view @ 326:33736e2e25f0

alternate approach for supporting svn schemes for repository paths We now intercept the operations in the local repo class, and handle the relevant operation ourselves. This frees us from wrapping all relevant commands and replicating their functionality. The implementation is incomplete; only one test has been modified to use the standard Mercurial API with the changed URLs. Once changed, those tests will likely reveal bugs or missing features in the new wrappers. Also, new wrappers will be needed for handling conversion flags such as -A/--authormap.
author Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen <>
date Thu, 07 May 2009 20:50:53 +0200
parents f8f9a2993705
line wrap: on
line source

import os
import shutil

from mercurial import hg
from mercurial import node
from mercurial import util as hgutil

def getuserpass(opts):
    # DO NOT default the user to hg's getuser(). If you provide
    # *any* default username to Subversion, it won't use any remembered
    # username for the desired realm, breaking OS X Keychain support,
    # GNOME keyring support, and all similar tools.
    return opts.get('username', None), opts.get('password', '')

def version(ui):
    """Guess the version of hgsubversion.
    # TODO make this say something other than "unknown" for installed hgsubversion
    repo = hg.repository(ui, os.path.dirname(__file__))
    ver = repo.dirstate.parents()[0]
    return node.hex(ver)[:12]

def normalize_url(svnurl):
    if svnurl.startswith('svn+') and not svnurl.startswith('svn+ssh'):
        svnurl = svnurl[4:]
    url, revs, checkout = hg.parseurl(svnurl)
    url = url.rstrip('/')
    if checkout:
        url = '%s#%s' % (url, checkout)
    return url

def parse_revmap(revmap_filename):
    revmap = {}
    f = open(revmap_filename)
    ver = int(f.readline())
    if ver == 1:
        for l in f:
            revnum, node_hash, branch = l.split(' ', 2)
            if branch == '\n':
                branch = None
                branch = branch[:-1]
            revmap[int(revnum), branch] = node.bin(node_hash)
    else: #pragma: no cover
        print ('Your revmap was made by a newer version of hgsubversion.'
               ' Please upgrade.')
        raise NotImplementedError
    return revmap

class PrefixMatch(object):
    def __init__(self, prefix):
        self.p = prefix

    def files(self):
        return []

    def __call__(self, fn):
        return fn.startswith(self.p)

def outgoing_revisions(ui, repo, hg_editor, reverse_map, sourcerev):
    """Given a repo and an hg_editor, determines outgoing revisions for the
    current working copy state.
    outgoing_rev_hashes = []
    if sourcerev in reverse_map:
    sourcerev = repo[sourcerev]
    while (not sourcerev.node() in reverse_map
           and sourcerev.node() != node.nullid):
        sourcerev = sourcerev.parents()
        if len(sourcerev) != 1:
            raise hgutil.Abort("Sorry, can't find svn parent of a merge revision.")
        sourcerev = sourcerev[0]
    if sourcerev.node() != node.nullid:
        return outgoing_rev_hashes

def build_extra(revnum, branch, uuid, subdir):
    extra = {}
    branchpath = 'trunk'
    if branch:
        extra['branch'] = branch
        branchpath = 'branches/%s' % branch
    if subdir and subdir[-1] == '/':
        subdir = subdir[:-1]
    if subdir and subdir[0] != '/':
        subdir = '/' + subdir
    extra['convert_revision'] = 'svn:%(uuid)s%(path)s@%(rev)s' % {
        'uuid': uuid,
        'path': '%s/%s' % (subdir , branchpath),
        'rev': revnum,
    return extra

def is_svn_repo(repo):
    return os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo.path, 'svn'))

default_commit_msg = '*** empty log message ***'

def describe_revision(ui, r):
        msg = [s for s in map(str.strip, r.message.splitlines()) if s][0]
        msg = default_commit_msg

    ui.status(('[r%d] %s: %s' % (r.revnum,, msg))[:80] + '\n')

def describe_commit(ui, h, b):
    ui.note(' committed to "%s" as %s\n' % ((b or 'default'), node.short(h)))

def swap_out_encoding(new_encoding="UTF-8"):
    """ Utility for mercurial incompatibility changes, can be removed after 1.3
    from mercurial import encoding
    old = encoding.encoding
    encoding.encoding = new_encoding
    return old