changeset 239:e2214c8fc91f

Put all stupid stuff in it's own module (separate from fetch-command).
author Dirkjan Ochtman <>
date Wed, 08 Apr 2009 17:34:01 +0200 (2009-04-08)
parents e8b3ca865f93
children 1aa1d2d406d9
files tests/
diffstat 3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 707 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,26 +1,15 @@
-import cStringIO
-import re
 import os
-from mercurial import patch
-from mercurial import node
-from mercurial import context
-from mercurial import revlog
 from mercurial import util as merc_util
 from svn import core
 from svn import delta
 import hg_delta_editor
 import svnwrap
-import svnexternals
+import stupid as stupidmod
 import util
-def print_your_svn_is_old_message(ui): #pragma: no cover
-    ui.status("In light of that, I'll fall back and do diffs, but it won't do "
-              "as good a job. You should really upgrade your server.\n")
 def fetch_revisions(ui, svn_url, hg_repo_path, skipto_rev=0, stupid=None,
@@ -87,11 +76,11 @@ def fetch_revisions(ui, svn_url, hg_repo
                             replay_convert_rev(hg_editor, svn, r)
                         except svnwrap.SubversionRepoCanNotReplay, e: #pragma: no cover
                             ui.status('%s\n' % e.message)
-                            print_your_svn_is_old_message(ui)
+                            stupidmod.print_your_svn_is_old_message(ui)
                             have_replay = False
-                            stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r)
+                            stupidmod.svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r)
-                        stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r)
+                        stupidmod.svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r)
                     converted = True
                 except core.SubversionException, e: #pragma: no cover
                     if (e.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_RA_DAV_REQUEST_FAILED
@@ -141,552 +130,3 @@ def replay_convert_rev(hg_editor, svn, r
         hg_editor.missing_plaintexts = set()
-binary_file_re = re.compile(r'''Index: ([^\n]*)
-Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.''')
-property_exec_set_re = re.compile(r'''Property changes on: ([^\n]*)
-(?:Added|Name): svn:executable
-   \+''')
-property_exec_removed_re = re.compile(r'''Property changes on: ([^\n]*)
-(?:Deleted|Name): svn:executable
-   -''')
-empty_file_patch_wont_make_re = re.compile(r'''Index: ([^\n]*)\n=*\n(?=Index:)''')
-any_file_re = re.compile(r'''^Index: ([^\n]*)\n=*\n''', re.MULTILINE)
-property_special_set_re = re.compile(r'''Property changes on: ([^\n]*)
-(?:Added|Name): svn:special
-   \+''')
-property_special_removed_re = re.compile(r'''Property changes on: ([^\n]*)
-(?:Deleted|Name): svn:special
-   \-''')
-def mempatchproxy(parentctx, files):
-    # Avoid circular references patch.patchfile -> mempatch
-    patchfile = patch.patchfile
-    class mempatch(patchfile):
-        def __init__(self, ui, fname, opener, missing=False):
-            patchfile.__init__(self, ui, fname, None, False)
-        def readlines(self, fname):
-            if fname not in parentctx:
-                raise IOError('Cannot find %r to patch' % fname)
-            fctx = parentctx[fname]
-            data =
-            if 'l' in fctx.flags():
-                data = 'link ' + data
-            return cStringIO.StringIO(data).readlines()
-        def writelines(self, fname, lines):
-            files[fname] = ''.join(lines)
-        def unlink(self, fname):
-            files[fname] = None
-    return mempatch
-def filteriterhunks(hg_editor):
-    iterhunks = patch.iterhunks
-    def filterhunks(ui, fp, sourcefile=None):
-        applycurrent = False
-        for data in iterhunks(ui, fp, sourcefile):
-            if data[0] == 'file':
-                if hg_editor._is_file_included(data[1][1]):
-                    applycurrent = True
-                else:
-                    applycurrent = False
-            assert data[0] != 'git', 'Filtering git hunks not supported.'
-            if applycurrent:
-                yield data
-    return filterhunks
-def stupid_diff_branchrev(ui, svn, hg_editor, branch, r, parentctx):
-    """Extract all 'branch' content at a given revision.
-    Return a tuple (files, filectxfn) where 'files' is the list of all files
-    in the branch at the given revision, and 'filectxfn' is a memctx compatible
-    callable to retrieve individual file information. Raise BadPatchApply upon
-    error.
-    """
-    def make_diff_path(branch):
-        if branch == 'trunk' or branch is None:
-            return 'trunk'
-        elif branch.startswith('../'):
-            return branch[3:]
-        return 'branches/%s' % branch
-    parent_rev, br_p = hg_editor.get_parent_svn_branch_and_rev(r.revnum, branch)
-    diff_path = make_diff_path(branch)
-    try:
-        if br_p == branch:
-            # letting patch handle binaries sounded
-            # cool, but it breaks patch in sad ways
-            d = svn.get_unified_diff(diff_path, r.revnum, deleted=False,
-                                     ignore_type=False)
-        else:
-            d = svn.get_unified_diff(diff_path, r.revnum,
-                                     other_path=make_diff_path(br_p),
-                                     other_rev=parent_rev,
-                                     deleted=True, ignore_type=True)
-            if d:
-                raise BadPatchApply('branch creation with mods')
-    except svnwrap.SubversionRepoCanNotDiff:
-        raise BadPatchApply('subversion diffing code is not supported')
-    except core.SubversionException, e:
-        if (hasattr(e, 'apr_err') and e.apr_err != core.SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_FOUND):
-            raise
-        raise BadPatchApply('previous revision does not exist')
-    if '\0' in d:
-        raise BadPatchApply('binary diffs are not supported')
-    files_data = {}
-    binary_files = {}
-    touched_files = {}
-    for m in binary_file_re.findall(d):
-        # we have to pull each binary file by hand as a fulltext,
-        # which sucks but we've got no choice
-        binary_files[m] = 1
-        touched_files[m] = 1
-    d2 = empty_file_patch_wont_make_re.sub('', d)
-    d2 = property_exec_set_re.sub('', d2)
-    d2 = property_exec_removed_re.sub('', d2)
-    for f in any_file_re.findall(d):
-        # Here we ensure that all files, including the new empty ones
-        # are marked as touched. Content is loaded on demand.
-        touched_files[f] = 1
-    if d2.strip() and len(re.findall('\n[-+]', d2.strip())) > 0:
-        try:
-            oldpatchfile = patch.patchfile
-            olditerhunks = patch.iterhunks
-            patch.patchfile = mempatchproxy(parentctx, files_data)
-            patch.iterhunks = filteriterhunks(hg_editor)
-            try:
-                # We can safely ignore the changed list since we are
-                # handling non-git patches. Touched files are known
-                # by our memory patcher.
-                patch_st = patch.applydiff(ui, cStringIO.StringIO(d2),
-                                           {}, strip=0)
-            finally:
-                patch.patchfile = oldpatchfile
-                patch.iterhunks = olditerhunks
-        except patch.PatchError:
-            # TODO: this happens if the svn server has the wrong mime
-            # type stored and doesn't know a file is binary. It would
-            # be better to do one file at a time and only do a
-            # full fetch on files that had problems.
-            raise BadPatchApply('patching failed')
-        for x in files_data.iterkeys():
-            ui.note('M  %s\n' % x)
-        # if this patch didn't apply right, fall back to exporting the
-        # entire rev.
-        if patch_st == -1:
-            assert False, ('This should only happen on case-insensitive'
-                           ' volumes.')
-        elif patch_st == 1:
-            # When converting Django, I saw fuzz on .po files that was
-            # causing revisions to end up failing verification. If that
-            # can be fixed, maybe this won't ever be reached.
-            raise BadPatchApply('patching succeeded with fuzz')
-    else:
-        ui.status('Not using patch for %s, diff had no hunks.\n' %
-                  r.revnum)
-    exec_files = {}
-    for m in property_exec_removed_re.findall(d):
-        exec_files[m] = False
-    for m in property_exec_set_re.findall(d):
-        exec_files[m] = True
-    for m in exec_files:
-        touched_files[m] = 1
-    link_files = {}
-    for m in property_special_set_re.findall(d):
-        # TODO(augie) when a symlink is removed, patching will fail.
-        # We're seeing that above - there's gotta be a better
-        # workaround than just bailing like that.
-        assert m in files_data
-        link_files[m] = True
-    for m in property_special_removed_re.findall(d):
-        assert m in files_data
-        link_files[m] = False
-    for p in r.paths:
-        if p.startswith(diff_path) and r.paths[p].action == 'D':
-            p2 = p[len(diff_path)+1:].strip('/')
-            if p2 in parentctx:
-                files_data[p2] = None
-                continue
-            # If this isn't in the parent ctx, it must've been a dir
-            files_data.update([(f, None) for f in parentctx if f.startswith(p2 + '/')])
-    for f in files_data:
-        touched_files[f] = 1
-    copies = getcopies(svn, hg_editor, branch, diff_path, r, touched_files,
-                       parentctx)
-    def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
-        if path in files_data and files_data[path] is None:
-            raise IOError()
-        if path in binary_files:
-            data, mode = svn.get_file(diff_path + '/' + path, r.revnum)
-            isexe = 'x' in mode
-            islink = 'l' in mode
-        else:
-            isexe = exec_files.get(path, 'x' in parentctx.flags(path))
-            islink = link_files.get(path, 'l' in parentctx.flags(path))
-            data = ''
-            if path in files_data:
-                data = files_data[path]
-                if islink:
-                    data = data[len('link '):]
-            elif path in parentctx:
-                data = parentctx[path].data()
-        copied = copies.get(path)
-        return context.memfilectx(path=path, data=data, islink=islink,
-                                  isexec=isexe, copied=copied)
-    return list(touched_files), filectxfn
-def makecopyfinder(r, branchpath, rootdir):
-    """Return a function detecting copies.
-    Returned copyfinder(path) returns None if no copy information can
-    be found or ((source, sourcerev), sourcepath) where "sourcepath" is the
-    copy source path, "sourcerev" the source svn revision and "source" is the
-    copy record path causing the copy to occur. If a single file was copied
-    "sourcepath" and "source" are the same, while file copies dectected from
-    directory copies return the copied source directory in "source".
-    """
-    # filter copy information for current branch
-    branchpath = branchpath + '/'
-    fullbranchpath = rootdir + branchpath
-    copies = []
-    for path, e in r.paths.iteritems():
-        if not e.copyfrom_path:
-            continue
-        if not path.startswith(branchpath):
-            continue
-        if not e.copyfrom_path.startswith(fullbranchpath):
-            # ignore cross branch copies
-            continue
-        dest = path[len(branchpath):]
-        source = e.copyfrom_path[len(fullbranchpath):]
-        copies.append((dest, (source, e.copyfrom_rev)))
-    copies.sort(reverse=True)
-    exactcopies = dict(copies)
-    def finder(path):
-        if path in exactcopies:
-            return exactcopies[path], exactcopies[path][0]
-        # look for parent directory copy, longest first
-        for dest, (source, sourcerev) in copies:
-            dest = dest + '/'
-            if not path.startswith(dest):
-                continue
-            sourcepath = source + '/' + path[len(dest):]
-            return (source, sourcerev), sourcepath
-        return None
-    return finder
-def getcopies(svn, hg_editor, branch, branchpath, r, files, parentctx):
-    """Return a mapping {dest: source} for every file copied into r.
-    """
-    if parentctx.node() == revlog.nullid:
-        return {}
-    # Extract svn copy information, group them by copy source.
-    # The idea is to duplicate the replay behaviour where copies are
-    # evaluated per copy event (one event for all files in a directory copy,
-    # one event for single file copy). We assume that copy events match
-    # copy sources in revision info.
-    svncopies = {}
-    finder = makecopyfinder(r, branchpath, svn.subdir)
-    for f in files:
-        copy = finder(f)
-        if copy:
-            svncopies.setdefault(copy[0], []).append((f, copy[1]))
-    if not svncopies:
-        return {}
-    # cache changeset contexts and map them to source svn revisions
-    ctxs = {}
-    def getctx(svnrev):
-        if svnrev in ctxs:
-            return ctxs[svnrev]
-        changeid = hg_editor.get_parent_revision(svnrev + 1, branch)
-        ctx = None
-        if changeid != revlog.nullid:
-            ctx = hg_editor.repo.changectx(changeid)
-        ctxs[svnrev] = ctx
-        return ctx
-    # check svn copies really make sense in mercurial
-    hgcopies = {}
-    for (sourcepath, rev), copies in svncopies.iteritems():
-        sourcectx = getctx(rev)
-        if sourcectx is None:
-            continue
-        sources = [s[1] for s in copies]
-        if not hg_editor.aresamefiles(sourcectx, parentctx, sources):
-            continue
-        hgcopies.update(copies)
-    return hgcopies
-def stupid_fetch_externals(svn, branchpath, r, parentctx):
-    """Extract svn:externals for the current revision and branch
-    Return an externalsfile instance or None if there are no externals
-    to convert and never were.
-    """
-    externals = svnexternals.externalsfile()
-    if '.hgsvnexternals' in parentctx:
-    # Detect property additions only, changes are handled by checking
-    # existing entries individually. Projects are unlikely to store
-    # externals on many different root directories, so we trade code
-    # duplication and complexity for a constant lookup price at every
-    # revision in the common case.
-    dirs = set(externals)
-    if parentctx.node() == revlog.nullid:
-        dirs.update([p for p,k in svn.list_files(branchpath, r.revnum) if k == 'd'])
-        dirs.add('')
-    else:
-        branchprefix = branchpath + '/'
-        for path, e in r.paths.iteritems():
-            if e.action == 'D':
-                continue
-            if not path.startswith(branchprefix) and path != branchpath:
-                continue
-            kind = svn.checkpath(path, r.revnum)
-            if kind != 'd':
-                continue
-            path = path[len(branchprefix):]
-            dirs.add(path)
-            if e.action == 'M' or (e.action == 'A' and e.copyfrom_path):
-                # Do not recurse in copied directories, changes are marked
-                # as 'M', except for the copied one.
-                continue
-            for child, k in svn.list_files(branchprefix + path, r.revnum):
-                if k == 'd':
-                    dirs.add((path + '/' + child).strip('/'))
-    # Retrieve new or updated values
-    for dir in dirs:
-        try:
-            values = svn.list_props(branchpath + '/' + dir, r.revnum)
-            externals[dir] = values.get('svn:externals', '')
-        except IOError:
-            externals[dir] = ''
-    if not externals and '.hgsvnexternals' not in parentctx:
-        # Do not create empty externals files
-        return None
-    return externals
-def stupid_fetch_branchrev(svn, hg_editor, branch, branchpath, r, parentctx):
-    """Extract all 'branch' content at a given revision.
-    Return a tuple (files, filectxfn) where 'files' is the list of all files
-    in the branch at the given revision, and 'filectxfn' is a memctx compatible
-    callable to retrieve individual file information.
-    """
-    files = []
-    if parentctx.node() == revlog.nullid:
-        # Initial revision, fetch all files
-        for path, kind in svn.list_files(branchpath, r.revnum):
-            if kind == 'f':
-                files.append(path)
-    else:
-        branchprefix = branchpath + '/'
-        for path, e in r.paths.iteritems():
-            if not path.startswith(branchprefix):
-                continue
-            if not hg_editor._is_path_valid(path):
-                continue
-            kind = svn.checkpath(path, r.revnum)
-            path = path[len(branchprefix):]
-            if kind == 'f':
-                files.append(path)
-            elif kind == 'd':
-                if e.action == 'M':
-                    continue
-                dirpath = branchprefix + path
-                for child, k in svn.list_files(dirpath, r.revnum):
-                    if k == 'f':
-                        files.append(path + '/' + child)
-            else:
-                if path in parentctx:
-                    files.append(path)
-                    continue
-                # Assume it's a deleted directory
-                path = path + '/'
-                deleted = [f for f in parentctx if f.startswith(path)]
-                files += deleted
-    copies = getcopies(svn, hg_editor, branch, branchpath, r, files, parentctx)
-    def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
-        data, mode = svn.get_file(branchpath + '/' + path, r.revnum)
-        isexec = 'x' in mode
-        islink = 'l' in mode
-        copied = copies.get(path)
-        return context.memfilectx(path=path, data=data, islink=islink,
-                                  isexec=isexec, copied=copied)
-    return files, filectxfn
-def stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r):
-    # this server fails at replay
-    branches = hg_editor.branches_in_paths(r.paths, r.revnum, svn.checkpath, svn.list_files)
-    deleted_branches = {}
-    brpaths = branches.values()
-    bad_branch_paths = {}
-    for br, bp in branches.iteritems():
-        bad_branch_paths[br] = []
-        # This next block might be needed, but for now I'm omitting it until it can be
-        # proven necessary.
-        # for bad in brpaths:
-        #     if bad.startswith(bp) and len(bad) > len(bp):
-        #         bad_branch_paths[br].append(bad[len(bp)+1:])
-        # We've go a branch that contains other branches. We have to be careful to
-        # get results similar to real replay in this case.
-        for existingbr in hg_editor.branches:
-            bad = hg_editor._remotename(existingbr)
-            if bad.startswith(bp) and len(bad) > len(bp):
-                bad_branch_paths[br].append(bad[len(bp)+1:])
-    for p in r.paths:
-        if hg_editor._is_path_tag(p):
-            continue
-        branch = hg_editor._localname(p)
-        if r.paths[p].action == 'R' and branch in hg_editor.branches:
-            branchedits = sorted(filter(lambda x: x[0][1] == branch and x[0][0] < r.revnum,
-                                        hg_editor.revmap.iteritems()), reverse=True)
-            is_closed = False
-            if len(branchedits) > 0:
-                branchtip = branchedits[0][1]
-                for child in hg_editor.repo[branchtip].children():
-                    if child.branch() == 'closed-branches':
-                        is_closed = True
-                        break
-                if not is_closed:
-                    deleted_branches[branch] = branchtip
-    date = hg_editor.fixdate(
-    check_deleted_branches = set()
-    for b in branches:
-        parentctx = hg_editor.repo[hg_editor.get_parent_revision(r.revnum, b)]
-        if parentctx.branch() != (b or 'default'):
-            check_deleted_branches.add(b)
-        kind = svn.checkpath(branches[b], r.revnum)
-        if kind != 'd':
-            # Branch does not exist at this revision. Get parent revision and
-            # remove everything.
-            deleted_branches[b] = parentctx.node()
-            continue
-        else:
-            try:
-                files_touched, filectxfn2 = stupid_diff_branchrev(
-                    ui, svn, hg_editor, b, r, parentctx)
-            except BadPatchApply, e:
-                # Either this revision or the previous one does not exist.
-                ui.status("Fetching entire revision: %s.\n" % e.args[0])
-                files_touched, filectxfn2 = stupid_fetch_branchrev(
-                    svn, hg_editor, b, branches[b], r, parentctx)
-            externals = stupid_fetch_externals(svn, branches[b], r, parentctx)
-            if externals is not None:
-                files_touched.append('.hgsvnexternals')
-            def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
-                if path == '.hgsvnexternals':
-                    if not externals:
-                        raise IOError()
-                    return context.memfilectx(path=path, data=externals.write(),
-                                              islink=False, isexec=False, copied=None)
-                for bad in bad_branch_paths[b]:
-                    if path.startswith(bad):
-                        raise IOError()
-                return filectxfn2(repo, memctx, path)
-        extra = util.build_extra(r.revnum, b, svn.uuid, svn.subdir)
-        if '' in files_touched:
-            files_touched.remove('')
-        excluded = [f for f in files_touched
-                    if not hg_editor._is_file_included(f)]
-        for f in excluded:
-            files_touched.remove(f)
-        if parentctx.node() != node.nullid or files_touched:
-            # TODO(augie) remove this debug code? Or maybe it's sane to have it.
-            for f in files_touched:
-                if f:
-                    assert f[0] != '/'
-            current_ctx = context.memctx(hg_editor.repo,
-                                         [parentctx.node(), revlog.nullid],
-                                         r.message or util.default_commit_msg,
-                                         files_touched,
-                                         filectxfn,
-                                         hg_editor.authorforsvnauthor(,
-                                         date,
-                                         extra)
-            ha = hg_editor.repo.commitctx(current_ctx)
-            branch = extra.get('branch', None)
-            if not branch in hg_editor.branches:
-                hg_editor.branches[branch] = None, 0, r.revnum
-            hg_editor.add_to_revmap(r.revnum, b, ha)
-            hg_editor._save_metadata()
-            util.describe_commit(ui, ha, b)
-    # These are branches which would have an 'R' status in svn log. This means they were
-    # replaced by some other branch, so we need to verify they get marked as closed.
-    for branch in check_deleted_branches:
-        branchedits = sorted(filter(lambda x: x[0][1] == branch and x[0][0] < r.revnum,
-                                    hg_editor.revmap.iteritems()), reverse=True)
-        is_closed = False
-        if len(branchedits) > 0:
-            branchtip = branchedits[0][1]
-            for child in hg_editor.repo[branchtip].children():
-                if child.branch() == 'closed-branches':
-                    is_closed = True
-                    break
-            if not is_closed:
-                deleted_branches[branch] = branchtip
-    for b, parent in deleted_branches.iteritems():
-        if parent == node.nullid:
-            continue
-        parentctx = hg_editor.repo[parent]
-        files_touched = parentctx.manifest().keys()
-        def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
-            raise IOError()
-        closed = node.nullid
-        if 'closed-branches' in hg_editor.repo.branchtags():
-            closed = hg_editor.repo['closed-branches'].node()
-        parents = (parent, closed)
-        current_ctx = context.memctx(hg_editor.repo,
-                                     parents,
-                                     r.message or util.default_commit_msg,
-                                     files_touched,
-                                     filectxfn,
-                                     hg_editor.authorforsvnauthor(,
-                                     date,
-                                     {'branch': 'closed-branches'})
-        ha = hg_editor.repo.commitctx(current_ctx)
-        ui.status('Marked branch %s as closed.\n' % (b or 'default'))
-        hg_editor._save_metadata()
-class BadPatchApply(Exception):
-    pass
copy from
copy to
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,133 +16,6 @@ import svnexternals
 import util
-def print_your_svn_is_old_message(ui): #pragma: no cover
-    ui.status("In light of that, I'll fall back and do diffs, but it won't do "
-              "as good a job. You should really upgrade your server.\n")
-def fetch_revisions(ui, svn_url, hg_repo_path, skipto_rev=0, stupid=None,
-                    tag_locations='tags',
-                    authors=None,
-                    filemap=None,
-                    **opts):
-    """pull new revisions from Subversion
-    """
-    svn_url = util.normalize_url(svn_url)
-    old_encoding = util.swap_out_encoding()
-    skipto_rev=int(skipto_rev)
-    have_replay = not stupid
-    if have_replay and not callable(
-        delta.svn_txdelta_apply(None, None, None)[0]): #pragma: no cover
-        ui.status('You are using old Subversion SWIG bindings. Replay will not'
-                  ' work until you upgrade to 1.5.0 or newer. Falling back to'
-                  ' a slower method that may be buggier. Please upgrade, or'
-                  ' contribute a patch to use the ctypes bindings instead'
-                  ' of SWIG.\n')
-        have_replay = False
-    initializing_repo = False
-    user = opts.get('username', merc_util.getuser())
-    passwd = opts.get('password', '')
-    svn = svnwrap.SubversionRepo(svn_url, user, passwd)
-    author_host = "@%s" % svn.uuid
-    tag_locations = tag_locations.split(',')
-    hg_editor = hg_delta_editor.HgChangeReceiver(hg_repo_path,
-                                                 ui_=ui,
-                                                 subdir=svn.subdir,
-                                                 author_host=author_host,
-                                                 tag_locations=tag_locations,
-                                                 authors=authors,
-                                                 filemap=filemap)
-    if os.path.exists(hg_editor.uuid_file):
-        uuid = open(hg_editor.uuid_file).read()
-        assert uuid == svn.uuid
-        start = hg_editor.last_known_revision()
-    else:
-        open(hg_editor.uuid_file, 'w').write(svn.uuid)
-        open(hg_editor.svn_url_file, 'w').write(svn_url)
-        initializing_repo = True
-        start = skipto_rev
-    if initializing_repo and start > 0:
-        raise merc_util.Abort('Revision skipping at repository initialization '
-                              'remains unimplemented.')
-    # start converting revisions
-    for r in svn.revisions(start=start):
-        valid = True
-        hg_editor.update_branch_tag_map_for_rev(r)
-        for p in r.paths:
-            if hg_editor._is_path_valid(p):
-                valid = True
-                break
-        if valid:
-            # got a 502? Try more than once!
-            tries = 0
-            converted = False
-            while not converted:
-                try:
-                    util.describe_revision(ui, r)
-                    if have_replay:
-                        try:
-                            replay_convert_rev(hg_editor, svn, r)
-                        except svnwrap.SubversionRepoCanNotReplay, e: #pragma: no cover
-                            ui.status('%s\n' % e.message)
-                            print_your_svn_is_old_message(ui)
-                            have_replay = False
-                            stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r)
-                    else:
-                        stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r)
-                    converted = True
-                except core.SubversionException, e: #pragma: no cover
-                    if (e.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_RA_DAV_REQUEST_FAILED
-                        and '502' in str(e)
-                        and tries < 3):
-                        tries += 1
-                        ui.status('Got a 502, retrying (%s)\n' % tries)
-                    else:
-                        raise merc_util.Abort(*e.args)
-    util.swap_out_encoding(old_encoding)
-fetch_revisions = util.register_subcommand('pull')(fetch_revisions)
-def cleanup_file_handles(svn, count):
-    if count % 50 == 0:
-        svn.init_ra_and_client()
-def replay_convert_rev(hg_editor, svn, r):
-    hg_editor.set_current_rev(r)
-    svn.get_replay(r.revnum, hg_editor)
-    i = 1
-    if hg_editor.missing_plaintexts:
-        hg_editor.ui.debug('Fetching %s files that could not use replay.\n' %
-                           len(hg_editor.missing_plaintexts))
-        files_to_grab = set()
-        rootpath = svn.subdir and svn.subdir[1:] or ''
-        for p in hg_editor.missing_plaintexts:
-            hg_editor.ui.note('.')
-            hg_editor.ui.flush()
-            if p[-1] == '/':
-                dirpath = p[len(rootpath):]
-                files_to_grab.update([dirpath + f for f,k in
-                                      svn.list_files(dirpath, r.revnum)
-                                      if k == 'f'])
-            else:
-                files_to_grab.add(p[len(rootpath):])
-        hg_editor.ui.note('\nFetching files...\n')
-        for p in files_to_grab:
-            hg_editor.ui.note('.')
-            hg_editor.ui.flush()
-            cleanup_file_handles(svn, i)
-            i += 1
-            data, mode = svn.get_file(p, r.revnum)
-            hg_editor.set_file(p, data, 'x' in mode, 'l' in mode)
-        hg_editor.missing_plaintexts = set()
-        hg_editor.ui.note('\n')
-    hg_editor.commit_current_delta()
 binary_file_re = re.compile(r'''Index: ([^\n]*)
 Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.''')
@@ -171,6 +44,16 @@ property_special_removed_re = re.compile
 (?:Deleted|Name): svn:special
+class BadPatchApply(Exception):
+    pass
+def print_your_svn_is_old_message(ui): #pragma: no cover
+    ui.status("In light of that, I'll fall back and do diffs, but it won't do "
+              "as good a job. You should really upgrade your server.\n")
 def mempatchproxy(parentctx, files):
     # Avoid circular references patch.patchfile -> mempatch
     patchfile = patch.patchfile
@@ -212,7 +95,8 @@ def filteriterhunks(hg_editor):
                 yield data
     return filterhunks
-def stupid_diff_branchrev(ui, svn, hg_editor, branch, r, parentctx):
+def diff_branchrev(ui, svn, hg_editor, branch, r, parentctx):
     """Extract all 'branch' content at a given revision.
     Return a tuple (files, filectxfn) where 'files' is the list of all files
@@ -446,7 +330,7 @@ def getcopies(svn, hg_editor, branch, br
     return hgcopies
-def stupid_fetch_externals(svn, branchpath, r, parentctx):
+def fetch_externals(svn, branchpath, r, parentctx):
     """Extract svn:externals for the current revision and branch
     Return an externalsfile instance or None if there are no externals
@@ -497,7 +381,8 @@ def stupid_fetch_externals(svn, branchpa
         return None
     return externals
-def stupid_fetch_branchrev(svn, hg_editor, branch, branchpath, r, parentctx):
+def fetch_branchrev(svn, hg_editor, branch, branchpath, r, parentctx):
     """Extract all 'branch' content at a given revision.
     Return a tuple (files, filectxfn) where 'files' is the list of all files
@@ -549,7 +434,7 @@ def stupid_fetch_branchrev(svn, hg_edito
     return files, filectxfn
-def stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r):
+def svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, hg_editor, r):
     # this server fails at replay
     branches = hg_editor.branches_in_paths(r.paths, r.revnum, svn.checkpath, svn.list_files)
     deleted_branches = {}
@@ -601,15 +486,15 @@ def stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, 
-                files_touched, filectxfn2 = stupid_diff_branchrev(
+                files_touched, filectxfn2 = diff_branchrev(
                     ui, svn, hg_editor, b, r, parentctx)
             except BadPatchApply, e:
                 # Either this revision or the previous one does not exist.
                 ui.status("Fetching entire revision: %s.\n" % e.args[0])
-                files_touched, filectxfn2 = stupid_fetch_branchrev(
+                files_touched, filectxfn2 = fetch_branchrev(
                     svn, hg_editor, b, branches[b], r, parentctx)
-            externals = stupid_fetch_externals(svn, branches[b], r, parentctx)
+            externals = fetch_externals(svn, branches[b], r, parentctx)
             if externals is not None:
@@ -687,6 +572,3 @@ def stupid_svn_server_pull_rev(ui, svn, 
         ha = hg_editor.repo.commitctx(current_ctx)
         ui.status('Marked branch %s as closed.\n' % (b or 'default'))
-class BadPatchApply(Exception):
-    pass
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import fetch_command
+import stupid
 import unittest
 two_empties = """Index:
@@ -46,27 +46,27 @@ Name: svn:special
 class RegexTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_empty_file_re(self):
-        matches = fetch_command.empty_file_patch_wont_make_re.findall(two_empties)
+        matches = stupid.empty_file_patch_wont_make_re.findall(two_empties)
         assert sorted(matches) == ['', 'bar/']
     def test_any_matches_just_one(self):
         pat = '''Index: trunk/django/contrib/admin/urls/
-        matches = fetch_command.any_file_re.findall(pat)
+        matches = stupid.any_file_re.findall(pat)
         assert len(matches) == 1
     def test_special_re(self):
-        matches = fetch_command.property_special_set_re.findall(special_delta)
+        matches = stupid.property_special_set_re.findall(special_delta)
         assert len(matches) == 1
     def test_any_file_re(self):
-        matches = fetch_command.any_file_re.findall(two_empties)
+        matches = stupid.any_file_re.findall(two_empties)
         assert sorted(matches) == ['', 'bar/',
     def test_binary_file_re(self):
-        matches = fetch_command.binary_file_re.findall(binary_delta)
+        matches = stupid.binary_file_re.findall(binary_delta)
         assert matches == ['trunk/functional_tests/doc_tests/test_doctest_fixtures/doctest_fixtures_fixtures.pyc']
 def suite():