changeset 264:112d57bb736e

rebase: moved to wrappers, now a wrapper around rebase triggered with --svn.
author Augie Fackler <>
date Mon, 13 Apr 2009 21:51:12 -0500 (2009-04-14)
parents d978192f0d63
children 9f0738587f94
files tests/
diffstat 4 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -69,6 +69,14 @@ def uisetup(ui):
                       'remap file to exclude paths or include only certain paths'),
+    try:
+        rebase = extensions.find('rebase')
+        if rebase:
+            entry = extensions.wrapcommand(rebase.cmdtable, 'rebase', wrappers.rebase)
+            entry[1].append(('', 'svn', None, 'automatic svn rebase', ))
+    except:
+        pass
 def svn(ui, repo, subcommand, *args, **opts):
     '''see detailed help for list of subcommands'''
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import os
 import unittest
+from hgext import rebase
 from mercurial import ui
 from mercurial import hg
 from mercurial import revlog
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ class UtilityTests(test_util.TestBase):
         self.assertEqual(self.repo['tip'].branch(), 'localbranch')
         beforerebasehash = self.repo['tip'].node()
         hg.update(self.repo, 'tip')
-        utility_commands.rebase(ui.ui(), self.repo)
+        wrappers.rebase(rebase.rebase, ui.ui(), self.repo, svn=True)
         self.assertEqual(self.repo['tip'].branch(), 'localbranch')
         self.assertEqual(self.repo['tip'].parents()[0].parents()[0], self.repo[0])
         self.assertNotEqual(beforerebasehash, self.repo['tip'].node())
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 import os
-from mercurial import node
 from mercurial import util as hgutil
-from hgext import rebase as hgrebase
 import svnwrap
 import cmdutil
@@ -100,53 +98,6 @@ Last Changed Date: %(date)s\n''' %
-def rebase(ui, repo, extrafn=None, sourcerev=None, **opts):
-    """rebase current unpushed revisions onto the Subversion head
-    This moves a line of development from making its own head to the top of
-    Subversion development, linearizing the changes. In order to make sure you
-    rebase on top of the current top of Subversion work, you should probably run
-    'hg svn pull' before running this.
-    """
-    if extrafn is None:
-        def extrafn2(ctx, extra):
-            """defined here so we can add things easily.
-            """
-            extra['branch'] = ctx.branch()
-        extrafn = extrafn2
-    if sourcerev is None:
-        sourcerev = repo.parents()[0].node()
-    hge = hg_delta_editor.HgChangeReceiver(repo=repo)
-    svn_commit_hashes = dict(zip(hge.revmap.itervalues(),
-                                 hge.revmap.iterkeys()))
-    o_r = util.outgoing_revisions(ui, repo, hge, svn_commit_hashes, sourcerev=sourcerev)
-    if not o_r:
-        ui.status('Nothing to rebase!\n')
-        return 0
-    if len(repo[sourcerev].children()):
-        ui.status('Refusing to rebase non-head commit like a coward\n')
-        return 0
-    parent_rev = repo[o_r[-1]].parents()[0]
-    target_rev = parent_rev
-    p_n = parent_rev.node()
-    exhausted_choices = False
-    while target_rev.children() and not exhausted_choices:
-        for c in target_rev.children():
-            exhausted_choices = True
-            n = c.node()
-            if (n in svn_commit_hashes and
-                svn_commit_hashes[n][1] == svn_commit_hashes[p_n][1]):
-                target_rev = c
-                exhausted_choices = False
-                break
-    if parent_rev == target_rev:
-        ui.status('Already up to date!\n')
-        return 0
-    return hgrebase.rebase(ui, repo, dest=node.hex(target_rev.node()),
-                         base=node.hex(sourcerev),
-                         extrafn=extrafn)
 def listauthors(ui, args, authors=None, **opts):
     """list all authors in a Subversion repository
@@ -180,5 +131,4 @@ table = {
     'info': info,
     'listauthors': listauthors,
     'version': version,
-    'rebase': rebase,
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 import os
+from hgext import rebase as hgrebase
 from mercurial import cmdutil as hgcmdutil
 from mercurial import commands
 from mercurial import patch
@@ -15,7 +17,6 @@ import hg_delta_editor
 import stupid as stupidmod
 import svnwrap
 import util
-import utility_commands
 def parent(orig, ui, repo, *args, **opts):
     """show Mercurial & Subversion parents of the working dir or revision
@@ -53,8 +54,6 @@ def outgoing(orig, ui, repo, dest=None, [node])
 def diff(orig, ui, repo, *args, **opts):
     """show a diff of the most recent revision against its parent from svn
@@ -86,8 +85,6 @@ def diff(orig, ui, repo, *args, **opts):
     ui.write(cmdutil.filterdiff(''.join(it), baserev, newrev))
 def push(orig, ui, repo, dest=None, *args, **opts):
     """push revisions starting at a specified head back to Subversion.
@@ -115,6 +112,7 @@ def push(orig, ui, repo, dest=None, *arg
         ui.status('No revisions to push.')
         return 0
     while outgoing:
+        print [node.hex(x) for x in outgoing]
         oldest = outgoing.pop(-1)
         old_ctx = repo[oldest]
         if len(old_ctx.parents()) != 1:
@@ -159,12 +157,14 @@ def push(orig, ui, repo, dest=None, *arg
                 if ctx.node() == oldest:
                 extra['branch'] = ctx.branch()
-            utility_commands.rebase(ui, repo, extrafn=extrafn,
-                                    sourcerev=needs_transplant, **opts)
+            rebase(hgrebase.rebase, ui, repo, svn=True, svnextrafn=extrafn,
+                   svnsourcerev=needs_transplant, **opts)
             repo = hg.repository(ui, hge.path)
             for child in repo[replacement.node()].children():
                 rebasesrc = node.bin(child.extra().get('rebase_source', node.hex(node.nullid)))
+                print node.hex(rebasesrc)
                 if rebasesrc in outgoing:
+                    print 'swap outgoin'
                     while rebasesrc in outgoing:
                         rebsrcindex = outgoing.index(rebasesrc)
                         outgoing = (outgoing[0:rebsrcindex] +
@@ -179,7 +179,6 @@ def push(orig, ui, repo, dest=None, *arg
     return 0
 def clone(orig, ui, source, dest=None, *args, **opts):
     '''clone Subversion repository to a local Mercurial repository.
@@ -322,3 +321,52 @@ def pull(orig, ui, repo, source="default
                         raise hgutil.Abort(*e.args)
+def rebase(orig, ui, repo, **opts):
+    """rebase current unpushed revisions onto the Subversion head
+    This moves a line of development from making its own head to the top of
+    Subversion development, linearizing the changes. In order to make sure you
+    rebase on top of the current top of Subversion work, you should probably run
+    'hg svn pull' before running this.
+    Also looks for svnextrafn and svnsourcerev in **opts.
+    """
+    if not opts.get('svn', False):
+        return orig(ui, repo, **opts)
+    def extrafn2(ctx, extra):
+        """defined here so we can add things easily.
+        """
+        extra['branch'] = ctx.branch()
+    extrafn = opts.get('svnextrafn', extrafn2)
+    sourcerev = opts.get('svnsourcerev', repo.parents()[0].node())
+    hge = hg_delta_editor.HgChangeReceiver(repo=repo)
+    svn_commit_hashes = dict(zip(hge.revmap.itervalues(),
+                                 hge.revmap.iterkeys()))
+    o_r = util.outgoing_revisions(ui, repo, hge, svn_commit_hashes, sourcerev=sourcerev)
+    if not o_r:
+        ui.status('Nothing to rebase!\n')
+        return 0
+    if len(repo[sourcerev].children()):
+        ui.status('Refusing to rebase non-head commit like a coward\n')
+        return 0
+    parent_rev = repo[o_r[-1]].parents()[0]
+    target_rev = parent_rev
+    p_n = parent_rev.node()
+    exhausted_choices = False
+    while target_rev.children() and not exhausted_choices:
+        for c in target_rev.children():
+            exhausted_choices = True
+            n = c.node()
+            if (n in svn_commit_hashes and
+                svn_commit_hashes[n][1] == svn_commit_hashes[p_n][1]):
+                target_rev = c
+                exhausted_choices = False
+                break
+    if parent_rev == target_rev:
+        ui.status('Already up to date!\n')
+        return 0
+    return orig(ui, repo, dest=node.hex(target_rev.node()),
+                base=node.hex(sourcerev),
+                extrafn=extrafn)