view hgsubversion/ @ 1512:6d0fe7ce9898

commands: fix command option registering A recent patch introduced svnopts as a way of sharing the svn command options between the old and the new way of registering a command. It turns out 'svnopts' was already used further up in the module to define the flags that should be added to *all* Mercurial commands. So our definition of it here cause us to add all of these options to all Mercurial commands. This was caught because it changes --rev to be '' instead of [], which breaks a number of assumptions in the other commands. Given that none of the subversion tests are command line tests, I'm not sure how to test this. It was caught in other extensions tests. (grafted from 3b1334407783a4379fd515e2ed9acc61e3f175ff) (grafted from 6db63ead5556f2bf72e423ca8c6df08ea3a5b009)
author Durham Goode <>
date Wed, 24 May 2017 15:07:00 -0700
parents 332e803044e5
children fb0652923435
line wrap: on
line source

'''integration with Subversion repositories

hgsubversion is an extension for Mercurial that allows it to act as a Subversion
client, offering fast, incremental and bidirectional synchronisation.

At this point, hgsubversion is usable by users reasonably familiar with
Mercurial as a VCS. It's not recommended to dive into hgsubversion as an
introduction to Mercurial, since hgsubversion "bends the rules" a little
and violates some of the typical assumptions of early Mercurial users.

Before using hgsubversion, we *strongly* encourage running the
automated tests. See 'README' in the hgsubversion directory for

For more information and instructions, see :hg:`help subversion`.

testedwith = '2.8.2 3.0.1 3.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8'

import os
import sys
import traceback

from mercurial import commands
    from mercurial import exchange
    exchange.push  # existed in first iteration of this file
except ImportError:
    # We only *use* the exchange module in hg 3.2+, so this is safe
from mercurial import extensions
from mercurial import help
from mercurial import hg
from mercurial import localrepo
from mercurial import util as hgutil
from mercurial import demandimport

from mercurial import revset
from mercurial import subrepo

import svncommands
import util
import svnrepo
import wrappers
import svnexternals
import compathacks

svnopts = [
    ('', 'stupid', None,
     'use slower, but more compatible, protocol for Subversion'),

# generic means it picks up all options from svnopts
# fixdoc means update the docstring
# TODO: fixdoc hoses l18n
wrapcmds = { # cmd: generic, target, fixdoc, ppopts, opts
    'parents': (False, None, False, False, [
        ('', 'svn', None, 'show parent svn revision instead'),
    'diff': (False, None, False, False, [
        ('', 'svn', None, 'show svn diffs against svn parent'),
    'pull': (True, 'sources', True, True, []),
    'push': (True, 'destinations', True, True, []),
    'incoming': (False, 'sources', True, True, []),
    'version': (False, None, False, False, [
        ('', 'svn', None, 'print hgsubversion information as well')]),
    'clone': (False, 'sources', True, True, [
        ('T', 'tagpaths', '',
         'list of paths to search for tags in Subversion repositories'),
        ('', 'branchdir', '',
         'path to search for branches in subversion repositories'),
        ('', 'trunkdir', '',
         'path to trunk in subversion repositories'),
        ('', 'infix', '',
         'path relative to trunk, branch an tag dirs to import'),
        ('A', 'authors', '',
         'file mapping Subversion usernames to Mercurial authors'),
        ('', 'filemap', '',
         'file containing rules for remapping Subversion repository paths'),
        ('', 'layout', 'auto', ('import standard layout or single '
                                'directory? Can be standard, single, or auto.')),
        ('', 'branchmap', '', 'file containing rules for branch conversion'),
        ('', 'tagmap', '', 'file containing rules for renaming tags'),
        ('', 'startrev', '', ('convert Subversion revisions starting at the one '
                              'specified, either an integer revision or HEAD; '
                              'HEAD causes only the latest revision to be '

    from mercurial import discovery
    def findcommonoutgoing(orig, *args, **opts):
        capable = getattr(args[1], 'capable', lambda x: False)
        if capable('subversion'):
            return wrappers.findcommonoutgoing(*args, **opts)
            return orig(*args, **opts)
    extensions.wrapfunction(discovery, 'findcommonoutgoing', findcommonoutgoing)
except AttributeError:
    # only need the discovery variant of this code when we drop hg < 1.6
    def findoutgoing(orig, *args, **opts):
        capable = getattr(args[1], 'capable', lambda x: False)
        if capable('subversion'):
            return wrappers.findoutgoing(*args, **opts)
            return orig(*args, **opts)
    extensions.wrapfunction(discovery, 'findoutgoing', findoutgoing)
except ImportError:

def extsetup(ui):
    """insert command wrappers for a bunch of commands"""

    docvals = {'extension': 'hgsubversion'}
    for cmd, (generic, target, fixdoc, ppopts, opts) in wrapcmds.iteritems():

        if fixdoc and wrappers.generic.__doc__:
            docvals['command'] = cmd
            docvals['Command'] = cmd.capitalize()
            docvals['target'] = target
            doc = wrappers.generic.__doc__.strip() % docvals
            fn = getattr(commands, cmd)
            fn.__doc__ = fn.__doc__.rstrip() + '\n\n    ' + doc

        wrapped = generic and wrappers.generic or getattr(wrappers, cmd)
        entry = extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, cmd, wrapped)
        if ppopts:
        if opts:

        rebase = extensions.find('rebase')
        if not rebase:
        entry = extensions.wrapcommand(rebase.cmdtable, 'rebase', wrappers.rebase)
        entry[1].append(('', 'svn', None, 'automatic svn rebase'))

    if not hgutil.safehasattr(localrepo.localrepository, 'push'):
        # Mercurial >= 3.2
        extensions.wrapfunction(exchange, 'push', wrappers.exchangepush)
    if not hgutil.safehasattr(localrepo.localrepository, 'pull'):
        # Mercurial >= 3.2
        extensions.wrapfunction(exchange, 'pull', wrappers.exchangepull)

    helpdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'help')

    entries = (
         "Working with Subversion Repositories",
         # Mercurial >= 3.6: doc(ui)
         lambda *args: open(os.path.join(helpdir, 'subversion.rst')).read()),



    subrepo.types['hgsubversion'] = svnexternals.svnsubrepo

def reposetup(ui, repo):
    if repo.local():
        svnrepo.generate_repo_class(ui, repo)
        for tunnel in ui.configlist('hgsubversion', 'tunnels'):
            hg.schemes['svn+' + tunnel] = svnrepo

    if ui.configbool('hgsubversion', 'nativerevs'):
        extensions.wrapfunction(revset, 'stringset', util.revset_stringset)
        revset.symbols['stringset'] = revset.stringset
        revset.methods['string'] = revset.stringset
        revset.methods['symbol'] = revset.stringset

_old_local = hg.schemes['file']
def _lookup(url):
    if util.islocalrepo(url):
        return svnrepo
        return _old_local(url)

# install scheme handlers
hg.schemes.update({ 'file': _lookup, 'http': svnrepo, 'https': svnrepo,
                    'svn': svnrepo, 'svn+ssh': svnrepo, 'svn+http': svnrepo,
                    'svn+https': svnrepo})

if hgutil.safehasattr(commands, 'optionalrepo'):
    commands.optionalrepo += ' svn'

svncommandopts = [
    ('u', 'svn-url', '', 'path to the Subversion server.'),
    ('', 'stupid', False, 'be stupid and use diffy replay.'),
    ('A', 'authors', '', 'username mapping filename'),
    ('', 'filemap', '',
     'remap file to exclude paths or include only certain paths'),
    ('', 'force', False, 'force an operation to happen'),
    ('', 'username', '', 'username for authentication'),
    ('', 'password', '', 'password for authentication'),
    ('r', 'rev', '', 'Mercurial revision'),
    ('', 'unsafe-skip-uuid-check', False,
     'skip repository uuid check in rebuildmeta'),
svnusage = 'hg svn <subcommand> ...'

# only these methods are public
__all__ = ('cmdtable', 'reposetup', 'uisetup')

# set up commands and templatekeywords (written this way to maintain backwards
# compatibility until we drop support for 3.7 for templatekeywords and 4.3 for
# commands)
cmdtable = {
    "svn": (svncommands.svn, svncommandopts, svnusage),
    from mercurial import registrar
    templatekeyword = registrar.templatekeyword()
    loadkeyword = lambda registrarobj: None  # no-op

    if hgutil.safehasattr(registrar, 'command'):
        cmdtable = {}
        command = registrar.command(cmdtable)
        @command('svn', svncommandopts, svnusage)
        def svncommand(*args, **kwargs):
            return svncommands.svn(*args, **kwargs)
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
    # registrar.templatekeyword isn't available = loading by old hg

    templatekeyword = compathacks._funcregistrarbase()
    templatekeyword._docformat = ":%s: %s"

    # minimum copy from templatekw.loadkeyword
    def loadkeyword(registrarobj):
        from mercurial import templatekw
        for name, func in registrarobj._table.iteritems():
            templatekw.keywords[name] = func

def _templatehelper(ctx, kw):
    Helper function for displaying information about converted changesets.
    convertinfo = util.getsvnrev(ctx, '')

    if not convertinfo or not convertinfo.startswith('svn:'):
        return ''

    if kw == 'svnuuid':
        return convertinfo[4:40]
    elif kw == 'svnpath':
        return convertinfo[40:].rsplit('@', 1)[0]
    elif kw == 'svnrev':
        return convertinfo[40:].rsplit('@', 1)[-1]
        raise hgutil.Abort('unrecognized hgsubversion keyword %s' % kw)

def svnrevkw(**args):
    """:svnrev: String. Converted subversion revision number."""
    return _templatehelper(args['ctx'], 'svnrev')

def svnpathkw(**args):
    """:svnpath: String. Converted subversion revision project path."""
    return _templatehelper(args['ctx'], 'svnpath')

def svnuuidkw(**args):
    """:svnuuid: String. Converted subversion revision repository identifier."""
    return _templatehelper(args['ctx'], 'svnuuid')


def listsvnkeys(repo):
    keys = {}
    repo = repo.local()
    metadir = os.path.join(repo.path, 'svn')

    if util.subversionmetaexists(repo.path):
        w = repo.wlock()
            for key in util.pushkeyfiles:
                fullpath = os.path.join(metadir, key)
                if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
                    data = open(fullpath).read()

                    # Some of the files could be large, but also quite compressible
                    keys[key] = base85.b85encode(zlib.compress(data))

    return keys