view @ 1233:0d0132cba155

editor: fix edge case with in memory file-store size limit There are a few cases where we will set a single file into to the editor's FileStore object more than once. Notably, for copied and then modified files, we will set it at least twice. Three times if editing fails (which it can for symlinks). If we pass the in-memory storage limit in between the first (or second if editing fails) time we set the file and the last time we set the file, we will write the data to the in memory store the first time and the file store the last time. We didn't remove it form the in-memory store though, and we always prefer reading from the in-memory store. This means we can sometimes end up with the wrong version of a file. This is fairly unlikely to happen in normal use since you need to hit the memory limit between two writes to the store for the same file. We only write a file multiple times if a) the file (and not one of it's parent directories) is copied and then modified or b) editing fails. From what I can tell, it's only common for editing to fail for symlinks, and they ten to be relatively small data that is unlikely to push over the limit. Finally, the default limit is 100MB which I would expect to be most often either well over (source code) or well under (binaries or automated changes) the size of the changes files in a single commit. The easiest way to reproduce this is to set the in-memory cache size to 0 and then commit a copied and modified symlink. The empty-string version from the failed editing will be the one that persists. I happened to stumble upon this while trying (and failing) to test a bug-fix for a related bug with identical symptoms (empty simlink). I have seen this in the wild, once, but couldn't reproduce it at the time. The repo in question is quite large and quite active, so I am quite confident in my estimation that this is a real, but very rare, problem. The test changes attached to this was mneant to test a related bug, but turned out not to actually cover the bug in question. They did trigger this bug though, and are worthwhile to test, so I kept them.
author David Schleimer <>
date Mon, 07 Apr 2014 17:51:59 -0700
parents 7d47a0f73135
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
if not hasattr(sys, 'version_info') or sys.version_info < (2, 4, 0, 'final'):
    raise SystemExit("Mercurial requires python 2.4 or later.")

    from distutils.command.build_py import build_py_2to3 as build_py
except ImportError:
    from distutils.command.build_py import build_py
    from setuptools import setup
except ImportError:
    from distutils.core import setup

def runcmd(cmd, env):
    shell = == 'nt'
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell,
                         stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
    out, err = p.communicate()
    # If root is executing, but the repository is owned by
    # another user (as in "sudo python install") we will get
    # trust warnings since the .hg/hgrc file is untrusted. That is
    # fine, we don't want to load it anyway.
    err = [e for e in err.splitlines()
           if not (e.startswith('Not trusting file')
                   or e.startswith('obsolete feature not enabled'))]
    if err:
        return ''
    return out

version = ''

if os.path.isdir('.hg'):
    # Execute hg out of this directory with a custom environment which
    # includes the pure Python modules in mercurial/pure. We also take
    # care to not use any hgrc files and do no localization.
    env = {'HGRCPATH': '',
           'LANGUAGE': 'C'}
    for copyenv in ('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'PYTHONPATH', 'PATH'):
        if copyenv in os.environ:
            env[copyenv] = os.environ[copyenv]
    if 'SystemRoot' in os.environ:
        # Copy SystemRoot into the custom environment for Python 2.6
        # under Windows. Otherwise, the subprocess will fail with
        # error 0xc0150004. See:
        env['SystemRoot'] = os.environ['SystemRoot']
    cmd = ['hg', 'id', '-i', '-t']
    l = runcmd(cmd, env).split()
    while len(l) > 1 and l[-1][0].isalpha(): # remove non-numbered tags
    if len(l) > 1: # tag found
        version = l[-1]
        if l[0].endswith('+'): # propagate the dirty status to the tag
            version += '+'
    elif len(l) == 1: # no tag found
        cmd = ['hg', 'parents', '--template',
        version = runcmd(cmd, env) + l[0]
    if not version:
        version = runcmd(['hg', 'parents', '--template' '{node|short}\n'],
        if version:
            version = version.split()[0]
    if version.endswith('+'):
        version += time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
elif os.path.exists('.hg_archival.txt'):
    kw = dict([t.strip() for t in l.split(':', 1)]
              for l in open('.hg_archival.txt'))
    if 'tag' in kw:
        version = kw['tag']
    elif 'latesttag' in kw:
        version = '%(latesttag)s+%(latesttagdistance)s-%(node).12s' % kw
        version = kw.get('node', '')[:12]

verfile = os.path.join("hgsubversion", "")
if version:
    f = open(verfile, "w")
    f.write('# this file is autogenerated by\n')
    f.write('version = "%s"\n' % version)

if os.path.exists(verfile):
    # scrape the version out with a regex because setuptools
    # needlessly swaps out file() for some non-object thing
    # and breaks importing hgsubversion entirely
    mat = re.findall('.*"(.*)"', open(verfile).read())
    version = mat[0]
if not version:
    version = 'unknown'

requires = []
    import mercurial
except ImportError:

# If the Subversion SWIG bindings aren't present, require Subvertpy
    from hgsubversion.svnwrap import svn_swig_wrapper
except ImportError:

    license='GNU GPL',
    author='Augie Fackler, others',
    description=('hgsubversion is a Mercurial extension for working with '
                   'Subversion repositories.'),
    packages=('hgsubversion', 'hgsubversion.hooks', 'hgsubversion.layouts',
    package_data={ 'hgsubversion': ['help/subversion.rst'] },
        'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
        'Intended Audience :: Developers',
        'Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control',
        'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
        'Programming Language :: Python',
        'Operating System :: OS Independent',
    cmdclass={'build_py': build_py},