diff svncommands.py @ 304:ce676eff002b

First merge, totally untested.
author Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen <danchr@gmail.com>
date Fri, 01 May 2009 10:28:59 +0200
parents ba8e91a7c077
children 1d48d9a34c19
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svncommands.py
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+import os
+import cPickle as pickle
+from mercurial import hg
+from mercurial import node
+from mercurial import util as hgutil
+import hg_delta_editor
+import svnwrap
+import util
+import utility_commands
+import svnexternals
+def incoming(ui, svn_url, hg_repo_path, skipto_rev=0, stupid=None,
+             tag_locations='tags', authors=None, filemap=None, **opts):
+    """show incoming revisions from Subversion
+    """
+    svn_url = util.normalize_url(svn_url)
+    initializing_repo = False
+    user, passwd = util.getuserpass(opts)
+    svn = svnwrap.SubversionRepo(svn_url, user, passwd)
+    author_host = "@%s" % svn.uuid
+    tag_locations = tag_locations.split(',')
+    hg_editor = hg_delta_editor.HgChangeReceiver(hg_repo_path,
+                                                 ui_=ui,
+                                                 subdir=svn.subdir,
+                                                 author_host=author_host,
+                                                 tag_locations=tag_locations,
+                                                 authors=authors,
+                                                 filemap=filemap)
+    if os.path.exists(hg_editor.uuid_file):
+        uuid = open(hg_editor.uuid_file).read()
+        assert uuid == svn.uuid
+        start = hg_editor.last_known_revision()
+    else:
+        open(hg_editor.uuid_file, 'w').write(svn.uuid)
+        open(hg_editor.svn_url_file, 'w').write(svn_url)
+        initializing_repo = True
+        start = skipto_rev
+    if initializing_repo and start > 0:
+        raise hgutil.Abort('Revision skipping at repository initialization '
+                           'remains unimplemented.')
+    rev_stuff = (('revision', 'revnum'),
+                 ('user', 'author'),
+                 ('date', 'date'),
+                 ('message', 'message')
+                )
+    ui.status('incoming changes from %s\n' % svn_url)
+    for r in svn.revisions(start=start):
+        ui.status('\n')
+        for label, attr in rev_stuff:
+            l1 = label+':'
+            ui.status('%s%s\n' % (l1.ljust(13),
+                                  str(r.__getattribute__(attr)).strip(), ))
+def rebuildmeta(ui, repo, hg_repo_path, args, **opts):
+    """rebuild hgsubversion metadata using values stored in revisions
+    """
+    if len(args) != 1:
+        raise hgutil.Abort('You must pass the svn URI used to create this repo.')
+    uuid = None
+    url = args[0].rstrip('/')
+    user, passwd = util.getuserpass(opts)
+    svn = svnwrap.SubversionRepo(url, user, passwd)
+    subdir = svn.subdir
+    svnmetadir = os.path.join(repo.path, 'svn')
+    if not os.path.exists(svnmetadir):
+        os.makedirs(svnmetadir)
+    revmap = open(os.path.join(svnmetadir, 'rev_map'), 'w')
+    revmap.write('1\n')
+    last_rev = -1
+    branchinfo = {}
+    noderevnums = {}
+    for rev in repo:
+        ctx = repo[rev]
+        convinfo = ctx.extra().get('convert_revision', None)
+        if convinfo:
+            assert convinfo.startswith('svn:')
+            revpath, revision = convinfo[40:].split('@')
+            if subdir and subdir[0] != '/':
+                subdir = '/' + subdir
+            if subdir and subdir[-1] == '/':
+                subdir = subdir[:-1]
+            assert revpath.startswith(subdir), ('That does not look like the '
+                                                'right location in the repo.')
+            if uuid is None:
+                uuid = convinfo[4:40]
+                assert uuid == svn.uuid, 'UUIDs did not match!'
+                urlfile = open(os.path.join(svnmetadir, 'url'), 'w')
+                urlfile.write(url)
+                urlfile.close()
+                uuidfile = open(os.path.join(svnmetadir, 'uuid'), 'w')
+                uuidfile.write(uuid)
+                uuidfile.close()
+            commitpath = revpath[len(subdir)+1:]
+            if commitpath.startswith('branches'):
+                commitpath = commitpath[len('branches/'):]
+            elif commitpath == 'trunk':
+                commitpath = ''
+            else:
+                assert False, 'Unhandled case in rebuildmeta'
+            revmap.write('%s %s %s\n' % (revision,
+                                         node.hex(ctx.node()),
+                                         commitpath))
+            revision = int(revision)
+            noderevnums[ctx.node()] = revision
+            if revision > last_rev:
+                last_rev = revision
+            branch = ctx.branch()
+            if branch == 'default':
+                branch = None
+            if branch not in branchinfo:
+                parent = ctx.parents()[0]
+                if (parent.node() in noderevnums
+                    and parent.branch() != ctx.branch()):
+                    parentbranch = parent.branch()
+                    if parentbranch == 'default':
+                        parentbranch = None
+                else:
+                    parentbranch = None
+                branchinfo[branch] = (parentbranch,
+                                      noderevnums.get(parent.node(), 0),
+                                      revision)
+            for c in ctx.children():
+                if c.branch() == 'closed-branches':
+                    if branch in branchinfo:
+                        del branchinfo[branch]
+    branchinfofile = open(os.path.join(svnmetadir, 'branch_info'), 'w')
+    pickle.dump(branchinfo, branchinfofile)
+    branchinfofile.close()
+    # now handle tags
+    tagsinfo = {}
+    realtags = svn.tags
+    tagsleft = realtags.items()
+    while tagsleft:
+        tag, tagparent = tagsleft.pop(0)
+        source, rev = tagparent
+        if source.startswith('tags/'):
+            src = source[len('tags/'):]
+            if src in tagsinfo:
+                tagsinfo[tag] = tagsinfo[src]
+            elif src in realtags:
+                if (realtags[src][1] <= last_rev
+                    or realtags[src][0].startswith('tags/')):
+                    tagsleft.append(src)
+            else:
+                older_tags = svn.tags_at_rev(rev)
+                newsrc, newrev = older_tags[src]
+                tagsleft.append((tag, (newsrc, newrev)))
+            continue
+        else:
+            # determine the branch
+            assert not source.startswith('tags/'), "Tags can't be tags of other tags."
+            if source.startswith('branches/'):
+                source = source[len('branches/'):]
+            elif source == 'trunk':
+                source = None
+            else:
+                source = '../' + source
+        if rev <= last_rev and (source or 'default') in repo.branchtags():
+            tagsinfo[tag] = source, rev
+    tagsinfofile = open(os.path.join(svnmetadir, 'tag_info'), 'w')
+    pickle.dump(tagsinfo, tagsinfofile)
+    tagsinfofile.close()
+def help(ui, args=None, **opts):
+    """show help for a given subcommands or a help overview
+    """
+    if args:
+        subcommand = args[0]
+        if subcommand not in table:
+            candidates = []
+            for c in table:
+                if c.startswith(subcommand):
+                    candidates.append(c)
+            if len(candidates) == 1:
+                subcommand = candidates[0]
+            elif len(candidates) > 1:
+                ui.status('Ambiguous command. Could have been:\n%s\n' %
+                          ' '.join(candidates))
+                return
+        doc = table[subcommand].__doc__
+        if doc is None:
+            doc = "No documentation available for %s." % subcommand
+        ui.status(doc.strip(), '\n')
+        return
+    ui.status(_helpgen())
+def update(ui, args, repo, clean=False, **opts):
+    """update to a specified Subversion revision number
+    """
+    assert len(args) == 1
+    rev = int(args[0])
+    path = os.path.join(repo.path, 'svn', 'rev_map')
+    answers = []
+    for k,v in util.parse_revmap(path).iteritems():
+        if k[0] == rev:
+            answers.append((v, k[1]))
+    if len(answers) == 1:
+        if clean:
+            return hg.clean(repo, answers[0][0])
+        return hg.update(repo, answers[0][0])
+    elif len(answers) == 0:
+        ui.status('Revision %s did not produce an hg revision.\n' % rev)
+        return 1
+    else:
+        ui.status('Ambiguous revision!\n')
+        ui.status('\n'.join(['%s on %s' % (node.hex(a[0]), a[1]) for a in
+                             answers]+['']))
+    return 1
+nourl = ['rebuildmeta', 'help'] + utility_commands.nourl
+table = {
+    'update': update,
+    'help': help,
+    'rebuildmeta': rebuildmeta,
+    'incoming': incoming,
+    'updateexternals': svnexternals.updateexternals,
+def _helpgen():
+    ret = ['hg svn ...', '',
+           'subcommands for Subversion integration', '',
+           'list of subcommands:', '']
+    for name, func in sorted(table.items()):
+        short_description = (func.__doc__ or '').splitlines()[0]
+        ret.append(" %-10s  %s" % (name, short_description))
+    return '\n'.join(ret) + '\n'