui.debug('WARNING: Opening non-existant file %s\n' % path)
@@ -776,10 +310,10 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
         baserev = base_revision
         if baserev is None or baserev == -1:
             baserev = self.current.rev.revnum - 1
-        parent = self.get_parent_revision(baserev + 1, branch)
+        parent = self.meta.get_parent_revision(baserev + 1, branch)
         ctx = self.repo[parent]
-        if not self._is_path_valid(path):
+        if not self.meta._is_path_valid(path):
         if fpath not in ctx:
@@ -798,12 +332,12 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
         self.current.base = None
         if path in self.current.deleted:
             del self.current.deleted[path]
-        fpath, branch = self._path_and_branch_for_path(path, existing=False)
+        fpath, branch = self.meta._path_and_branch_for_path(path, existing=False)
         if not fpath:
-        if branch not in self.branches:
+        if branch not in self.meta.branches:
             # we know this branch will exist now, because it has at least one file. Rock.
-            self.branches[branch] = None, 0, self.current.rev.revnum
+            self.meta.branches[branch] = None, 0, self.current.rev.revnum
         self.current.file = path
         if not copyfrom_path:
             self.ui.note('A %s\n' % path)
@@ -811,20 +345,20 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
         self.ui.note('A+ %s\n' % path)
-         from_branch) = self._path_and_branch_for_path(copyfrom_path)
+         from_branch) = self.meta._path_and_branch_for_path(copyfrom_path)
         if not from_file:
-        ha = self.get_parent_revision(copyfrom_revision + 1,
-                                      from_branch)
+        ha = self.meta.get_parent_revision(copyfrom_revision + 1,
+                                           from_branch)
         ctx = self.repo.changectx(ha)
         if from_file in ctx:
             fctx = ctx.filectx(from_file)
             flags = fctx.flags()
             self.set_file(path, fctx.data(), 'x' in flags, 'l' in flags)
         if from_branch == branch:
-            parentid = self.get_parent_revision(self.current.rev.revnum,
-                                                branch)
+            parentid = self.meta.get_parent_revision(self.current.rev.revnum,
+                                                     branch)
             if parentid != revlog.nullid:
                 parentctx = self.repo.changectx(parentid)
                 if util.aresamefiles(parentctx, ctx, [from_file]):
@@ -834,7 +368,7 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
     def add_directory(self, path, parent_baton, copyfrom_path,
                       copyfrom_revision, dir_pool=None):
         self.current.batons[path] = path
-        br_path, branch = self._path_and_branch_for_path(path)
+        br_path, branch = self.meta._path_and_branch_for_path(path)
         if br_path is not None:
             if not copyfrom_path and not br_path:
                 self.current.emptybranches[branch] = True
@@ -843,23 +377,23 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
         if br_path is None or not copyfrom_path:
             return path
         if copyfrom_path:
-            tag = self._is_path_tag(copyfrom_path)
-            if tag not in self.tags:
+            tag = self.meta._is_path_tag(copyfrom_path)
+            if tag not in self.meta.tags:
                 tag = None
-            if not self._is_path_valid(copyfrom_path) and not tag:
+            if not self.meta._is_path_valid(copyfrom_path) and not tag:
                 self.current.missing.add('%s/' % path)
                 return path
         if tag:
-            source_branch, source_rev = self.tags[tag]
+            source_branch, source_rev = self.meta.tags[tag]
             cp_f = ''
             source_rev = copyfrom_revision
-            cp_f, source_branch = self._path_and_branch_for_path(copyfrom_path)
+            cp_f, source_branch = self.meta._path_and_branch_for_path(copyfrom_path)
             if cp_f == '' and br_path == '':
                 assert br_path is not None
-                self.branches[branch] = source_branch, source_rev, self.current.rev.revnum
-        new_hash = self.get_parent_revision(source_rev + 1,
-                                            source_branch)
+                tmp = source_branch, source_rev, self.current.rev.revnum
+                self.meta.branches[branch] = tmp
+        new_hash = self.meta.get_parent_revision(source_rev + 1, source_branch)
         if new_hash == node.nullid:
             self.current.missing.add('%s/' % path)
             return path
@@ -883,7 +417,7 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
         if copies:
             # Preserve the directory copy records if no file was changed between
             # the source and destination revisions, or discard it completely.
-            parentid = self.get_parent_revision(self.current.rev.revnum, branch)
+            parentid = self.meta.get_parent_revision(self.current.rev.revnum, branch)
             if parentid != revlog.nullid:
                 parentctx = self.repo.changectx(parentid)
                 if util.aresamefiles(parentctx, cp_f_ctx, copies.values()):
@@ -908,7 +442,7 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
     def open_directory(self, path, parent_baton, base_revision, dir_pool=None):
         self.current.batons[path] = path
-        p_, branch = self._path_and_branch_for_path(path)
+        p_, branch = self.meta._path_and_branch_for_path(path)
         if p_ == '':
             self.current.emptybranches[branch] = False
         return path
@@ -925,7 +459,7 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
         # 2) Missing a base text (bail quick since we have to fetch a full plaintext)
         # 3) Has a base text in self.current.files, apply deltas
         base = ''
-        if not self._is_path_valid(self.current.file):
+        if not self.meta._is_path_valid(self.current.file):
             return lambda x: None
         assert self.current.file not in self.current.deleted, (
             'Cannot apply_textdelta to a deleted file: %s' % self.current.file)
@@ -944,7 +478,7 @@ class HgChangeReceiver(delta.Editor):
                                'cannot call handler!')
         def txdelt_window(window):
-                if not self._is_path_valid(self.current.file):
+                if not self.meta._is_path_valid(self.current.file):
                 handler(window, baton)
                 # window being None means commit this file