changeset 1467:53e306a6086b

maps: implement sqlite revmap This patch adds the SqliteRevMap, which has a same interface with RevMap but is backed by a sqlite database. It uses database indexes to accelerate all kinds of queries and disables iteration to prevent slow code being written in the future. In practise, it should be faster on large repos with millions of svn revisions but slower on small repos due to the overhead introduced.
author Jun Wu <>
date Wed, 15 Jun 2016 18:23:07 +0100 (2016-06-15)
parents 16242cec256f
children b98ff95b5861
files hgsubversion/
diffstat 1 files changed, 257 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/hgsubversion/
+++ b/hgsubversion/
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
 ''' Module for self-contained maps. '''
+import collections
+import contextlib
 import errno
 import os
 import re
+import sqlite3
+import sys
+import weakref
 from mercurial import error
 from mercurial import util as hgutil
 from mercurial.node import bin, hex, nullid
@@ -455,6 +460,258 @@ class RevMap(dict):
             self._hashes[ha] = (revnum, branch)
+class SqliteRevMap(collections.MutableMapping):
+    """RevMap backed by sqlite3.
+    It tries to address performance issues for a very large rev map.
+    As such iteration is unavailable for both the map itself and the
+    reverse map (self.hashes).
+    It migrates from the old RevMap upon first use. Then it will bump the
+    version of revmap so RevMap no longer works. The real database is a
+    separated file which has a ".db" suffix.
+    """
+    VERSION = 2
+        '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS revmap (
+               rev INTEGER NOT NULL,
+               branch TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+               hash BLOB NOT NULL)''',
+    ]
+        'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS revbranch ON revmap (rev,branch);',
+        'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hash ON revmap (hash);',
+    ]
+    # "bytes" in Python 2 will get truncated at '\0' when storing as sqlite
+    # blobs. "buffer" does not have this issue. Python 3 does not have "buffer"
+    # but "bytes" won't get truncated.
+    sqlblobtype = bytes if sys.version_info >= (3, 0) else buffer
+    class ReverseRevMap(object):
+        # collections.Mapping is not suitable since we don't want 2/3 of
+        # its required interfaces: __iter__, __len__.
+        def __init__(self, revmap):
+            self.revmap = weakref.proxy(revmap)
+            self._cache = {}
+        def get(self, key, default=None):
+            if key not in self._cache:
+                result = None
+                for row in self.revmap._query(
+                    'SELECT rev, branch FROM revmap WHERE hash=?',
+                    (SqliteRevMap.sqlblobtype(key),)):
+                    result = (row[0], row[1] or None)
+                    break
+                self._cache[key] = result
+            return self._cache[key] or default
+        def __contains__(self, key):
+            return self.get(key) != None
+        def __getitem__(self, key):
+            dummy = self._cache
+            item = self.get(key, dummy)
+            if item == dummy:
+                raise KeyError(key)
+            else:
+                return item
+        def keys(self):
+            for row in self.revmap._query('SELECT hash FROM revmap'):
+                yield bytes(row[0])
+    lastpulled = util.fileproperty('_lastpulled', lambda x: x._lastpulledpath,
+                                   default=0, deserializer=int)
+    def __init__(self, revmap_path, lastpulled_path):
+        self._filepath = revmap_path
+        self._dbpath = revmap_path + '.db'
+        self._lastpulledpath = lastpulled_path
+        self._db = None
+        self._hashes = None
+        self._opendb()
+        # update firstpulled, lastpulled
+        self.firstpulled = 0
+        for row in self._query('SELECT MIN(rev), MAX(rev) FROM revmap'):
+            if row != (None, None):
+                self.firstpulled, lastpulled = row
+                if lastpulled > self.lastpulled:
+                    self.lastpulled = lastpulled
+        # __iter__ is expensive and thus disabled by default
+        # it should only be enabled for testing
+        self._allowiter = False
+    def hashes(self):
+        if self._hashes is None:
+            self._hashes = self.ReverseRevMap(self)
+        return self._hashes
+    def branchedits(self, branch, rev):
+        return [((r[0], r[1] or None), bytes(r[2])) for r in
+                self._query('SELECT rev, branch, hash FROM revmap ' +
+                                'WHERE rev < ? AND branch = ? ' +
+                                'ORDER BY rev DESC, branch DESC',
+                                (rev.revnum, branch or ''))]
+    def branchmaxrevnum(self, branch, maxrev):
+        for row in self._query('SELECT rev FROM revmap ' +
+                               'WHERE rev <= ? AND branch = ? ' +
+                               'ORDER By rev DESC LIMIT 1',
+                               (maxrev, branch or '')):
+            return row[0]
+        return 0
+    @property
+    def lasthash(self):
+        for row in self._query('SELECT hash FROM revmap ORDER BY rev DESC'):
+            return bytes(row[0])
+        return None
+    def revhashes(self, revnum):
+        for row in self._query('SELECT hash FROM revmap WHERE rev = ?',
+                               (revnum,)):
+            yield bytes(row[0])
+    def clear(self):
+        hgutil.unlinkpath(self._filepath, ignoremissing=True)
+        hgutil.unlinkpath(self._dbpath, ignoremissing=True)
+        self._db = None
+        self._hashes = None
+        self._firstpull = None
+        self._lastpull = None
+    def batchset(self, items, lastpulled):
+        with self._transaction():
+            self._insert(items)
+        self.lastpulled = lastpulled
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        for row in self._querybykey('SELECT hash', key):
+            return bytes(row[0])
+        raise KeyError(key)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        if not self._allowiter:
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                'SqliteRevMap.__iter__ is not implemented intentionally ' +
+                'to avoid performance issues')
+        # collect result to avoid nested transaction issues
+        rows = []
+        for row in self._query('SELECT rev, branch FROM revmap'):
+            rows.append((row[0], row[1] or None))
+        return iter(rows)
+    def __len__(self):
+        # 'WHERE rev >= 0' hints sqlite to use the rev index
+        with self._transaction() as db:
+            return db.execute('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM revmap ' +
+                              'WHERE rev >= 0').fetchone()[0]
+    def __setitem__(self, key, binha):
+        revnum, branch = key
+        with self._transaction():
+            self._insert([(revnum, branch, binha)])
+        if revnum < self.firstpulled or not self.firstpulled:
+            self.firstpulled = revnum
+        if revnum > self.lastpulled or not self.lastpulled:
+            self.lastpulled = revnum
+        if self._hashes is not None:
+            self._hashes._cache[binha] = key
+    def __delitem__(self, key):
+        for row in self._querybykey('DELETE', key):
+            return
+        # For performance reason, self._hashes is not updated
+        raise KeyError(key)
+    @contextlib.contextmanager
+    def _transaction(self, mode='IMMEDIATE'):
+        if self._db is None:
+            self._opendb()
+        with self._db as db:
+            db.execute('BEGIN %s' % mode)
+            yield db
+    def _query(self, sql, params=()):
+        with self._transaction() as db:
+            cur = db.execute(sql, params)
+            try:
+                for row in cur:
+                    yield row
+            finally:
+                cur.close()
+    def _querybykey(self, prefix, key):
+        revnum, branch = key
+        return self._query(
+            '%s FROM revmap WHERE rev=? AND branch=?'
+            % prefix, (revnum, branch or ''))
+    def _insert(self, rows):
+        # convert to a safe type so '\0' does not truncate the blob
+        if rows and type(rows[0][-1]) is not self.sqlblobtype:
+            rows = [(r, b, self.sqlblobtype(h)) for r, b, h in rows]
+        self._db.executemany(
+            'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO revmap (rev, branch, hash) ' +
+            'VALUES (?, ?, ?)', rows)
+    def _opendb(self):
+        '''Open the database and make sure the table is created on demand.'''
+        version = None
+        try:
+            version = int(open(self._filepath).read(2))
+        except (ValueError, IOError):
+            pass
+        if version and version not in [RevMap.VERSION, self.VERSION]:
+            raise error.Abort('revmap too new -- please upgrade')
+        if self._db:
+            self._db.close()
+        # if version mismatch, the database is considered invalid
+        if version != self.VERSION:
+            hgutil.unlinkpath(self._dbpath, ignoremissing=True)
+        self._db = sqlite3.connect(self._dbpath)
+        self._db.text_factory = bytes
+        # disable auto-commit. everything is inside a transaction
+        self._db.isolation_level = 'DEFERRED'
+        with self._transaction('EXCLUSIVE'):
+            map(self._db.execute, self.TABLESCHEMA)
+            if version == RevMap.VERSION:
+                self._importrevmapv1()
+            # "bulk insert; then create index" is about 2.4x as fast as
+            # "create index; then bulk insert" on a large repo
+            map(self._db.execute, self.INDEXSCHEMA)
+        # write a dummy rev map file with just the revision number
+        if version != self.VERSION:
+            f = open(self._filepath, 'w')
+            f.write('%s\n' % self.VERSION)
+            f.close()
+    @util.gcdisable
+    def _importrevmapv1(self):
+        with open(self._filepath, 'r') as f:
+            # 1st line is version
+            assert(int(f.readline())) == RevMap.VERSION
+            data = {}
+            for line in f:
+                revnum, ha, branch = line[:-1].split(' ', 2)
+                # ignore malicious lines
+                if len(ha) != 40:
+                    continue
+                data[revnum, branch or None] = bin(ha)
+            self._insert([(r, b, h) for (r, b), h in data.iteritems()])
 class FileMap(object):
     VERSION = 1