view @ 225:2117cb0118fe

Get rid of .hg/svn/last_rev: We now calculate the last known revision by iterating over all known revisions and finding the highest number. Theoretically, we might be able to simply read the latest entry, but in practice, that's a bug waiting to happen. For instance, we might want to achieve compatibility with '.hg/shamap' as generated by the ConvertExtension, and it not only cannot offer a guarantee of linearity, but it also allows more than one conversion to source exists. I'd say we have other problems to care about until this turns up as a hotspot in profiling. Such as why we leak circa 100MB of memory per 1000 revisions converted ;)
author Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen <>
date Fri, 27 Mar 2009 01:09:36 +0100
parents df4611050286
children ced45b753ba7
line wrap: on
line source

import os
import shutil

from mercurial import hg
from mercurial import node

svn_subcommands = { }
def register_subcommand(name):
    def inner(fn):
        svn_subcommands[name] = fn
        return fn
    return inner

svn_commands_nourl = set()
def command_needs_no_url(fn):
    return fn

def version(ui):
    """Guess the version of hgsubversion.
    # TODO make this say something other than "unknown" for installed hgsubversion
    repo = hg.repository(ui, os.path.dirname(__file__))
    ver = repo.dirstate.parents()[0]
    return node.hex(ver)[:12]

def generate_help():
    ret = ['hg svn ...', '',
           'subcommands for Subversion integration', '',
           'list of subcommands:', '']

    for name, func in sorted(svn_subcommands.items()):
        short_description = (func.__doc__ or '').splitlines()[0]
        ret.append(" %-10s  %s" % (name, short_description))

    return "\n".join(ret) + '\n'

def normalize_url(svn_url):
    return svn_url.rstrip('/')

def wipe_all_files(hg_wc_path):
    files = [f for f in os.listdir(hg_wc_path) if f != '.hg']
    for f in files:
        f = os.path.join(hg_wc_path, f)
        if os.path.isdir(f):

def parse_revmap(revmap_filename):
    revmap = {}
    f = open(revmap_filename)
    ver = int(f.readline())
    if ver == 1:
        for l in f:
            revnum, node_hash, branch = l.split(' ', 2)
            if branch == '\n':
                branch = None
                branch = branch[:-1]
            revmap[int(revnum), branch] = node.bin(node_hash)
    else: #pragma: no cover
        print ('Your revmap was made by a newer version of hgsubversion.'
               ' Please upgrade.')
        raise NotImplementedError
    return revmap

class PrefixMatch(object):
    def __init__(self, prefix):
        self.p = prefix

    def files(self):
        return []

    def __call__(self, fn):
        return fn.startswith(self.p)

def outgoing_revisions(ui, repo, hg_editor, reverse_map, sourcerev):
    """Given a repo and an hg_editor, determines outgoing revisions for the
    current working copy state.
    outgoing_rev_hashes = []
    if sourcerev in reverse_map:
    sourcerev = repo[sourcerev]
    while (not sourcerev.node() in reverse_map
           and sourcerev.node() != node.nullid):
        sourcerev = sourcerev.parents()
        assert len(sourcerev) == 1
        sourcerev = sourcerev[0]
    if sourcerev.node() != node.nullid:
        return outgoing_rev_hashes

def build_extra(revnum, branch, uuid, subdir):
    # TODO this needs to be fixed with the new revmap
    extra = {}
    branchpath = 'trunk'
    if branch:
        extra['branch'] = branch
        branchpath = 'branches/%s' % branch
    if subdir and subdir[-1] == '/':
        subdir = subdir[:-1]
    if subdir and subdir[0] != '/':
        subdir = '/' + subdir
    extra['convert_revision'] = 'svn:%(uuid)s%(path)s@%(rev)s' % {
        'uuid': uuid,
        'path': '%s/%s' % (subdir , branchpath),
        'rev': revnum,
    return extra

def is_svn_repo(repo):
    return os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo.path, 'svn'))

default_commit_msg = '*** empty log message ***'

def describe_revision(ui, r):
        msg = [s for s in map(str.strip, r.message.splitlines()) if s][0]
        msg = default_commit_msg

    ui.status(('[r%d] %s: %s' % (r.revnum,, msg))[:80] + '\n')

def describe_commit(ui, h, b):
    ui.note(' committed to "%s" as %s\n' % ((b or 'default'), node.short(h)))