view tests/ @ 331:75f082b5897e

Switch to using url scheme wrappers instead of duplicating each command we wrap. The 'hg svn url' command has been killed; the replacement is '.hg/hgrc'. More stuff related to its disappearance has been stripped, including two tests. HgChangeReceiver now takes a UUID argument, which it uses to ensure that remote repositories remain unchanged. This is a temporary solution, and I'm not entirely satisfied with how it's done either. Access to the UUID file has been isolated in a HgChangeReceiver property. Some more tests have been updated to use ui.pushbuffer()/popbuffer(), and to pass through the Mercurial API. Moved the arguments to wrappers.pull() to the UI configuration. Also, remove HgChangeReceiver.opts in favour of a 'usebranchnames' instance & configuration variable. The name is taken from the ConvertExtension.
author Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen <>
date Fri, 15 May 2009 19:18:43 +0200
parents 33736e2e25f0
children a59ab58969d9
line wrap: on
line source

import errno
import os
import subprocess
import shutil
import StringIO
import stat
import tempfile
import unittest
import urllib

from mercurial import context
from mercurial import commands
from mercurial import hg
from mercurial import node
from mercurial import ui

# Fixtures that need to be pulled at a subdirectory of the repo path
subdir = {'truncatedhistory.svndump': '/project2',
          'fetch_missing_files_subdir.svndump': '/foo',
          'empty_dir_in_trunk_not_repo_root.svndump': '/project',

FIXTURES = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),

def fileurl(path):
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(path)
    path = urllib.pathname2url(path)
    if drive:
        drive = '/' + drive
    url = 'svn+file://%s%s' % (drive, path)
    return url

def load_svndump_fixture(path, fixture_name):
    '''Loads an svnadmin dump into a fresh repo at path, which should not
    already exist.
    if os.path.exists(path): rmtree(path)['svnadmin', 'create', path,],
                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    inp = open(os.path.join(FIXTURES, fixture_name))
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['svnadmin', 'load', path,], stdin=inp,
                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

def load_fixture_and_fetch(fixture_name, repo_path, wc_path, stupid=False, subdir='', noupdate=True):
    load_svndump_fixture(repo_path, fixture_name)
    if subdir:
        repo_path += '/' + subdir
    _ui = ui.ui()
    _ui.setconfig('hgsubversion', 'stupid', str(stupid))
    commands.clone(_ui, fileurl(repo_path), wc_path, noupdate=noupdate)
    _ui = ui.ui()
    _ui.setconfig('hgsubversion', 'stupid', str(stupid))
    return hg.repository(_ui, wc_path)

def rmtree(path):
    # Read-only files cannot be removed under Windows
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for f in files:
            f = os.path.join(root, f)
                s = os.stat(f)
            except OSError, e:
                if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            if (s.st_mode & stat.S_IWRITE) == 0:
                os.chmod(f, s.st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE)

class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.oldwd = os.getcwd()
        self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(
            'svnwrap_test', dir=os.environ.get('HGSUBVERSION_TEST_TEMP', None))
        self.hgrc = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, '.hgrc')
        os.environ['HGRCPATH'] = self.hgrc
        rc = open(self.hgrc, 'w')

        self.repo_path = '%s/testrepo' % self.tmpdir
        self.wc_path = '%s/testrepo_wc' % self.tmpdir

        # Previously, we had a MockUI class that wrapped ui, and giving access
        # to the stream. The ui.pushbuffer() and ui.popbuffer() can be used
        # instead. Using the regular UI class, with all stderr redirected to
        # stdout ensures that the test setup is much more similar to usage
        # setups.
        self._ui_write_err = ui.ui.write_err
        ui.ui.write_err = ui.ui.write

    def tearDown(self):
        ui.ui.write_err = self._ui_write_err

    def _load_fixture_and_fetch(self, fixture_name, subdir='', stupid=False):
        return load_fixture_and_fetch(fixture_name, self.repo_path,
                                      self.wc_path, subdir=subdir,

    # define this as a property so that it reloads anytime we need it
    def repo(self):
        return hg.repository(ui.ui(), self.wc_path)

    def pushrevisions(self, stupid=False):
        before = len(self.repo)
        self.repo.ui.setconfig('hgsubversion', 'stupid', str(stupid))
        commands.push(self.repo.ui, self.repo)
        after = len(self.repo)
        self.assertEqual(0, after - before)

    def svnls(self, path, rev='HEAD'):
        path = self.repo_path + '/' + path
        path = fileurl(path)
        args = ['svn', 'ls', '-r', rev, '-R', path]
        p = subprocess.Popen(args,
        stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
        if p.returncode:
            raise Exception('svn ls failed on %s: %r' % (path, stderr))
        entries = [e.strip('/') for e in stdout.splitlines()]
        return entries

    def commitchanges(self, changes, parent='tip'):
        """Commit changes to mercurial directory

        'changes' is a sequence of tuples (source, dest, data). It can look
        - (source, source, data) to set source content to data
        - (source, dest, None) to set dest content to source one, and mark it as
        copied from source.
        - (source, dest, data) to set dest content to data, and mark it as copied
        from source.
        - (source, None, None) to remove source.
        repo = self.repo
        parentctx = repo[parent]

        changed, removed = [], []
        for source, dest, newdata in changes:
            if dest is None:

        def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
            if path in removed:
                raise IOError()
            entry = [e for e in changes if path == e[1]][0]
            source, dest, newdata = entry
            if newdata is None:
                newdata = parentctx[source].data()
            copied = None
            if source != dest:
                copied = source
            return context.memfilectx(path=dest,

        ctx = context.memctx(repo,
                             (parentctx.node(), node.nullid),
                             'automated test',
                             changed + removed,
                             '2008-10-07 20:59:48 -0500')
        nodeid = repo.commitctx(ctx)
        repo = self.repo
        hg.clean(repo, nodeid)
        return nodeid

    def assertchanges(self, changes, ctx):
        """Assert that all 'changes' (as in defined in commitchanged())
        went into ctx.
        for source, dest, data in changes:
            if dest is None:
                self.assertTrue(source not in ctx)
            self.assertTrue(dest in ctx)
            if data is None:
                data = ctx.parents()[0][source].data()
            self.assertEqual(ctx[dest].data(), data)
            if dest != source:
                copy = ctx[dest].renamed()
                self.assertEqual(copy[0], source)