view tests/ @ 342:76c833526fbc

Use fallbacks in the wrappers for Subversion support, instead of prefixes. The change only applies to the ambiguous URL schemes: file, http and https. The others - svn+ssh and svn - behave the same as previously. For http and https, the wrapping is implemented in '': Only when the attempt to create a httprepo instance fails, will the URL be considered for Subversion URL. For file, the ambiguity is treated much like the Mercurial core distinguishes bundle and directories. In this case, a directory that looks like a Subversion repository will *not* be considered for a Mercurial clone. Tthe command lines are more similar to before this refactor. The only option added to push & pull is --stupid; others are only added to clone. Any of these options specified to clone will be added to the generated '.hgrc'. Also, the -r/--rev option now works for clone & push.
author Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen <>
date Wed, 20 May 2009 18:38:01 +0200
parents 75f082b5897e
children 35a1e93b6f78
line wrap: on
line source

import test_util

import os.path
import subprocess
from mercurial import ui
from mercurial import util as hgutil
from mercurial import commands

class TestPull(test_util.TestBase):
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestPull, self).setUp()
        self.svn_wc = None

    def _load_fixture_and_fetch(self, fixture_name):
        return test_util.load_fixture_and_fetch(fixture_name, self.repo_path,
                                                self.wc_path, stupid=False,

    def _add_svn_rev(self, changes):
        # changes is a dict of filename -> contents
        if self.svn_wc is None:
            self.svn_wc = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testsvn_wc')
                'svn', 'co', '-q', test_util.fileurl(self.repo_path), 
            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

        for filename, contents in changes.iteritems():
            # filenames are / separated
            filename = filename.replace('/', os.path.sep)
            filename = os.path.join(self.svn_wc, filename)
            open(filename, 'w').write(contents)
            # may be redundant
  ['svn', 'add', '-q', filename],
                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)[
            'svn', 'commit', '-q', self.svn_wc, '-m', 'test changes'],
            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

    def test_nochanges(self):
        state = self.repo.parents()
        commands.pull(self.repo.ui, self.repo)
        self.assertEqual(state, self.repo.parents())

    def test_onerevision_noupdate(self):
        repo = self._load_fixture_and_fetch('single_rev.svndump')
        state = repo.parents()
        self._add_svn_rev({'trunk/alpha': 'Changed'})
        commands.pull(self.repo.ui, repo)
        self.assertEqual(state, repo.parents())
        self.assertTrue('tip' not in repo[None].tags())
    def test_onerevision_doupdate(self):
        repo = self._load_fixture_and_fetch('single_rev.svndump')
        state = repo.parents()
        self._add_svn_rev({'trunk/alpha': 'Changed'})
        commands.pull(self.repo.ui, repo, update=True)
        self.failIfEqual(state, repo.parents())
        self.assertTrue('tip' in repo[None].tags())

    def test_onerevision_divergent(self):
        repo = self._load_fixture_and_fetch('single_rev.svndump')
        self.commitchanges((('alpha', 'alpha', 'Changed another way'),))
        state = repo.parents()
        self._add_svn_rev({'trunk/alpha': 'Changed one way'})
        self.assertRaises(hgutil.Abort, commands.pull,
                          self.repo.ui, repo, update=True)
        self.assertEqual(state, repo.parents())
        self.assertTrue('tip' not in repo[None].tags())
        self.assertEqual(len(repo.heads()), 2)

def suite():
    import unittest, sys
    return unittest.findTestCases(sys.modules[__name__])